Recent content by Jesse Parris for Mayor

  1. Jesse Parris for Mayor

    Denver CO Mayor's Race

    Okay thanks for letting me know. I am willing to participate in a Twitter space, I have already reached out to Gregg Marcel Dixon about joining a Twitter space as well.
  2. Jesse Parris for Mayor

    Denver CO Mayor's Race

    Yep it didn't even take a full 24 hours either.
  3. Jesse Parris for Mayor

    Denver CO Mayor's Race

    Are you trolling or something?
  4. Jesse Parris for Mayor

    Denver CO Mayor's Race

    Opinions are like assholes everyone has them. If seeing CCs upsets you that's a personal problem not my problem. That's literally on one page or section of my website it's not all over my website if you actually looked at my website you would know that but okay, their is no pleasing you people...
  5. Jesse Parris for Mayor

    Denver CO Mayor's Race

    I can't tell if there are any like minded people here ,all I see for most part are White sounding and acting Black people,negropeans, who are off code and just down right ignorant. And I have every right to not respond to your ridiculous questions especially since you don't live on Denver...
  6. Jesse Parris for Mayor

    Denver CO Mayor's Race

    You're not welcome this whole interaction and exchange has honestly been a waste of time. Like I said stick to politics in Atlanta and focus on that. I'm not going to go back and forth with you about this, you have nothing constructive or productive to say.
  7. Jesse Parris for Mayor

    Denver CO Mayor's Race

    Okay thanks for: you're perspective, advice and criticism. You're in Atlanta, GA focus on the politics there. I asked for input from people who actually live in Denver, CO not from other cities or states your opinions are noted tho. But telling people not to support me or look for this "dude" is...
  8. Jesse Parris for Mayor

    Denver CO Mayor's Race

    Wasn't talking to you Jay I was directing my comments to other people on this thread, sorry for any confusion!
  9. Jesse Parris for Mayor

    Denver CO Mayor's Race

    You didn't ask that question initially and I honestly don't care who you know in Denver, CO you don't live in Denver so your opinion is just that an opinion you can't vote for me anyway, so you just wasting both of our times with these ridiculous comments. I asked initially for people who live...
  10. Jesse Parris for Mayor

    Denver CO Mayor's Race

    You haven't asked anything about my policies or campaign. You literally just keep asking superficial and down right ignorant questions, how is any of this productive or constructive?
  11. Jesse Parris for Mayor

    Serious Question: Is Anyone Considering Or About To Run For Public Office?

    People who have never ran for public office have no idea how hard to is and what is needed to have a successful campaign and to win an election. They just on the outside looking in, trying to critique while sitting on the side lines!
  12. Jesse Parris for Mayor

    Denver CO Mayor's Race

    Yeah clearly you being petty now! I can clearly see we are in a state of crisis and want to do something about it my locale and you all want to harp on my gang affiliation instead of focusing on we are in a state of emergency and we need people with lived experience with these bad policies which...
  13. Jesse Parris for Mayor

    Denver CO Mayor's Race

    If you can't read my website then you should have your eyes checked. Next.
  14. Jesse Parris for Mayor

    Denver CO Mayor's Race

    Okay well it seems people on this thread aren't concerned about my campaign or my policies all they care about is my affiliation. If telling the truth creates enemies oh well, it wouldn't be the first time and it won't be the last. Do any of you leaving these comments live in Denver CO? If not...