Recent content by Kdonne202

  1. Kdonne202

    White man speaks on OUR greatness

    The round table will consider his application to be invited to the barbecue
  2. Kdonne202

    SPIN: Are You Celebrating Tariq's Holiday?

    What’s the holiday consist of?
  3. Kdonne202

    The Ukraine vs Russia Megathread

    Lmfao I’m from Memphis and yes we would
  4. Kdonne202

    The Ukraine vs Russia Megathread

    Can’t even lie I’d do it too #Thisminenow
  5. Kdonne202

    The Ukraine vs Russia Megathread

    Get a gun. Learn to use it. Exercise more. Start understanding military science and procedures, i.e. a squad won’t engage unless there’s 3-to-1 advantage. Strength training. I’m not demanding, merely highly suggesting these things. If the Europeans and White Supremacist a like decide to engage...
  6. Kdonne202

    This the consistency I respect and I been on #B1

    I agree completely. My little cousin is 6, so he’s not old enough to listen to them; with that said, I bring him up on as much FBA values as I can so when he’s 18, he’ll be monstrous
  7. Kdonne202

    This the consistency I respect and I been on #B1

    Dude legendary. I say we as FBA get a detail together to keep him Tariq and the professor protected. Last thing we need is some snaggle tooth bummy bastard looking for a come up
  8. Kdonne202

    What do you think of racist Native Americans that are Anti-Black?

    Honestly I’m not demanding anything. I’m running pockets! Everything has been built on that ledger so why shouldn’t I? Out of pure dominance so the next generation can see that and get back on the right track
  9. Kdonne202

    This the consistency I respect and I been on #B1

    Jason is the best teacher I never met. WW3 pop off, I’ll be sure to hold the line so the next generation can receive those checks
  10. Kdonne202

    What do you think of racist Native Americans that are Anti-Black?

    Native Americans, Whites, Latinos, Asians, Arabs, and the rest of these groups have blood on their hands.p i always knew we were enslaved by other cultures, yet it’s still shocking to see Natives on that list. Now I see how the triangle trade ran so smoothly
  11. Kdonne202

    What do you think of racist Native Americans that are Anti-Black?

    This is completely ironic. Your people was slaughtered by white supremacy just for the descendants to adopt its ideology. Or was it one in the same all along 🤔