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Are (American) Blacks Losing Supremacy In The NBA?


Sixer First Class+
Jokic is considered the best player in the NBA, 2nd at worst. This list Counting down the NBA's top 30 players for 2023-24 season: Nos. 15-1 is arbitrary but you gotta to 4th (Tatum) to see an American black player. I am kinda so/so with brothers from other countries. Some are down and some go along with the flow if you know what I mean?

I want to see Blacks win, period. Some of these brothers pick up on the black vibe in America, some don't. Anyway, I have long heard its the NBAs secret (or not so secret) agenda to make the league more non black and more international so it can eventually challenge soccer as a globally supported sport.

I have noticed 2 things from white boys on the internet when it comes to the NBA. First, they ride Jokic's dick like a porn star. They are tryna make him the goat. Every little thing is blown out of proportion. I saw some headline where it said 'Jokic makes history' and its him being 114th on the assist list. 114th? Yeah, see what I mean. He's great. No doubt. He's arguably number 1 or 2 in MVP depending on where you place Emblid. That's another thing. When he won the MVP, white boys kept saying Jokic was robbed. Robbed is when its clear cut. When its a toss up its not robbery but you know how white boys are. I'll say this about Jokic. He's a great player in an era where the NBA isn't deep on quality big men/centers. If he was in the '90s he'd a non starting all star. No way he'd get the same numbers with Shaq, Robinson, Ewing, Malone, Hakeem, Duncan, etc in the same league. No way. He'd be very good but no where as dominant.

Second thing white boys are doing is going hard on the LeBron hate. "Never the goat", "Crybaby" "LeFlop" etc. I don't personally think LeBron is the GOAT but he's 100 percent in the conversation whenever it happens. That's no sleight. That's a fantastic thing to be in the conversation. Only a handful of guys can say that. White boys starting going in on him when he started taking the knee for BLM. The hate is disguised as basketball banter but its about him personally. Early on he had some missteps. Not acknowledging Tamir Rice's murder is huge but over time he has come around.

The guy is what we want all the black players to emulate coming up. He grew up in the projects, no father, married his HS sweetheart, fantastic husband and father. No hint of any affairs. No drinking, weed, spends 2 mil a year on his body and health. He started being more pro Black. Spends is money wisely. First athlete to be a billionaire while playing. This guy should be a role model for athletes and I think we should acknowledge that and push that. Too many Black professional athletes end up broke with multiple baby mamas. So what if he's not the GOAT? He changed teams and won rings. So what? Is that worth castigating him like that? You or I may not like it but is that some major crime?

Anyway, I have heard it said European teams develop their players better than we do in America. They work on fundamentals and we push highlight reel stuff too early. I like the Greek Freak and overseas brothers generally. I look at not just their talent though. Are they gonna allies or not when push comes to shove? That's my only question.



Royal Sixer
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    Half Black
    LeBron is getting heat for being a CCP shill which he should. China is worse than the US on many levels, including racism believe it or not. They enslave black men and women as well as Muslims.

    That being said, racists are likely using it as an excuse. Either way, I don't think the NBA ever had black supremacy in the NBA. Sure the top players have been black for many years and earned the most but it is still run by white men at the top. We need a black only league.

    In terms of the world stage, a lot of great players do come out of Europe but this isn't new. Our players go over there for summer leagues to get better training. I think America as a whole is just getting lazy when it comes to sports and just about everything else.

    Black men will always be built better for sports and there is no taking that over.


    Sixer First Class+
    You are absolutely right about him and China. That is him about the money.
    White folks don't give a f*ck about that. He's not the only NBA player that would do that, white ones too. They use it as an excuse for LeBron one else. White boys are devious. They go in on LeBron hiding under basketball and get brothers who are only about basketball to go along with the LeBron hate purely for basketball purposes but the white fake fans (I've clicked on many of their profiles in comment sections, no b-ball posts but only about LeBron and political posts).

    All that said, the guy personally is known as a good guy, always signs autographs. Michael Jordan and Kobe were both disliked by many people, even teammates, because of their drive. Both were cheating on their wives. Not castigating them for that,. I admire both but they don't get hated on for that. LeBron is friendly, and a great husband and father. That's got to mean something given where he came from. MJ and Kobe grew up in stable, 2 parent homes. LeBron didn't but was the better family man overall.