Well the largest problem is that people don‘t want to change their world view. If youve been raised to think Joe Biden is luke skywalker and you’re the rebel forces every year makes it less feasible to believe anything else. You start seeing glimpses that you’re actually the empire and joe biden is darth vader but you brush it off because:I never realized how many cowards there were in society until this C-19 plandemic. people should be revolting right now, but instead the elites just threw the tennis ball out east and said "oooh look, Ukraine is getting bombed." and suddenly we're protecting some assets they got over there. its amazing how well that distraction worked, and soon as this skirmish is over, not only will the ofays have paid mercenaries and reinforcements to deal with their negro problem, but they will also re run an updated Covid playbook to quell any would be dissentors. Its crazy obvious to anyone thinking logically, but so many people don't want to admit they maybe got duped.
”no way we blew ip all the planets with the death star for no reason, those were bad people”
People will delude themselves into thinking every action is just to maintain the way they see the world.