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Not going to lie, Powerwash Simulator is relaxing

Has anyone here played any of those dumb simulator games? Like the ones where you do actual work? I know it may sound dumb to want to play any of these games, but I honestly gotta say, powerwash sim is so damn relaxing. Work has been a bitch as of late and I decided to try this game on gamepass just because I wanted something simple, and damn is it relaxing.

I do get annoyed with it after a while though, especially if it takes too long to complete a level, but idk what it is, I keep coming back to it and playing it. Have any of you's found a game like this to just help you relax after a rough day? It's oddly satisfying.

I even tried Lawn Mower sim, but that wasn't a stress reliever for me haha, if anything I got really annoyed with that one.

Nearly half of Android users consider switching to iPhone over security and privacy concerns

A survey shows that 49% of Android users are considering switching to Apple’s iPhone due to “perceived superiority” in security and privacy. In addition, consumers reported feeling more secure using the iPhone 13 Pro Max instead of Samsung’s Galaxy S22 Ultra.


The survey by Beyond Identity, which interviewed 1,003 Americans regarding mobile phone security habits and sentiments, shows that 76% of Apple users feel more secure with iOS. In contrast, 74% of Android users have the same perception.

According to the users of each type of smartphone, the iPhone 13 Pro Max felt remarkably safer than the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. In fact, iPhone 13 users were more than twice as likely to say that theirs was the most secure smartphone they had ever used.
Key findings of the study also show how cloud services impact Apple and Android users:

  • 20% of iCloud Keychain users feel extremely secure, while only 13% of Google Password Manager users feel the same;
  • 27% of Apple users feel extremely secure using iCloud while 22% of Google Drive users feel the same.

Samsung's $3,500 'Odyssey Ark' 55-Inch Curved Gaming Display

Holy crap, this screen is HUGE! You can use it both standard and vertically. It allows you to have multiple screens in one.


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I don't know how I feel about this. It looks cool but I feel my neck hurting just thinking of using one.

Seems like this might be a new trend. What do you think of it?

Meghan Markle

The Root article on her.

Her quote of being 'biracial"
“I think for us, it’s very different because we’re light-skinned,” Markle said to Carey. “You’re not treated as a Black woman. You’re not treated as a white woman. You sort of fit in-between.” She then goes into further detail about how marrying into the royal family exposed her to a sort of racism she hadn’t experienced before."

This is complete utter bullshit. White supremacy played a great 3D chess move telling essentially black people who are mixed that they were not black and held out a carrot that you could be white...maybe but you are a buffer class, not black..but not quite white, like other buffer groups (Latinos, Arabs, etc).

Blacks who are half anything were always black when I was a kid. Yeah, you'd be asked what are you mixed with but you were black. Especially if you lived in a black area. I grew up with a few kids who were half white, a few half latino and 1 or 2 half Asian. They were black. Society treated them as such, we treated them as such.

I got into it once with someone who tried to play that I ain't black thing, I'm biracial. I asked them is Frederick Douglas black? --- Yes. Is Bob Marley black? --- Yes. Then you black because BOTH got white fathers.

Way back in the day, the DJ for 2 Live crew, Asian facial features, regarded as black. Hines Ward, black and korean. White supremacy started telling half black people they are a different category. When Meghan Markle says she's not black, she's not white. Its white people saying that. Black folks have never told half black people they aren't black. Ever. Halle Berry was never told she was not black. She was celebrated for her Oscar as a black woman. The women seem to have way more issues than the men. My guess is girls need to be accepted early on. Boys not as much.

The real issue for biracials? White people won't accept them as white. White people have accepted half latinos (Ted Cruz), half Asians as white (Keanu Reeves). Andrew Tate is part black. He lived in America as a white boy. He talks about his black father only after he's made his money. In England he would be like Meghan Markle, black. In America he passed. He only fairly recently brought up his black ancestry.

Bank of America Offering Zero Down, Zero Closing Cost Mortgages To Help Grow Black Homeownership

Bank of America said it is now offering first-time homebuyers in a select group of cities zero down payment, zero closing cost mortgages to help grow homeownership among Black and Hispanic/Latino communities.

The option will first become available in certain neighborhoods in Charlotte, Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles and Miami. The new mortgage, called the Community Affordable Loan Solution, aims to help eligible individuals and families obtain an affordable loan to purchase a home, the bank said.

Biden double standards challenged -black coon secretary unable to provide rationale

Another useful/useless coon tool soon to be broken.

His egregious and spurious policy simply defied all logic -did he really think people are too imbecilic to question it?!

Of course the B1 community are fully aware of his real agenda in enacting this desperate policy to supplant them.

C19 winds of change . . . Pundits now feel comfortable to ask what's with C19 jabs and fit athletes dropping dead?

During the height of the C19 plandemic scamdemic it was considered career/political suicide to call out mainstream media propaganda in its mendacious agenda to mass indoctrinate to mass vaccinate sheeples for as long as possible before the lights went on.
The lights are back on now so people are starting to feel less threatened in asking those challenging questions that invoke accountability -this is good!
These evil bastards should be made to accept moral and criminal accountability for the multitude of vaccine injuries they had no conscience in overlooking.

What are your thoughts on Cancel Culture?

This day and age you can't say anything offensive without the internet jumping on your ass. Most people can freely say dumb shit and get away with it, but if you're someone who's famous and in the spotlight, your chances of privacy disappear pretty much. Whatever you say on the internet, is there forever pretty much.

Which brings me to cancel culture and how if you say certain things, you could potentially see your career die on the spot. But, I think there are some people who should be able to say offensive things and get away with it, like comedians for example. I wouldn't fret if Dave Chappelle said something offensive, because he usually has a joke around it. But the thing with social media, is that it's difficult to differentiate comedy from an attack. At least in written form. It's easier to tell what a joke is if you see it live for example. But a tweet for example can be looked at differently because there is no performance attached to it.

Anyway, I hate the idea of cancel culture and people who are all for it. Especially when they use their time and efforts to "cancel" a comedian or something. I'd understand if some politician said some hateful shit, but he/she is also not a comedian so it's a lot more understandable when they are cancelled.

How do you feel about cancel culture?

Random Tip - Create playlists on Spotify to where it doesn't randomize your music

You know with Spotify, if you play any album from an artists page, it will usually randomize the tracklist and also mix in similar artists. This is probably a tip most people are aware of, but I found that you can create playlists where you can put a whole album or more and play it in order as you put it. It doesn't randomize it like it would if you played an artists album on their artist page.

I imagine this is widely known, though but I figured it's a good way to get away from having to pay for it. I can handle a few ads here and there if it means I can listen to most of my music for free. I just found out about this myself, so I must be living under a rock if it's a known thing. But hey, either way a free tip for those who don't know. I've created a ton of playlists since I found out.

‘We Cry Together’ Kendrick Lamar's new short film

Billboard has a post up about Kendrick Lamar's new short film, "We Cry Together". It's about domestic life between a couple, including the ups and downs of said relationship.

I thought it was really good, you can find it below.
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Is it time for EA to stop making Madden NFL?

Madden NFL is not what it once was. Back in the early 2000s, I'd say was the peak of Madden NFL games. From maybe 2003-2007, EA had a decent go at making great football games. But after they got the NFL license, I think they started to take it easier and easier with each new release. I swear, the animations in the newer Madden games often look the same as they were 10+ years ago. The same with the presentation being almost non-existent. Why do people still keep spending money on these games? EA doesn't care about making a great football games anymore, all they care about is drawing as much money out of us as they can by utilizing their Ultimate Team mode.

I wish we got to see competitors to the football scene again. I'm tired of the same Madden game every year. Who would you like to take over for EA if they ever lost the license?

I'm going to go back to NFL 2K5.

Seeing F'd up stuff on social media

Have you guys ever witnessed anything disturbing while using social media? I've heard of stories where people did live streams of murders, shootings, and other disturbing events that happen all the time in this country. But social media you usually don't see it make it through. I've also heard how moderators on Facebook have to skim through posts that include gore, nudity, porn, cp, dead bodies, murders, animal abuse/murder etc that they then have to take down and report. I couldn't do a job like that. I have pretty thick skin and can handle seeing some f'd up shit, but the shit those mods have to sift through, it's gotta be taxing on their mental health.

Vice did an interview with someone who worked as a mod for Facebook. He discusses what he witnessed on the site.
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Rich vs Poor Mindset

I randomly get recommended stuff all the time on YouTube and this was something that was recommended to me. I put it on when I was doing some cleaning in my office and I thought it was worth sharing. I have heard of this before but never from a black man with real-world experience. Give it a listen and let me know what you all think.

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What do you think is inside a black hole?

I don't know what we would expect when entering a black hole in space. I have always wondered if it's a completely different dimension, maybe it's a mirror dimension to ours or something like that.

The movies that show off a black hole, tend to make it out to be some place where stuff goes to die. But, what if it's a completely different universe? What do you think is in a black hole? Do you think it's something unimaginable and completely new, something we've never witnessed before?

I'm very curious when it comes to the depths of space, what's all out there, because there's got to be other beings and planets out there, and black holes could be something more than just a hole to nowhere.

Creeper Dan Schneider allegations & Nickelodeon

I don't know if you all have heard about this guy, but there's been a lot more allegations about Dan Schneider, who previously worked for Nickelodeon as a showrunner for many of its popular shows. I used to watch a lot of Nickelodeon as a kid, stuff he did like All That, and Keenan and Kel, and a few others I'm probably forgetting. I'm also aware he pretty much made most of the shows during the early 2000s to the 2010s or so.

Anyway, supposedly this dude was all about sexualizing his female stars, had a thing for their feet and was an asshole on set.
Jennette McCurdy recently released a book where she mentioned the "Creator" of one of her shows as a predator pretty much. She didn't name him, but it's heavily implied to be Schneider. He created both shows she starred on, so I don't think it'd be anyone else.

As a side note, I guess Nickelodeon offered her $300,000 in hush money. I think she took that deal, as that's why she doesn't list his name. There's a lot more down this rabbit hole. There's many weird stories about how this dude was creepy to his female cast and crew.

Michael Jackson’s Bornday

Michael Joseph Jackson would’ve turned 64 years old today. RIP to the king of music. He’s been gone for 12 years now, but his legacy lives on. I was listening to the certified truth twitter space (BeatZilla, Black AlphaNetwork+Queen Alpha). I missed the first part, but heard a great amount of the discussion. Check it out if you wish . It was really good to hear the truth spoken about Michael and our other music icons.



Are we going to get more celebrity boxing events?

Celebrity boxing has been huge as of late, either it be from the Creator Clash, or the recent one that I think took place with KSI boxing twice, winning both fights. What I'm saying, is that it's been blowing up as of late. I hear there are more celebrity boxing events coming. I know the Paul brothers are probably interested in doing their thing again, and I imagine we'll see more celebrity boxing events ran by other YouTubers and content creators. I know idubbz or whatever you call him had a successful boxing event a few months ago.

Anyway, do you think this will continue to happen? Celebs, YouTubers, and other sports stars are starting to take notice on this. I think this is going to be popular going forward, but for how long until people tire of it?

MLB teams are FUNDING children's sex changes!

There are roughly 20 teams giving money to foundations that help fund little boys and girls getting sex changes.

Among them, the teams pushing this the most and funding it the most include:

Detroit Tigers
Boston Red Sox
Milwaukee Brewers
Tampa Bay Rays
Cleveland Guardians

They were raising funds through "pride nights" back in June as well as holding other fundraisers for this nonsense.

I don't know if any of ya'll watch baseball but if I did and found out my team was funding this, I would be PISSED.

Chris Rock is under fire over joke!

Chris Rock is under fire for joking about the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson in relation to his altercation with Will Smith at the Oscars earlier this year.

During the Phoenix, Arizona, leg of his stand-up tour over the weekend, Rock revealed that the Academy had approached him to host the Oscars next year, which he declined. The Academy declined to comment when approached by The Independent.

Rock told his audience that returning to the awards ceremony would be like asking Nicole Brown Simpson “to go back to the restaurant”.

Brown Simpson was murdered after leaving her glasses at a restaurant in 1995. Both she and 25-year-old restaurant waiter Ron Goldman were found stabbed to death outside her home in Brentwood, Los Angeles.

Her ex-husband, former professional American football player OJ Simpson, was accused of both killings but later acquitted of all charges. In a civil lawsuit in 1997, he was found liable for both deaths and paid $33.5 million in damages to the Goldmans.

After news of Rock’s Oscars refusal was picked up by news outlets, many took issue with his joke about Brown Simpson’s death.

“The more Chris Rock talks, the more you begin to see why Will Smith smacked fire outta him,” one tweet with 16,000 likes read.
Source: Chris Rock criticised for comparing Will Smith slap to Nicole Brown Simpson murder: ‘Truly tasteless’

Now I am the type of person to look at what he says and does and say "he is a comedian, that is his job" but a lot of people are losing it over this.

I want to see what you all think about this. I have always liked Chris Rock and think that people these days have shifted. It used to be those white, middle-class soccer moms complaining about comedians and saying they are offended but now it is rich and wealthy white women complaining.

CoryxKenshin accuses YouTube of racism and favoritism

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This has blown up on YouTube. Whether you like CoryxKenshin or not, he is massively popular on YouTube. One of the reasons he made this video was due to one of his recent videos on the Mortuary Assistant. This game has been blowing up on streaming sites and youtube as of late and he decided to make some content on it as well. Well it looks like YouTube instead decided to age gate his video. He decided to research the many other videos up, and noticed another big YouTuber known as Markiplier (he's white) had his video up and it wasn't age gated. So he brought this to their attention of one of the people he works with at YouTube and they actually age gated his video again and also age gated Markipliers. He accused them of racism the first time, and I think that's why they changed their tune right away.

Anyway, he still decided to make a video on this, because it seems as if they were only targeting him since he has a huge following and is making the trending tab. But other big youtubers aren't getting the same treatment it seems.

potpourri, Incense, plug in's, candles, or spray?

I'm obsessed with having myself and my house smelling good at all times, I'm always looking for new scents and new ways to keep my house smelling fresh. I was taught by my grandmother when I was in grade school to put some clove, cinnamon sticks, and orange peels in a pot with a little water on the stove and let it heat up on low heat. The house always smelled like someone was cooking a desert.
I personally like scented candles but it's not practical for me to burn them every day, what are some methods some of you use to keep your house smelling fresh/good?
