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After Banning Black History From Schools, Ron DeSantis Signs Bill Requiring AAPI History In Florida Schools


Royal Sixer
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Ron DeSatanist is continuing the long American tradition of carrying out Black American genocide. Erasing Black History and replacing it with non-Black history and lies.

They not even gonna teach them about the Wu-Tang Clan when Wu-Tang is for the children.

Kamala Harris is somewhere secretly cheering right now with Joe Biden and nem.

Alternative Facts:

Black American slaves, victims, teachers and inventors didn't exist.

Asians, transgenders and non-Blacks and their history >>>>>> Black People and our history and existence and if you have a problem with that, you are divisive, anti-American and committing genocide against Asians, trans people, and others.

After all, Asians, Latinos, Dreamers and other immigrants built this great country!!!

Latinos, Irish, Italians, and white Jewish executives own, created and founded hip hop!!!

What's Black? Who's Black? We all human and the same!

We people of color no see color. We all in this together!!! Let's all make America great and improve the race again!

#BlackGenocide #RacismWillBeOverin2024 #DiverseNaziParty


The First Sixer
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    The thing to remember is that this is happening in all "Western" countries, it really has nothing to do with Black America. Now we have to respond to it but this is a coordinated effort to bring in a new class of workers who will accept low pay and mistreatment. Read these quotes...this is about Canada.

    Earlier this month, the federal government announced an aggressive plan to take in 500,000 immigrants a year by 2025, with almost 1.5 million new immigrants coming to the country over the next three years.

    This plan would see Canada welcome about eight-times the number of permanent residents each year - per population - than the UK, and four-times more than its southern neighbour, the United States.

    In recent years, an influx of migrants at the US border has caused some controversy, and the emergence of a new fringe right-wing party in 2018, the People's Party of Canada, kept the topic in the national conversation in the lead-up to the 2019 federal election.

    Same is happening in the UK, France, and other "Western" nations. It's the Capital Class basically saying "screw the modern worker, unions, etc...we're going back to the days where there were surfs and lords". So what DeSantis is doing is making it so that the new worker class feels included but really they are about to work them like dogs and treat them like crap. If you're not included as a worker in the new makeup of America the government is cool with you starving and dying.


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    The thing to remember is that this is happening in all "Western" countries, it really has nothing to do with Black America. Now we have to respond to it but this is a coordinated effort to bring in a new class of workers who will accept low pay and mistreatment. Read these quotes...this is about Canada.

    Same is happening in the UK, France, and other "Western" nations. It's the Capital Class basically saying "screw the modern worker, unions, etc...we're going back to the days where there were surfs and lords". So what DeSantis is doing is making it so that the new worker class feels included but really they are about to work them like dogs and treat them like crap. If you're not included as a worker in the new makeup of America the government is cool with you starving and dying.

    No wonder why they're also trying to destroy and dismantle things like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid as well. They've been trying to get rid of those things for years. It's just that the Republicans are the most open about wanting to get rid of it while the Democrats stand still and get us to panic about it in order to get our votes until the Democrats can eventually replace us with a new compliant voting bloc that at the very least will pretend to not mind having any social safety nets, rights, and protections in order to prove their worthiness to massa.

    People love to talk about bootstraps and how people need to be more independent. However, businesses are still dependent on customers and government, and private sectors and non-profits have proven that they cannot be relied on either as evidenced by increasing levels of racial discrimination, layoffs, Black unemployment, workplace abuse, underemployment, etc. In a collapsing society with a corrupt government and disappearing safety nets, you can only best rely on yourself and anyone close to you who has proven to be trustworthy at this point.

    The sick, mentally and physically disabled, elderly and poor who are either unable to work or deprived of opportunities will be the most affected, disserviced, disrespected and negatively targeted by all this. And due to our anti-Black oppression, history, economic deprivation and financial terrorism, many if not most Black people fall into these groups. They are the most vulnerable of all. Even Black people who are able-bodied and better off will be targeted in this racist society as they are deemed to be the biggest threat of all.


    The First Sixer
  • Messages
    No wonder why they're also trying to destroy and dismantle things like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid as well. They've been trying to get rid of those things for years. It's just that the Republicans are the most open about wanting to get rid of it while the Democrats stand still and get us to panic about it in order to get our votes until the Democrats can eventually replace us with a new compliant voting bloc that at the very least will pretend to not mind having any social safety nets, rights, and protections in order to prove their worthiness to massa.

    People love to talk about bootstraps and how people need to be more independent. However, businesses are still dependent on customers and government, and private sectors and non-profits have proven that they cannot be relied on either as evidenced by increasing levels of racial discrimination, layoffs, Black unemployment, workplace abuse, underemployment, etc. In a collapsing society with a corrupt government and disappearing safety nets, you can only best rely on yourself and anyone close to you who has proven to be trustworthy at this point.

    The sick, mentally and physically disabled, elderly and poor who are either unable to work or deprived of opportunities will be the most affected, disserviced, disrespected and negatively targeted by all this. And due to our anti-Black oppression, history, economic deprivation and financial terrorism, many if not most Black people fall into these groups. They are the most vulnerable of all. Even Black people who are able-bodied and better off will be targeted in this racist society as they are deemed to be the biggest threat of all.
    That's the thing...this is not a Democrat or Republican's bigger than the US Government this is a Liberal World Order thing. This is bigger than Black Americans or Black people or America or North America...this is the Western globalists overturning the labor force so that they can go back to the Gilded Age. They doing the same exact thing to White people in Europe.

    America didn't even have a Middle Class until the 1950's when the New Deal policies started working and they're shutting it all down. We're going right back to what it was back in the 1920' and poor. That's how the USA has always been back during Slavery and then when it converted into Capitalism post partial abolition.

    The White people that truly run the USA don't give a shit about Black people. They don't think about us, don't care about us, are not preoccupied with us at all. What people get confused is the fact that Europeans do intel on their enemies all the time. They study us because we are an enemy in their backyard not because they care about us. They take our cultural contributions because they can profit from it and use it to subjugate people even more.

    America didn't