Usage for hash tag: KyrieIrving✊🏾

  1. johnOkillens

    Finally awoke???

    ...and am not about to pay for it. So I haven’t seen the #H2N film, and can’t give an informed opinion about it. I do hope that the way #KyrieIrving✊🏾 has been lynched for posting a link to it, and ‘not knowing his place’ will be the event that finally makes those who have been fat, dumb, and...
  2. johnOkillens

    Kyrie Irving Gets Suspended For "Failure To Disavow Anti-Semitism"!!

    ...professional athlete, philanthropist, and humanitarian tweets an image from a documentary showing on #Amazon Prime, and he is suspended, vilified, and forced to retire. 🤔🤔😳😳 And they wonder why no one has any faith in the credibility of our government. #Jan6th #JeffreyEpstein #KyrieIrving✊🏾