Recent content by Tia2You

  1. Tia2You

    Black Male Teacher Fired For Students Unbraiding His Hair

    I think he should be watched thoroughly and carefully but also pay attention to the attitude he has. He keeps saying, I'm the good guy and I care about my students which sounds like most groomers. He probably really cares but then he keeps saying I'm going to stir the pot and I don't care how...
  2. Tia2You

    Neil Jones Is Aerial Knight.

    Neil Jones is our Game Developer King "Aerial Knight". You should check him out, Optimistically futuristic, Tia
  3. Tia2You

    No protests are necessary on our own land.... Those of us that are indigenous have to make land...

    No protests are necessary on our own land.... Those of us that are indigenous have to make land complementary for us Indians. All others have no say so. Know who you are and you wouldn't worry about protest. You would be taking up skills for our futures. Optimistically futuristic, Tia
  4. Tia2You

    On To Positive Energy!

    Halito Sixers, It's been a minute since I have been on here but I truly missed you all. Just wanted to check to see if there is a one foot off-grid community? I am doing the minimum to maintain a presence in both worlds as I transition to off-grid living in the suburbs. I know it sound off...
  5. Tia2You

    You Will Be Missed You Marvelous Marvelette!

    Katherine is one of the original Marvelettes.
  6. Tia2You

    You Will Be Missed You Marvelous Marvelette!

    It hurts and you will be missed. Thanking all the ancestors for getting us through life during this time of transition. Katherine I will see you some day on the other side. Optimistically futuristic, Tia
  7. Tia2You

    Latino Fast Food Worker Physically Assaults Pregnant Black Woman And Calls Her The N-Word

    Notice no one did anything. No one moved a muscle. I don not know who is recording but that is when the video should cut off. Optimistically futuristic, Tia
  8. Tia2You

    Colorado Springs Elects Its First "Black American" Mayor

    Go back into your nations and forget about these cabbage patch cavebeast and their pets. We don't need them or those that fake like they us. Optimistically futuristic, Tia
  9. Tia2You

    South America And The Forgotten Black Diaspora: Why?

    Hopefully Afrixans will return home unharmed, as for the rest of us from this land mass who are not from Afrixa health, love, and healing indigenous original man.
  10. Tia2You

    South America And The Forgotten Black Diaspora: Why?

    These indigenous souls are not Black. They would not classify themselves as such. Simply put they belong to nations that have been destroyed. They do not know the truth but they know they are not from Afrixa. I ain't Afrixan so I cannot blame them for not claiming Afrixa. Secondly, there is no...
  11. Tia2You

    Thanky you for sharing this Jay.

    Thanky you for sharing this Jay.