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Stacey Abrams put out an Agenda to get black men's vote. The problem is that nothing in the entire agenda specifically targets or specifically helps or benefits black men alone. It is a lift all boats agenda. Sure some of it may coincidentally help black men but it is just by chance.

Stacey Abrams has said before (on the 85 South Podcast) that politician can't say that they are doing anything specifically for black people because it is too divisive and that Democrats can't win with just the black vote. Well her and the rest of the Democrats find themselves in an interesting scenario. They can't win with JUST the black vote but they also can't win without it.

Further proof of this is cemented in how her "black men's agenda" is on her page. If you do a google search of Stacey Abrams one of the first results will take you to her page. From there if you search the page no where on it can you find a link to her "black men's agenda". That is done on purpose. She doesn't want those white voters to scroll down and see "black men's agenda". She fears they may be a closeted racist and get upset and not vote for her.

In order to find her "black men's agenda" you have to literally do a whole separate google search for "Stacey Abram's black men's agenda". Pretty damn specific. It takes you to a separate web page that's buried in the background of her site. When you read/compare the agenda it is literally bullet points from other parts of her agenda pieced together that will incidentally affect black men.

She is so embarrassed of her support for black men that she hides it. If you as a black man live in Georgia and vote for this woman, you deserve what you get!

They want your Melanin

Our Melanin is often taken for granted by some .. melanin is a natural anti-aging agent, sunscreen, free radical scavenger ...

Also, I did not know, until just now, that there is a manufacturer melanin market! $300+ per ounce in 2015. I commented before in another post, we are walking jewels!

Teach your children and conduct yourself as such.

This Is What Evil Looks Like.

This woman is a monster:

Two twins escaped their Texas home on Tuesday after allegedly enduring horrific abuse before authorities arrested their mother and her boyfriend, who had gone to Louisiana.

Citing court documents, KHOU-TV reports 40-year-old Zaikiya Duncan and 27-year-old Jova Terrell allegedly poured bleach on the genitals and down the throats of the 16-year-old boy and girl, who police say were held captive in their Cypress, Texas, home.

The twins, who said they were kept naked, handcuffed and zip-tied in their home's laundry room, were allegedly forced to urinate and defecate on themselves, drink household cleaners, and ingest dozens of Benadryl tablets at one point, according to the outlet.

Rizza Islam

I shouldn't be surprised that the public info on him is defamatory. Which means he must be doing something right.

This may help! - FREE GAME!

If you have a business and need a website for anything. You can Google, Google Sites and make a free website. As long as you have a Gmail account, it's totally free. But you will have to pay for a domain name, a dot com, a dot net, or whatever. It allows you to make up to 40 or 50 websites so choose wisely if you're using them for digital real estate!

New "Velma" series changes everything

I'm sure you all heard the talk about Velma being gay in an upcoming movie. But, that's not all, as Velma is getting her own adult animated show on HBO Max soon. It stars Mindy Kaling as Velma. The show has pretty much changed everyone's race for some reason. For example, Velma is South Asian, Daphne looks to be asian (and is played by an asian voice actor), and the new shaggy, will be named Norville and he will be black. He's voiced by an actor I like, so I'm interested to see how he plays the character. And Fred hasn't changed much, still a white preppy dude.

What do you think about the changes? I honestly don't care, I never really had any intentions of watching a scooby doo show these days anyway, but with it being made for adults, I wonder if it will be any good.

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Should Black Woman Stop Dating Black Men - BET Soul - Tammi Mac

I now convinced this Tammi Mac chick is anti black male. BET is white owned so they have an agenda. This is another asinine topic. She gets guys on there that don't argue the men's part well either. I can think of a half dozen people who can run circles around Cynthia G.

We think black women are the most beautiful women in America BUT the rest of America doesn't. Its an asinine comment. Stop dating black men and date who? Its a fact on dating sites, Asian men and Black women are the least chosen. White dude, Latino dudes, they'll smash anyone, Black women included, but very, very few of them percentage wise is gonna put a ring on her finger. I've stated the stat a number of times. White men marry Black women the LEAST of ANY woman. Black men marry Black woman the MOST of ANY men. The only other men who will put a ring on their fingers are n*ggas in the Caribbean and Africa looking for a green card or the ones in America needing to stay on an over extended visa. Let's keep it a buck. You gotta be one of the finer sistas, 9s and 10s to get a white baller. The only other white boys that will put a ring on it are beta losers who white women don't want or maybe a broke pretty boy if the sista got paper like the ones that married Sage Steele and Halle Berry.

Any sista going for this, cool, let me know who you are. Guarantee you that a good percentage of them that buy into this is gonna purge their social media after 30, join 6 zeros dot net talking about white supremacy tryna get back into Black society. Omarosa learned the hard way, she tried to come back and things done changed. She ain't been given the address to the cookout. Her black card got revoked. I wish we'd start that with the brothers. How did Kanye get back in after saying 'Slavery was a choice' and wearing a MAGA hat and meeting with Trump and Candace Owens? Oh, I remember. Black folks put his music and tennis shoes over their integrity and gave lip service excuse 'He wasn't on his meds'. Fuck Kanye. I ain't fuck with him since. I don't buy his shit. Dude is a musical genius, and business genius but he sold us out and did NOT apologize.

Don't give a f*ck about him and his hoe.

Back to this anti black male heffa. More of us need to be calling her out. The host of this show. She's obviously a fan of Cynthia G.

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Dating and age differences, what are your opinions?

When it comes to dating, I only go for women near my age. I don't like to go for girls that are younger, like 18 between 25 I'd say. I'm currently in my 30s and I will only date women close to my age. I think my limit is 5-7 years younger & older than I. Honestly I may be more inclined to date an older woman instead of an 18 year old or something. The maturity isn't there and I can't deal with that.

I have nothing against people who do date younger women or men, as long as it's legal and isn't some kind of situation where the younger person involved isn't groomed into it. Cause I can see that happening a lot with some of those relationships.

But if you met that person at the age of 18, I don't see an issue with it. It may be creepy to some, but if it's between two consenting adults, you gotta let them be.

What are your thoughts on this? What if this 18 year old is your kid, would you be okay with them dating someone in their 30s or even older? I don't have kids, but if I did I imagine it'd be weird if your child dated someone who was close to your age, or even older than you. If it was my son or daughter, idk if I could handle it.

Stacey Abrams Looks Like a Mammy

That’s why they love her so much in GA because they remind her of the ol’ off code mammy in the house making pancakes. If you disagree you can report this post.






She looks just like the caricatures she just doesn’t have the scarf on her head.

Watch her lose and do the mammiest thing possible and blame Black men.



Cd project red making five new games

Cd project red is promising to make five new games three witcher games one cyberpunk game and one new IP game

Kanye West is buying right speech platform Parler

The artist known as Ye was recently locked out of his Twitter and Instagram accounts for making antisemitic comments. Parler says the acquisition will help create an ‘uncancelable ecosystem.’

Exactly why we should not be defending Kanye West, he is not on our side.

The Watcher (Netflix)

Anyone watching this series? The Watcher, based off true events.
I'm almost done with this series, it starts off okay, weird that something like this actually happened. I'd like to find the true story about this.
The acting is ok, story is original but the writing to me is lazy. I only have a few episodes left, hope it closes better then it started.

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SPIN: Are You Celebrating Tariq's Holiday?

Spun from this thread: Do you celebrate Kwanza?

Our good brother Tariq has created a new winter holiday that's only for FBA/ADOS/Freedmen (sorry, tethers) called Arutisuse.
Will you celebrate Arutisuse this year?
Have you preordered your Karen keychains and Hidden Colors DVD box sets to give as gifts?
Will you offer Foundational Black fruitcake to the FBI agents who visit your house?
Happy holiday season, family!
