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The Secret Relationship Series (Highly Controversial)


Deleted member 231

I've been reading the NOI series, "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews" and I can understand why the Ashkenazi small hats are so sensitive to anything said about their group. I'm only halfway through the first and third volumes, but if the general public knew about how involved the European Jews were in the slavery trade, not only would they look at the holocaust as a minor thing in comparison to what Africans and Indigenous people went through, but some might even argue that their own tussle with the Germans was karmic. It goes way deep and it makes how they treat and present to us in the present day crystal clear.....and to take it a step further, they've been culture vulturing Black people for centuries...stole Black people's religion and pawned it off as their own. I had white Jewish friend in college, the first openly Jewish person to ever know. and once I asked him if there were any Black Jews, he remarked that there a few Ethiopan Jews, not mentioning that the first JEws to ever walk the Earth were Black. His family even had me over for passover and his white mom (a converted Jew) during the prayer, said, "and though we were once slaves, we are no longer, and are free." (something to that effect) and I even then i could not see how they were related to the biblical people from Africa. of course, now I know better. But those books are great reference points, and if enough people owned them, we might finally be able to put a stop this nonsense coming from that group. B1


The First Sixer
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    I've been reading the NOI series, "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews" and I can understand why the Ashkenazi small hats are so sensitive to anything said about their group. I'm only halfway through the first and third volumes, but if the general public knew about how involved the European Jews were in the slavery trade, not only would they look at the holocaust as a minor thing in comparison to what Africans and Indigenous people went through, but some might even argue that their own tussle with the Germans was karmic. It goes way deep and it makes how they treat and present to us in the present day crystal clear.....and to take it a step further, they've been culture vulturing Black people for centuries...stole Black people's religion and pawned it off as their own. I had white Jewish friend in college, the first openly Jewish person to ever know. and once I asked him if there were any Black Jews, he remarked that there a few Ethiopan Jews, not mentioning that the first JEws to ever walk the Earth were Black. His family even had me over for passover and his white mom (a converted Jew) during the prayer, said, "and though we were once slaves, we are no longer, and are free." (something to that effect) and I even then i could not see how they were related to the biblical people from Africa. of course, now I know better. But those books are great reference points, and if enough people owned them, we might finally be able to put a stop this nonsense coming from that group. B1
    One thing Ive been thinking about over the past 6 years is ”what if they aren’t victims?” What if they have a history of doing devious underhanded shit and people just sick and tired of them all the way to the point that one dude is like “i dont even want these muhfuckaz on earth anymore”. In what ways were the involved in the slave trade? Were they financiers?

    Deleted member 231

    One thing Ive been thinking about over the past 6 years is ”what if they aren’t victims?” What if they have a history of doing devious underhanded shit and people just sick and tired of them all the way to the point that one dude is like “i dont even want these muhfuckaz on earth anymore”. In what ways were the involved in the slave trade? Were they financiers?
    not just financiers, slavers, slave owners, slave captors. They would pirate other companies' slave ships and take them for themselves. most of the exported sugar in the 1600's came from Brazilian plantations run by the Jewish settlers. Portugal would give them free reign to settle Brazil and send kickbacks. The reason that a lot of Jews were so hated internationally, is because they were Jews first and believed themselves to be globalists (sound familiar?). Whereas most citizens were nationalists, These corporations and merchants had no allegiances and would often do business with both sides of conflicting countries, citing that it was just business. Often times they would change the name on the ship depending on the country they were doing business with to avoid any animosity. Even in countries where they were welcomed as white men, they would set up their own enclaves and would only interact with other JEws as much as they could get away with it---even down to Spanish Jews only wanting to hang out with Spanish Jews and GErmanic Jews doing the same, but also wanting preferential treatment over the Spanish Jews. Thinking now how the Rothchilds would fund both sides of warring countires, a lot of dots are being connected.


    The First Sixer
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    not just financiers, slavers, slave owners, slave captors. They would pirate other companies' slave ships and take them for themselves. most of the exported sugar in the 1600's came from Brazilian plantations run by the Jewish settlers. Portugal would give them free reign to settle Brazil and send kickbacks. The reason that a lot of Jews were so hated internationally, is because they were Jews first and believed themselves to be globalists (sound familiar?). Whereas most citizens were nationalists, These corporations and merchants had no allegiances and would often do business with both sides of conflicting countries, citing that it was just business. Often times they would change the name on the ship depending on the country they were doing business with to avoid any animosity. Even in countries where they were welcomed as white men, they would set up their own enclaves and would only interact with other JEws as much as they could get away with it---even down to Spanish Jews only wanting to hang out with Spanish Jews and GErmanic Jews doing the same, but also wanting preferential treatment over the Spanish Jews. Thinking now how the Rothchilds would fund both sides of warring countires, a lot of dots are being connected.
    Facts. They would be in their own enclave in foreign nations and then leech off the country. It was one of the things that angered Hitler because they were getting rich while germans were in soup lines and he was like hell no.

    Deleted member 231

    A lot of detractors state that the books contain poor sources. But it’s my understanding that most of the sources are from Jewish people snd Jewish texts. Do you sense any liberty that Minister Farrakhan may have taken in the book or is it solidin its scholarship?
    the books are heavily cited--even to the point of distraction. Footnotes are at the bottom of every page, and yeah a lot of its sources are from Jewish scholars. The NOI doesn't get enough credit for its thorough research and investigation.