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Hardcore Swirling and Bed Bucking


Sixer First Class+
We've talked about this in various threads. So, I thought why not talk about it in one. I consider 'hardcore' swirling and bed bucking is when you date exclusively outside your race.

This includes those women on social media pushing dating white men as well as black men who push going to the DR, Thailand, and other locales outside America or dating exclusively non black women (White, Latina, Asian) within America.

I've mentioned some stats before. The fact is that white men overwhelmingly prefer to marry any other non white women other than black. They are least likely to marry black women than literally any other non white woman: Asian, Arab, Latina, green skinned alien life form, anything. 50 million marriages white men are in in the previous census. Over 500,000 marriages to Asian, 487,000 marriages to non Asian, non Black. Sisters? 168,000. That's .3 of 1%. The fact is they will date sisters, be great boyfriends at times, but will smash and when it comes time for a ring, their resources are going elsewhere and its the biggest kept secret that Karazin and others don't say. What she doesn't also say is that the white boys of marriage age 18-36 got hit hard by the biggest drug epidemic since the opium wars in China over a century ago. There are white women on social media all over complaining about the lack of men or the quality of men. They mean white men.
They aren't my thing but to keep it a buck these aren't butt ugly White women. They aren't beauty queens but not butt ugly. And they are complaining. So Brad is gonna pass over her to go for even a cute sista? He might but lets keep it one buck. White men and white woman are making tons and tons of videos complaining about each other, but they are now the prize? Their community is as fucked up as ours.



As for the men, I'll keep it one buck. The only reason the women in the DR, Brazil, Thailand, Philippines or where ever are f*cking with you hard is that they are poor and your postal carrier, Costco assistant manager money is an upper middle class salary there. There are roughly half a million Brazilians in America. Let's guess that half are women. How many of them are f*cking with brothers tough like that? Now, you might say, DR women in America are dating brothers in numbers. Yes, broke ass DR women who came to America without shit are dating us.

I've been to these countries, most of them. I've seen the fat old ass European and American men 50+, 60+ who are bitterly divorced and/or can't get a woman back home to spit on them if they were on fire because they are not attractive, socially awkward, and often weird. I got homies that make the trip to DR, etc, and I love them but truth is, they are not in the position financially, physically, etc to pull a decent sista. Gotta keep it one buck

As I have said before. The reparations discussions, FBA discussions, on code vs off code discussions as they grow it will make exclusively dating outside your race have a very bad look, much more than it is now. Especially sisters on that swirling tip because they talk reckless AF.

The young cute sisters with white boys on tik tok are doing performative race play. Most people have dated outside their race, myself included. It happens, but when you give up completely on your own women, then that's a whole other thing altogether.



Sixer First Class+
When bed wenching goes horribly wrong.

She moved to the US with big dreams and met a boyfriend on Craigslist. Then she vanished

Kenyan immigrant. I've been to Kenya, they are perhaps the biggest bed wenches in Africa. Hard to beat them at white boy worship. Maybe some Nigerians...and Ugandans...those women on white boys hard.



When bed wenching goes horribly wrong.

She moved to the US with big dreams and met a boyfriend on Craigslist. Then she vanished

Kenyan immigrant. I've been to Kenya, they are perhaps the biggest bed wenches in Africa. Hard to beat them at white boy worship. Maybe some Nigerians...and Ugandans...those women on white boys hard.

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What's even worse is that they love any White guy. It could be the ugliest loser ass White man and they'll be head over heels. I see this with Asian women too, they'll have an overweight nerd and be enamored.


We've talked about this in various threads. So, I thought why not talk about it in one. I consider 'hardcore' swirling and bed bucking is when you date exclusively outside your race.

This includes those women on social media pushing dating white men as well as black men who push going to the DR, Thailand, and other locales outside America or dating exclusively non black women (White, Latina, Asian) within America.

I've mentioned some stats before. The fact is that white men overwhelmingly prefer to marry any other non white women other than black. They are least likely to marry black women than literally any other non white woman: Asian, Arab, Latina, green skinned alien life form, anything. 50 million marriages white men are in in the previous census. Over 500,000 marriages to Asian, 487,000 marriages to non Asian, non Black. Sisters? 168,000. That's .3 of 1%. The fact is they will date sisters, be great boyfriends at times, but will smash and when it comes time for a ring, their resources are going elsewhere and its the biggest kept secret that Karazin and others don't say. What she doesn't also say is that the white boys of marriage age 18-36 got hit hard by the biggest drug epidemic since the opium wars in China over a century ago. There are white women on social media all over complaining about the lack of men or the quality of men. They mean white men.
They aren't my thing but to keep it a buck these aren't butt ugly White women. They aren't beauty queens but not butt ugly. And they are complaining. So Brad is gonna pass over her to go for even a cute sista? He might but lets keep it one buck. White men and white woman are making tons and tons of videos complaining about each other, but they are now the prize? Their community is as fucked up as ours.



As for the men, I'll keep it one buck. The only reason the women in the DR, Brazil, Thailand, Philippines or where ever are f*cking with you hard is that they are poor and your postal carrier, Costco assistant manager money is an upper middle class salary there. There are roughly half a million Brazilians in America. Let's guess that half are women. How many of them are f*cking with brothers tough like that? Now, you might say, DR women in America are dating brothers in numbers. Yes, broke ass DR women who came to America without shit are dating us.

I've been to these countries, most of them. I've seen the fat old ass European and American men 50+, 60+ who are bitterly divorced and/or can't get a woman back home to spit on them if they were on fire because they are not attractive, socially awkward, and often weird. I got homies that make the trip to DR, etc, and I love them but truth is, they are not in the position financially, physically, etc to pull a decent sista. Gotta keep it one buck

As I have said before. The reparations discussions, FBA discussions, on code vs off code discussions as they grow it will make exclusively dating outside your race have a very bad look, much more than it is now. Especially sisters on that swirling tip because they talk reckless AF.

The young cute sisters with white boys on tik tok are doing performative race play. Most people have dated outside their race, myself included. It happens, but when you give up completely on your own women, then that's a whole other thing altogether.

I noticed that passport kings they are traveling put the ipusa to find wives or bm and the divest movement it shows a lack of appreciation for there own race and most races ztick with there ownnit seems unrealistic to me
I went to a jazz lounge last night and none of the brothas was with black women. It’s crazy.
Who do bw be with I noticed bw look good u see more bm with other races then the other way around other races tend not to go for bw like that it's crazy


Sixer First Class+
Black men do far more swirling than sistas. That's been going on forever. What has changed is sistas now swirling in much more numbers. You couldn't have a chatroom about sisters finding white men 20 or 30 years ago. It's the norm now.

I am NOT excusing black men, but the big difference I see is that, black men dog sistas and date white women. But it stops there. Its not good but it stops there. I've never (and maybe there is a case) seen any brother except black conservative sellouts (and they have always) show either a lack of remorse for a Sandra Bland or Breonna Taylor. Even guys who only date white women won't condone murder. But there are swirlers who call black men 'bullet bags' and actually celebrate it when these murders by cops go national. I've never hard black men say 'don't have black babies'. But I've heard black women actually discuss if they shouldn't start aborting black males.

That is on some other level. Again, not to condone sell out brothers. But they know they will get hell if they said some bullshit like that. Sisters ain't really checking these swirlers who take it there.

As for the Kenyan woman, I don't care. I've dated a Kenyan and been to Kenya. Some of the most beautiful, dark complexioned sistas you wanna see there. Not all but a great many are into white men HARD. The few times I've dated native Africans one of my litmus test is a. have you ever dated a foreigner and b. are you open to dating any type of foreigner (meaning race, country, etc).

Black American culture is big with some and they are kinda, sorta on code. They use our slang but not quite the way we use it. They'll use 'Boo', etc. Some.

In America the sistas that swirl hard usually grew up, went to school with and had white girls as their besties. I don't know too many sistas with black women as their besties but swirl exclusively. There may be 2 or 3 that swirl exclusively and hang out, but usually they try to be friends with white girls in order to be accepted by white boys. I've seen that. The white girls secretly hate on them because the white boys want the sistas first, out of some fetich thingy.


Black men do far more swirling than sistas. That's been going on forever. What has changed is sistas now swirling in much more numbers. You couldn't have a chatroom about sisters finding white men 20 or 30 years ago. It's the norm now.

I am NOT excusing black men, but the big difference I see is that, black men dog sistas and date white women. But it stops there. Its not good but it stops there. I've never (and maybe there is a case) seen any brother except black conservative sellouts (and they have always) show either a lack of remorse for a Sandra Bland or Breonna Taylor. Even guys who only date white women won't condone murder. But there are swirlers who call black men 'bullet bags' and actually celebrate it when these murders by cops go national. I've never hard black men say 'don't have black babies'. But I've heard black women actually discuss if they shouldn't start aborting black males.

That is on some other level. Again, not to condone sell out brothers. But they know they will get hell if they said some bullshit like that. Sisters ain't really checking these swirlers who take it there.

As for the Kenyan woman, I don't care. I've dated a Kenyan and been to Kenya. Some of the most beautiful, dark complexioned sistas you wanna see there. Not all but a great many are into white men HARD. The few times I've dated native Africans one of my litmus test is a. have you ever dated a foreigner and b. are you open to dating any type of foreigner (meaning race, country, etc).

Black American culture is big with some and they are kinda, sorta on code. They use our slang but not quite the way we use it. They'll use 'Boo', etc. Some.

In America the sistas that swirl hard usually grew up, went to school with and had white girls as their besties. I don't know too many sistas with black women as their besties but swirl exclusively. There may be 2 or 3 that swirl exclusively and hang out, but usually they try to be friends with white girls in order to be accepted by white boys. I've seen that. The white girls secretly hate on them because the white boys want the sistas first, out of some fetich thingy.
I hear those east Africans are real bad


That Abuela video was particularly sad. I felt so sad for what that child will have to grow up with. In 20 years we may be dealing with her talking about what about black on black crime and a guest on Karazin's podcast calling black men bullet bags.
It's the ones who hate themselves who will be the biggest swirlers racism is not ignorance cause they know better its willful ignorance anything passed down is a tradition


Sixer First Class+
The ones who did it the least were South Africans because of their recent history, but the new generation? They are swirling. They don't remember a time not too long ago (pre-93 or there abouts) when there was legal apartheid.

I was at this overseas spot for a minute for a gig and there was this cute sista from South Africa. White boys from America were running through that like a hot knife through butter. When they stopped being seen with her because all their buddies have smashed and only wanted to see her at 2am, she tried hollaring at the brothers and we were like 'nah, hard pass'. We spoke and was cool but as far as some bf/gf ish and being seen around cupcaking while white boys snickering? Nah...we good.

The young ones now on that tip.

East Africans are done. That's why when you hear callers to Tariq the Ethiopians, Somalis, Kenyans, Ugandans, Eritreans, got the most smoke. With a lot of Nigerians they will try and say 'we just getting that colonial money back'. And try to justify it. To be fair, some are on that finesse game and got a Nigerian bf even a husband getting that money from her through him, but they basically on that white jesus thing. The east Africans tryna get a light "skin-did" baby and show off their zaddy to everyone. Its a status thing.

We stopped having white Jesus in our homes a minute ago. These mofos got a white Jesus in their house now. In the church now. On the fans in church now. That helps explain the zaddy-ism. I've been both to east and west Africa. Tons of churches especially in west Africa. And they all have white Jesus.


The ones who did it the least were South Africans because of their recent history, but the new generation? They are swirling. They don't remember a time not too long ago (pre-93 or there abouts) when there was legal apartheid.

I was at this overseas spot for a minute for a gig and there was this cute sista from South Africa. White boys from America were running through that like a hot knife through butter. When they stopped being seen with her because all their buddies have smashed and only wanted to see her at 2am, she tried hollaring at the brothers and we were like 'nah, hard pass'. We spoke and was cool but as far as some bf/gf ish and being seen around cupcaking while white boys snickering? Nah...we good.

The young ones now on that tip.

East Africans are done. That's why when you hear callers to Tariq the Ethiopians, Somalis, Kenyans, Ugandans, Eritreans, got the most smoke. With a lot of Nigerians they will try and say 'we just getting that colonial money back'. And try to justify it. To be fair, some are on that finesse game and got a Nigerian bf even a husband getting that money from her through him, but they basically on that white jesus thing. The east Africans tryna get a light "skin-did" baby and show off their zaddy to everyone. Its a status thing.

We stopped having white Jesus in our homes a minute ago. These mofos got a white Jesus in their house now. In the church now. On the fans in church now. That helps explain the zaddy-ism. I've been both to east and west Africa. Tons of churches especially in west Africa. And they all have white Jesus.
Damn I used to see alot of bw in nyc chase white men all of a sudden maybe they were not black american she must have felt shame that those wm did that to her


App Beta Tester
Atlanta, Georgia
We've talked about this in various threads. So, I thought why not talk about it in one. I consider 'hardcore' swirling and bed bucking is when you date exclusively outside your race.

This includes those women on social media pushing dating white men as well as black men who push going to the DR, Thailand, and other locales outside America or dating exclusively non black women (White, Latina, Asian) within America.

I've mentioned some stats before. The fact is that white men overwhelmingly prefer to marry any other non white women other than black. They are least likely to marry black women than literally any other non white woman: Asian, Arab, Latina, green skinned alien life form, anything. 50 million marriages white men are in in the previous census. Over 500,000 marriages to Asian, 487,000 marriages to non Asian, non Black. Sisters? 168,000. That's .3 of 1%. The fact is they will date sisters, be great boyfriends at times, but will smash and when it comes time for a ring, their resources are going elsewhere and its the biggest kept secret that Karazin and others don't say. What she doesn't also say is that the white boys of marriage age 18-36 got hit hard by the biggest drug epidemic since the opium wars in China over a century ago. There are white women on social media all over complaining about the lack of men or the quality of men. They mean white men.
They aren't my thing but to keep it a buck these aren't butt ugly White women. They aren't beauty queens but not butt ugly. And they are complaining. So Brad is gonna pass over her to go for even a cute sista? He might but lets keep it one buck. White men and white woman are making tons and tons of videos complaining about each other, but they are now the prize? Their community is as fucked up as ours.



As for the men, I'll keep it one buck. The only reason the women in the DR, Brazil, Thailand, Philippines or where ever are f*cking with you hard is that they are poor and your postal carrier, Costco assistant manager money is an upper middle class salary there. There are roughly half a million Brazilians in America. Let's guess that half are women. How many of them are f*cking with brothers tough like that? Now, you might say, DR women in America are dating brothers in numbers. Yes, broke ass DR women who came to America without shit are dating us.

I've been to these countries, most of them. I've seen the fat old ass European and American men 50+, 60+ who are bitterly divorced and/or can't get a woman back home to spit on them if they were on fire because they are not attractive, socially awkward, and often weird. I got homies that make the trip to DR, etc, and I love them but truth is, they are not in the position financially, physically, etc to pull a decent sista. Gotta keep it one buck

As I have said before. The reparations discussions, FBA discussions, on code vs off code discussions as they grow it will make exclusively dating outside your race have a very bad look, much more than it is now. Especially sisters on that swirling tip because they talk reckless AF.

The young cute sisters with white boys on tik tok are doing performative race play. Most people have dated outside their race, myself included. It happens, but when you give up completely on your own women, then that's a whole other thing altogether.

I feel like this is truly the next big topic. On both sides there's a lot of white supremacist tendencies, but I've noticed that the swirler sphere is a lot more vocal against black men and if you close your eyes you'd think it was a bigoted white woman saying it.
That's a great point with the statistics. These white men have always been into trying to sleep with "exotic" women, but they're very particular about who they'll put a ring on. They're about maintaining that power. And when they do marry a sister, they know the odds are in their favor.
Another thing that should be touched on though is the fact that white men have a vendetta against black women. There's been a few times I've had to check some white boys for talking sideways about our sisters. Just watch them long enough and you'll hear them say little slick things indicating how they view our women, and that still carries into their relationships with them.
On the side of those black men who want to run the white man's game of going to these non-black countries to get women, they don't understand that these women could smell them coming from a mile away. We oftentimes think as people in the anglophone sphere that, because these people don't speak English well and they live in a third world country, they must be naive and intellectually less than us. Believe that if you want. People in these places are walking around with IQs and formal education that rivals ours, and because of the language barriers and cultural differences, certain things will go over the heads of these men. As soon as they bring these women to the US, they end up leaving and hemming these men up. I've seen multiple videos of black men going to these countries and by the interactions I could tell that the women are looking at them as blowpop headed suckers.
I feel like that also stems from this "if it ain't foreign it's boring" mentality that so many of our brothers hold. Goes to show the lack of investment being put back into our people. I'll see these brothers walking around Atlanta with these top heavy or strung out looking white women and walking around proud as ever.