Added a link to the 6Zeros library with all the books listed here so far plus a couple more to the OP.
I'll add on as we go, and all book club books will be available there.
I'll add on as we go, and all book club books will be available there.
Same here. Always looking for some good resources to read and learn from.I'm'll take me out of my lazy funk.
@Lamarr have you thought about instead of making threads for each book maybe a subforum or separate page for it? I see yall have a blog page.
Sup wit book club my nigga @Lamarr
Give me about another week.
This time of year is always crazy for me so I haven’t had time to put the energy here that’s needed yet.
yeah cant wait for this to start movini'm home! some of these titles look straight piff.
I was literally thinking about this thread earlier read my mind. I think I have this one on my list
Mastamind let me know if you want to start reading it and we can kinda help keep each other accountable lol. It's real deep, found my myself having to have the dictionary handy with this one. The concepts and all of that are deep. Read 1 paragraph and be stuck in processing mode lol.
RoyalAscension how far along are you?