Recent content by b1bryanw

  1. b1bryanw

    The Official Gun Owners Thread

    Load and lock, protect your block!
  2. b1bryanw

    Is It Time to Drop the Term African American?

    It is all of our responsibility here and there. We all have to hold each other accountable and up as they do for theirs. Sankara understood this when he went to Harlem in 1984 to speak to black people in the US, something many black people forget or don't teach in the public schools cause they...
  3. b1bryanw

    Is It Time to Drop the Term African American?

    We should be asking two questions: One, what does it mean to be an American today (culturally speaking)? Two, Is it time to drop the term "American" in the African-American identity for blacks in America?
  4. b1bryanw

    Is It Time to Drop the Term African American?

    No doubt Capt. Thomas Sankara. Since 1449 AD, the edict of Toledo, which expelled Africans, Arabs, and Jews from Spain (reconquest), this global color code has been playing out. We are no longer Mande, Peul, Akan, Bambara, but black in the eyes of the white world. Once everyone gets on board, we...
  5. b1bryanw

    Lineage-Based Reparations are Key to Combating Structural Inequality

    With all respect, using the term "African," sets our Identity in a social-historical context. The "other than a "feel good," is that "African" in that title (American born African Descedants of Slavery - ABADS) implies fact and a recognition that most of us descended from Farafinna (which means...
  6. b1bryanw

    Lineage-Based Reparations are Key to Combating Structural Inequality

    "American-born African Descendants of Slavery" works for me because this term tells me two things. One, that we blacks were born in the USA. Two, that we have descended from the African continent through both voyage and conquest (as Africans reached the new world about a century or two before...
  7. b1bryanw

    Lineage-Based Reparations are Key to Combating Structural Inequality

    The only way America can maintain its social-coherency now and moving forward is the pay the outstanding debt that it has made with black Africans born in America from that "peculiar" institution that socially and economically empowered everyone else that is not black. Pay up or lose everything...
  8. b1bryanw

    What song(s) or music are you listening to now?

    I can explain why I have always had a natural ear for traditional West African music but this is my sound. I can translate some of the songs in the traditional languages of Bambara (Mali) and Mande (Guinea) but I still have a long way to go. In many ways, this is the sound that most of us black...
  9. b1bryanw

    What Would You Do In This Situation?

    "Don't bring seashells to the beach". Let her go and get another that will support your leverage.