Recent content by Armie

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    53rd NAACP Awards 2022

    Agreed, not huge fan of "Flat Blackness"; although I will make a few exceptions for some black canadians.
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    Does Africa Owe Black Americans Reparations?

    Yes, but only to a very specific subset of 'African' Americans who can trace a significant portion of their lineage (through Mother & Father) back to the participating countries of West Africa prior to the Transatlantic slave trade by way of Genealogy in addition to a DNA test.
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    The Tech Megathread

    Whichever one I transfer to should, and Business + Technology is something I'm personally interested in.
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    The Tech Megathread

    I will most certainly keep a career path in mind (something to do with Mangement of Information Systems). Still, after reading around, most companies want people who have at least 2-5 experience years in the industry starting out (for MIS) and I feel as though that is mainly reserved for ADOS...
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    The Tech Megathread

    Appreciate the responses, I wasn't available after watching Porter🥊 vs Crawford🥊 🥊. As for the back and fourth between @Jay and @TheHarmattan ; I'm just a fish egg in this Tech Ocean. Software Dev, Linux and other things that I didn't understand went right over my head. However upon getting...
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    The Tech Megathread

    Not sure what test lab is, You mean setting up virtual labs to practice simulations?
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    The Tech Megathread

    Appreciate the quick response Jay. I'll give Myers a chance.
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    The Tech Megathread

    I ask because I am bummed all the way out... I just took the CompTIA A+ Core 1 exam and failed and would like to know if anyone is familiar with obtaining Information Technology certifications? And if you are; do you know if CertMaster (Learning program issued by the CompTIA) is worth it for...