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Goodbye Black America


The sad fact of the matter is, Black Americans are screwed. All of you should just cut your losses and leave. It’s completely hopeless for them; all I see is the same silliness, over and over. It’s like their minds are sick, so they can’t get themselves out of their situation. No disrespect, but it’s like dealing with a bunch of subhuman retarded people. Sad AF.

I really can’t comprehend how they’re like this—even all my Black family are. They refuse to read books or anything more than a paragraph long. Black Women are completely jaded, and suffer the same issues that WW do. Black Man is doing something big, and you want to join? Too bad, you’re not enough of a rich instagram clout-master. Black Men seem incapable of working together on anything. Constant fuckery. And whenever they seem to be doing something, it’s always some sort of get rich quick scheme, trying to game the viral clout machine.

Pay close attention to Gaza, because you’re next. You’ll think that could never happen here! and then next thing you know, it is. How come they never want to do anything, even if it’s at little to no cost? No wonder the pigs feel safe to shoot your mamas in the head. These people are looking WEAK AF all over the world stage, and yet they subjugate Black people, particularly Black Americans like they’re their pet house flies!

I get small glimmers of hope from people like Professor Black Truth or Neil deGrasse Tyson. But they’re literally ones in hundreds of thousands or even millions. I dread to even think where they will be in 5 years time… if we don’t pull through.

Home Depot Requires Corporate Staff And Remote Workers To Work 8 Hours Shifts

Each quarter, the corporate staff and remote workers must do this.

I wonder will any other major companies follow suit. Maybe this will help the corporate leaders to fix the problems with their store.

"Dirt Cheap" Stores Set To Close Nationwide

I did buy some things from this store that were marked way down. In the last few years, the prices were way too high for a discount store so I stopped shopping there. Also, the stores were often very dirty and not organized well enough which turned people off.

Trump is running for office again in 2024

Well I figured it was to come, and it happened yesterday during a press conference. Trump has decided he will again run for president in the 2024 elections. I honestly don't care, as I really can't see him winning it again. And I don't think most people want him anymore. I wathced a highlight video of his announcement, and it's much of the same you'd expect.

story below:

Any Bets On The Next 4 Years?

I’ve got money Trump wins, and promptly turns around and betrays his voter base on immigration.

First he’ll make some phony moves such as signing this or that “act” into law very openly, loudly. He’ll also do one or more strikes on Iran (or some other Arab country). Next we’ll see “deportations” but they’ll always be limited to one or two individuals or families. The media will make a big show of this nothing burger. This will carry on for the next four years. I guarantee he won’t mass deport latinos in any significant numbers.

What Is Everybody's Thoughts On The Montgomery, AL River Front Fight?

One of the Brother's was attacked by cave beast and Our People rallied behind him and came to his defense.....We Love to see it!!! ❣️✊🏿💯

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