The OG of Red Pill, a man who Kevin Samuels befriended, and later took a shot at, the man who Jason Black said stole a lot of his views on male/female dynamics.
Turns out he's had an alternate twitter account called Seattle Sports Junkie. He uses to make straight out no holds barred racist comments, including regular use of the N bomb with the hard 'er'. He outed himself by responding using his alternate account instead of his regular account.
He's also exposed for doing non Red Pill simping. We shouldn't be surprised. TBA has long told us and we already know from our own collective personal experience you can't trust these white boys especially when you are making money.
Turns out he's had an alternate twitter account called Seattle Sports Junkie. He uses to make straight out no holds barred racist comments, including regular use of the N bomb with the hard 'er'. He outed himself by responding using his alternate account instead of his regular account.
He's also exposed for doing non Red Pill simping. We shouldn't be surprised. TBA has long told us and we already know from our own collective personal experience you can't trust these white boys especially when you are making money.