Recent content by Sapphire

  1. Sapphire

    Best Flowers For Your Yard?

    Trying to help my mom get some good flowers in the yard to encourage butterflies, bees, and the light. All pollinators. As mentioned in another thread awhile back, I am going to attempt a garden over there to see if it does better. This is outside of my small indoor garden I am still working on...
  2. Sapphire

    Avatar: The Last Airbender: Live-Action Series

    My little bro grew up watching the cartoon/anime of this and is so excited for it. I have no interest personally but I hope it does the series justice for all the fans.
  3. Sapphire

    Removable Batteries Resurgence?

    I get why companies don't want us to be able to swap batteries cause a battery losing its charge abilities will result in someone needing to buy a new phone HOWEVER the bulk of the cost is not from the battery, it is from the tech and software it powers so the fact that they block us from...
  4. Sapphire

    Throw Vince McMahon Under The Jail

    It gets worse... he named sex toys after wrestlers. I bet this dude had some sort of weird sex dungeon he made all the girls participate in to get contracts. I wonder if he ever touched his own daughter.... randomdudeconfused
  5. Sapphire

    The Other Day Someone Asked Me…

    From my understanding is this ties to their "religious" beliefs that they need to the land and something to do with the red heifer. Like they need to build something on the land and the red heifer needs to be sacrificed for world peace or something. Israel is very much pro trans, kinks, ect...
  6. Sapphire

    Swifties Are Upset!

    So I dug into this a bit more and I guess this is an actual issue in middle and high schools across America as well as in Canada, Australia, the UK, and several other places. People are using AI tech to made nude images of students, age 12 to 18, and it has resulted in young girls taking their...
  7. Sapphire

    Prepared Emergency Food Kits

    I am wondering if anyone here knows of a good brand or business that sells these that aren't too expensive. I am really considering getting one just in case. I want it to have a long shelf life though. Like 10 years minimum. Prefer something that will last 20 so it is like an investment...
  8. Sapphire

    Disrespectful Or Klean: Micheal Jackson

    MJ was a kid at heart and I think Rollie Forbes is correct. People like to take a stand on behalf of other people these days getting offended but never stop and think about how the person they are getting offended on the behalf of would actually feel about anything. MJ was too wholesome to...
  9. Sapphire

    Throw Vince McMahon Under The Jail

    I always knew this dude was some subhuman trash but nothing was ever brought to light. Heard rumors of him back in the day basically telling women that if they wanted to wrestle for him, they had to get breast jobs and he paid for some of them but they had to show him the work. Dude is...
  10. Sapphire

    Swifties Are Upset!

    So I guess there were some AI images floating around basically insinuating that Taylor Swift was banging the entire football team, like the players appeared to be dressed as the Chiefs. I only saw a few images that weren't as bad as the others people said were floating around. They seemed to be...
  11. Sapphire

    Erin Jackson, Ladies And Gentlemen

    Anytime I see this I have to wonder how they don't hit each other lol This is great though. More of our people need to get into cold sports, we would dominate!
  12. Sapphire

    Genius: MLK/X

    You going to give it a watch?
  13. Sapphire Tether Or Not

    Should be vetting everyone these days. Most people buckle for the right amount of money and that is the sad reality we need to accept here. Keep your eyes open and press forward.
  14. Sapphire

    Biden Admin Forced Texas To ALLOW Illegals!

    I think they want to destroy the US and burn it to the ground so everything can be "restarted". Those crazy WEF people been talking about "The Great Reset" for years now, you will own nothing and be happy. The US is standing in their way. Like the country has problems and these problems can be...
  15. Sapphire

    Check Out The "Master Race", Y'all.

    Those are feds. There are videos going around with cops protecting them, they have their license plates blocked out, they always have masks and glasses. One dude managed to rip off one the the guy's mask last year and he was ID's as a fed in training. This is are tax dollars hard at work...