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Losing weight is fatphobic


The Government is hell bent on creating a culture of confusion and lack of standards. Up is down, down is up, right is left, and left is right. Any decedent lifestyle is going to be beyond reproach. That’s why when people try to blame the Black community for our dysfunction without factoring government intervention i automatically pull the coon card.


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    Dallas, TX
    The Government is hell bent on creating a culture of confusion and lack of standards. Up is down, down is up, right is left, and left is right. Any decedent lifestyle is going to be beyond reproach. That’s why when people try to blame the Black community for our dysfunction without factoring government intervention i automatically pull the coon card.
    Academia is pumping out a lot of weirdos i swear. This was the biggest logical pretzel I’ve heard all day. Wanting to be healthy is fatphobic? I will accept that and say “why is wanting to be healthy a bad idea”.


    On Y0 Six
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    Let me guess, she tried 3 or 4 diets so she can get a certain white boy to notice her, halfway through her diet she finds out the white boy is not into black girls so, she goes home cries for a day or so and then comes up with her own word to rationalize why she can't drop her 20 pounds.
    People like this is why we have words like "cisgender" people have lost the ability of self awareness.


    On Y0 Six
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    I'm not even going to hit play. The thumbnail was enough.
    Yea, don't listen to this chit, people who are "educated" somehow thinks that translates to intelegence, a lot of educated people are dumb AF. Look at congress.


    Royal Sixer
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    You now got dumbass overweight women who are also therapists claiming that losing weight and being healthy is fatphobic and fat shaming.

    You got dumbass white gay male therapists and psychologists claiming that closeted, downlow dudes who screw other dudes are or can actually still be "heterosexual" and "straight men."

    You got dumbass people out here saying that men can knowingly date and fuck a transwoman and be straight and perfectly heterosexual.

    You got dumbass dudes who think that they are gay or bisexual now because they were in love with Ellen Page before she transitioned into Elliot Page.

    You got broken Black people who think race play and Divestment Tales are cute and adorable.

    You got crazy ass cultist vegans on TikTok and elsewhere demanding, scaring, and shaming people not to eat meat and poultry.

    You got dumbass women who still think that the likes of Kim Kardashian, Black Chyna, Amber Rose, Cardi B, Megan The Stallion, Amy Schumer, Kylie Jenner, Nicki Minaj, City Girls, all these damn bootlegged Dolls, Lizzo, and women going to Dubai to get completely dehumanized and violated for $$$ are empowering to women and girls everywhere.

    You had dumbass Black kids pretending to twerk on Joe Biden after he lied and gave the American people a lil funky ass $1400 stimulus check and not the $2000 stimulus check as previously advertised.

    You got dumbasses defending and still supporting racist ass Joe Rogan because he smiled at a Black person once and has a biracial stepdaughter, and their dumbases are still supporting racist ass Spotify.

    You got lost dudes out here still overlooking and ignoring the problematic coonery of both Kevin Samuels and Fresh and Fit (more like Stale and Unfit).

    You have lost Black people on Twitter celebrating the death of Kevin Samuels and comparing him to the likes of Hitler while a lot of them were quiet about worthless, racist ass, despicable POS demons like Rush Limbaugh and Don Imus dying and didn't have that same energy.

    You got dumbass white cave dwellers still complaining on why they can't say the n-word, yet end up saying it anyway and continue being racist shitbags online and IRL.

    You got demented transpeople and their allies trying to publicly murder or maim Dave Chappelle on stage over "transphobic" and "homophobic" jokes, threatening to kill people who say they are Super Straight and explain why, threatening to kill "TERFs" and labeling women "TERF" just for merely not 110% agreeing with a transperson and their behavior / beliefs or the trans movement and what they are trying to do and how they're trying to do things, etc.

    You got corrupt LGBT people who blame Black women for transwomen being killed and violence against transwomen, compare the bodies of Black women to men and white men, shame Black women who don't want to date bisexual men and label us biphobic, shame Black women for not wanting to date men who are attracted to and date and fuck transwomen and label us TERF and transphobic, and worse.

    You got porn sick assholes who claim that women criticizing unhealthy porn habits and porn and the sex trafficking of women and children in general is kinkshaming and prudish.

    You got sick fucking pedophiles reinventing themselves as MAPS and using the LGBT movement, innocent imagery, YouTube / YouTube Kids, flowery talking points, cartoons, the legal and injustice system, their online presence and fame, politicians, and anything and anyone they can to prey upon and target our children and too many people are okay with it.

    You got dumbasses out here claiming that transphobia and homophobia were created from white supremacy and slavery, and corrupting and bastardizing Critical Race Theory with LGBTQIA and Black and Brown bullshit.

    You got white supremacists blaming Black people for all of this toxic faux woke culture going on and equating Black people and our profound oppression to gay people and everybody else and their struggles. Even though white supremacists and their corrupt institutions, think tanks, sock puppet organizations, tools, and white media actually created and encouraged this faux woke confusion and perverted much of this society with it. They continue to refuse to take any accountability for the monsters they unleashed into our society and politicians like Joe Biden and company are doing everything to pander to these trannies and racist others.

    I could write a library on the amount of lunacy and destructive, self-destructive idiocy that I have come across on these Internet highways, but I would be here all day.


    Royal Sixer
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    Half Black
    Being healthy or wanting to be healthy is fatphobic to these people.

    I overheard a group at Starbucks a week or two ago. Three big gals, easily over 220 pounds apiece. They were judging one of the women who worked there for being thin and high energy. Saying how women like her are the problem and they need to gain weight so "we don't feel bad".

    When has this nation become a place where everyone else has to risk their health, education, and finances to make a group of people who can't accept any damn responsibility for themselves feel better about their mistakes!? Grow the f up.


    Royal Sixer
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    Being healthy or wanting to be healthy is fatphobic to these people.

    I overheard a group at Starbucks a week or two ago. Three big gals, easily over 220 pounds apiece. They were judging one of the women who worked there for being thin and high energy. Saying how women like her are the problem and they need to gain weight so "we don't feel bad".

    When has this nation become a place where everyone else has to risk their health, education, and finances to make a group of people who can't accept any damn responsibility for themselves feel better about their mistakes!? Grow the f up.
    Gee, overweight people are bodyshaming skinny / slim / slender people now for ...... their own reasons?

    Lol, these overweight people keep screaming about fatphobia as if people who are proud to be anorexic and too skinny don't get criticized and called out for celebrating being unhealthy and promoting being underweight too. Let me guess, some of the overweight people hate and envy underweight people and anorexic people too right? Is it considered slimphobia if we tell underweight people to gain weight? Has anyone thought about this?

    Here are the facts:
    Being overweight or too overweight is unhealthy.
    Being underweight or too underweight is unhealthy.
    Being too overweight or underweight is dangerous and has health risks.
    It is okay to be a healthy size and have a healthy weight.
    Balance is needed.
    You cannot cry about "fatphobia" and "fat shaming" when many people, including overweight people, are "skinny shaming" and being "skinny phobic" to underweight and anorexic people. It is literally the pot calling the kettle Black.

    Also, look at this crap. Y'all need to read these 2 articles below. Not only do these delusional, self-absorbed fat broads downplay skinny phobia in favor of fatphobia, but they literally equate it to not just sexism, but racism.

    How dare they...

    Quote from article:
    "Fat stigma, like sexism and racism, is another oppressive cultural, institutional system—one that degrades people of size to the advantage of people who live in more socially accepted (read: thin) bodies."

    Ahem .... Anti-Black racism is not the same has fatphobia, homophobia, transphobia, anti non-Black prejudice, or even sexism and anti-Semitism. 500 years of continuous, systematic anti-Black racist oppression does not and will not compare to your struggles or anyone else's!!!

    Combined Quotes from article:
    "I was clinically obese. Then I became anorexic, and eventually, I looked classically anorexic. I’ve hiked up a mountain comfortably (while fat) and cried because I couldn’t (while skinny), proving that body size isn’t an indication of ability (chew on that, ableist assholes).

    As I dropped pounds, I learned something: there’s a difference between fat shaming and skinny shaming. When I was fat, no one smiled. Doors hit you in the face. Doctors attribute everything to your weight. This skinny shaming is laughable. When I check out at Target, the clerk smiles. Men hold doors. Doctors listen carefully. See the privilege?

    Dear Skinny People: STFU.

    Skinny people have thin privilege.
    Every body is a good body.
    All body shaming is bad.


    Master Sixer
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    Between Galaxies
    Gee, overweight people are bodyshaming skinny / slim / slender people now for ...... their own reasons?

    Lol, these overweight people keep screaming about fatphobia as if people who are proud to be anorexic and too skinny don't get criticized and called out for celebrating being unhealthy and promoting being underweight too. Let me guess, some of the overweight people hate and envy underweight people and anorexic people too right? Is it considered slimphobia if we tell underweight people to gain weight? Has anyone thought about this?

    Here are the facts:
    Being overweight or too overweight is unhealthy.
    Being underweight or too underweight is unhealthy.
    Being too overweight or underweight is dangerous and has health risks.
    It is okay to be a healthy size and have a healthy weight.
    Balance is needed.
    You cannot cry about fatphobia and fat shaming when many people, including overweight people, are skinny shaming and being skinny phobic to underweight people. It is literally the pot calling the kettle Black.

    Look at this crap. Y'all need to read these 2 articles below. Not only do these delusional, self-absorbed fat broads downplay skinny phobia in favor of fatphobia, but they literally equate it to not just sexism, but racism.

    How dare they...

    Quote from article:
    "Fat stigma, like sexism and racism, is another oppressive cultural, institutional system—one that degrades people of size to the advantage of people who live in more socially accepted (read: thin) bodies."

    Ahem .... Anti-Black racism is not the same has fatphobia, homophobia, transphobia, anti non-Black prejudice, or even sexism and anti-Semitism. 500 years of continuous, systematic anti-Black racist oppression does not and will not compare to your struggles or anyone else's!!!

    Combined Quotes from article:
    "I was clinically obese. Then I became anorexic, and eventually, I looked classically anorexic. I’ve hiked up a mountain comfortably (while fat) and cried because I couldn’t (while skinny), proving that body size isn’t an indication of ability (chew on that, ableist assholes).

    As I dropped pounds, I learned something: there’s a difference between fat shaming and skinny shaming. When I was fat, no one smiled. Doors hit you in the face. Doctors attribute everything to your weight. This skinny shaming is laughable. When I check out at Target, the clerk smiles. Men hold doors. Doctors listen carefully. See the privilege?

    Dear Skinny People: STFU.
    Skinny people have thin privilege.
    Every body is a good body.
    All body shaming is bad.
    We’re in this weird stage where “the marginalized” can label us but we cannot label them.

    I cannot misgender a trans but they can call me CIS.
    I cannot say fat is bad but I can be told that skinny is not healthy.

    What we are seeing is “I’m white and I say so” morph into different forms.

    All this is White people trying to bully people into bending to their will.

    It’s no coincidence that all these movements being forced onto us are white led.


    Royal Sixer
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    We’re in this weird stage where “the marginalized” can label us but we cannot label them.

    I cannot misgender a trans but they can call me CIS.
    I cannot say fat is bad but I can be told that skinny is not healthy.

    What we are seeing is “I’m white and I say so” morph into different forms.

    All this is White people trying to bully people into bending to their will.

    It’s no coincidence that all these movements being forced onto us are white led.
    I'm a Black gay man and toxic masculinity exists because I said so.

    I'm a plus-sized white woman and I'm not a fat Karen because I said so.

    I'm a white gay man and I sexually identify as a Black woman because I said so.

    I'm a non-binary Latinx and I deserve reparations because I'm mixed with Black and I said so.

    I'm an indigenous white person and all Black people are immigrants to America because I said so.

    I'm a white woman and I'm a minority because I said so.

    I'm a woman and a transbian now because I'm a white male female and I said so.

    I'm a MAP, not a predator or a pedophile because it's illegal to call me that and I said so.

    As a Black transwoman, Black women don't deserve wombs because I said so.

    As a white Ukrainian war refugee, the Blacks need to get over slavery and accept our different Neo Nazi beliefs because I said so.

    As a straight white male, white people are oppressed because I said so.

    As an Asian person, most Black people attack and steal from Asians because I think said so.

    As a non-binary Arab, Muslims and Brown people are racially profiled to the same level that Black people are and non-binary people are treated like Black people because I said so.

    As a rich Indian doctor, every person of color, especially all Black people, can easily make it in this country because I said so.

    As a Blue person with a badge, we are the most oppressed and most Black people commit all of the crimes even though they are only 0.12% of the population because I said, I mean, because my statistics I made up said so.

    As Joe Biden of America, all people are equally oppressed not just because I said so, but because I know so.


    Royal Sixer
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    Half Black
    Gee, overweight people are bodyshaming skinny / slim / slender people now for ...... their own reasons?

    Lol, these overweight people keep screaming about fatphobia as if people who are proud to be anorexic and too skinny don't get criticized and called out for celebrating being unhealthy and promoting being underweight too. Let me guess, some of the overweight people hate and envy underweight people and anorexic people too right? Is it considered slimphobia if we tell underweight people to gain weight? Has anyone thought about this?

    Here are the facts:
    Being overweight or too overweight is unhealthy.
    Being underweight or too underweight is unhealthy.
    Being too overweight or underweight is dangerous and has health risks.
    It is okay to be a healthy size and have a healthy weight.
    Balance is needed.
    You cannot cry about "fatphobia" and "fat shaming" when many people, including overweight people, are "skinny shaming" and being "skinny phobic" to underweight and anorexic people. It is literally the pot calling the kettle Black.

    Also, look at this crap. Y'all need to read these 2 articles below. Not only do these delusional, self-absorbed fat broads downplay skinny phobia in favor of fatphobia, but they literally equate it to not just sexism, but racism.

    How dare they...

    Quote from article:
    "Fat stigma, like sexism and racism, is another oppressive cultural, institutional system—one that degrades people of size to the advantage of people who live in more socially accepted (read: thin) bodies."

    Ahem .... Anti-Black racism is not the same has fatphobia, homophobia, transphobia, anti non-Black prejudice, or even sexism and anti-Semitism. 500 years of continuous, systematic anti-Black racist oppression does not and will not compare to your struggles or anyone else's!!!

    Combined Quotes from article:
    "I was clinically obese. Then I became anorexic, and eventually, I looked classically anorexic. I’ve hiked up a mountain comfortably (while fat) and cried because I couldn’t (while skinny), proving that body size isn’t an indication of ability (chew on that, ableist assholes).

    As I dropped pounds, I learned something: there’s a difference between fat shaming and skinny shaming. When I was fat, no one smiled. Doors hit you in the face. Doctors attribute everything to your weight. This skinny shaming is laughable. When I check out at Target, the clerk smiles. Men hold doors. Doctors listen carefully. See the privilege?

    Dear Skinny People: STFU.

    Skinny people have thin privilege.
    Every body is a good body.
    All body shaming is bad.
    I have met anorexic women. They don't do what these ladies do. They hate themselves, not by contrast but because they are uncomfortable with how their bodies look and feel. It is not a healthy approach but what do these fat ladies do? Instead of eating better and losing weight, they tell everyone else they need to accept their body and their choices as the new beauty standard.

    I think most women can carry extra weight and still be beautiful but there is a big difference between being thicc and being a beached whale. Health is beautiful. Period.