You'll see US, not 8 foot aliens! EXODUS will show & prove. I'm normt speaking of a book in the Bible or the Bob Marley song. Ask yourself why AmeriKKKa is hell bent on eliminating us? They know who we really are & they also know THEY DON'T STAND A CHANCE WHEN EXODUS COMMENCES! #SeeingIsBelieving
...WS knew this day would come long before now. That's why they're hell bent on killing us all! They also know the so-called aliens aren't aliens at all, but a civilization far more advanced than these KKKoneheads! EXODUS will show & prove! #BelieveItOrNot #SeeingIsBelieving #WeAreTheChosenPeople
No, it's NOT, they're our Ancestors! When the 💩 hits the fan, they'll be present to assist us in TAKING OUT THE TRASH! #BelieveItOrNot #KeepYourHeadToTheSky #SeeingIsBelieving
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