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So Black Lives Matter


Royal Sixer
Community Host
Content Contributor
With how anti-Black things have been you know they will try to make all of us fall on the sword for the act of a corporate backed LGBT play.
That was their plan all along.

Their plan is to:

1. Control the narrative.

2. Control the message.

3. Control people's minds.

4. Control, infiltrate (and later sabotage) the movement.

5. Have an inorganic AstroTurf organization undermine and overrule Black people and our interests.

5. Confuse Black America's internal politics.

6. Make money off Black people's death, victimhood and anti-Black racist oppression and then siphone off all the resources and donations and send it to LGBT, ActBlue, the DNC / Biden, Swiss Bank accounts, and other non-Black causes and organizations. (This is absolutely a classic example of deceptive business practices, racketeering, grand theft and fraud committed in broad daylight. Where are the RICO charges?)

7. Turn the general public against Black people even more by having a Black-looking organization or individual do something so egregious under "Black people's name" while these same Black-looking puppets and their non-Black puppeteers are the only ones that benefit from this scam. That way, all of us Black people get blamed and can be painted as "One Big Negro" as we become the scapegoat and sacrifical lamb for the anti-Black masses to lynch. It also acts as confirmation bias for the racists that were already against us.

8. Sow seeds of distrust between Black people.

9. Use the corruption of the selected Black-looking puppets as "proof" that "Black people have a criminal nature and cannot be trusted."

10. Use Black-looking puppets and then break and discard them after they served their purpose or after they failed to serve their purpose.


Senior Sixer
  • Messages
    Dallas, TX
    That was their plan all along.

    Their plan is to:

    1. Control the narrative.

    2. Control the message.

    3. Control people's minds.

    4. Control, infiltrate (and later sabotage) the movement.

    5. Have an inorganic AstroTurf organization undermine and overrule Black people and our interests.

    5. Confuse Black America's internal politics.

    6. Make money off Black people's death, victimhood and anti-Black racist oppression and then siphone off all the resources and donations and send it to LGBT, ActBlue, the DNC / Biden, Swiss Bank accounts, and other non-Black causes and organizations. (This is absolutely a classic example of deceptive business practices, racketeering, grand theft and fraud committed in broad daylight. Where are the RICO charges?)

    7. Turn the general public against Black people even more by having a Black-looking organization or individual do something so egregious under "Black people's name" while these same Black-looking puppets and their non-Black puppeteers are the only ones that benefit from this scam. That way, all of us Black people get blamed and can be painted as "One Big Negro" as we become the scapegoat and sacrifical lamb for the anti-Black masses to lynch. It also acts as confirmation bias for the racists that were already against us.

    8. Sow seeds of distrust between Black people.

    9. Use the corruption of the selected Black-looking puppets as "proof" that "Black people have a criminal nature and cannot be trusted."

    10. Use Black-looking puppets and then break and discard them after they served their purpose or after they failed to serve their purpose.
    Real talk...


    That was their plan all along.

    Their plan is to:

    1. Control the narrative.

    2. Control the message.

    3. Control people's minds.

    4. Control, infiltrate (and later sabotage) the movement.

    5. Have an inorganic AstroTurf organization undermine and overrule Black people and our interests.

    5. Confuse Black America's internal politics.

    6. Make money off Black people's death, victimhood and anti-Black racist oppression and then siphone off all the resources and donations and send it to LGBT, ActBlue, the DNC / Biden, Swiss Bank accounts, and other non-Black causes and organizations. (This is absolutely a classic example of deceptive business practices, racketeering, grand theft and fraud committed in broad daylight. Where are the RICO charges?)

    7. Turn the general public against Black people even more by having a Black-looking organization or individual do something so egregious under "Black people's name" while these same Black-looking puppets and their non-Black puppeteers are the only ones that benefit from this scam. That way, all of us Black people get blamed and can be painted as "One Big Negro" as we become the scapegoat and sacrifical lamb for the anti-Black masses to lynch. It also acts as confirmation bias for the racists that were already against us.

    8. Sow seeds of distrust between Black people.

    9. Use the corruption of the selected Black-looking puppets as "proof" that "Black people have a criminal nature and cannot be trusted."

    10. Use Black-looking puppets and then break and discard them after they served their purpose or after they failed to serve their purpose.
    Expertly said. The government saw the energy, redirected it, then changed it, and then dissolved it all. Like PBT says they always break their tools.


    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    Who SHOULD get blamed are the Marxists that took it over. Don't let them fool you. The people running this organization were all trained by white professors in racist ass universities. Of course they sold out their souls and screwed over their own people. Brainwashed fools.

    We don't need some busted ass corrupt organization to acknowledge the lives of blacks folks matter. Start locally. Start with local government. Local leadership roles. Form bonds within your own family and spread this into your community. If you have to move to a safer area, do so. Don't let the thugs and ratchet hoes stop your game. Sadly, a lot of our people out there are struggling cause of the institutionalized racism that keeps us at the bottom but wanting to better yourself is a choice.

    Make a success of yourself not only in spite of this racism but because of it. Let's prove them all wrong and let's show our own to care for ourselves and empower ourselves.

    Deleted member 1946

    That was their plan all along.

    Their plan is to:

    1. Control the narrative.

    2. Control the message.

    3. Control people's minds.

    4. Control, infiltrate (and later sabotage) the movement.

    5. Have an inorganic AstroTurf organization undermine and overrule Black people and our interests.

    5. Confuse Black America's internal politics.

    6. Make money off Black people's death, victimhood and anti-Black racist oppression and then siphone off all the resources and donations and send it to LGBT, ActBlue, the DNC / Biden, Swiss Bank accounts, and other non-Black causes and organizations. (This is absolutely a classic example of deceptive business practices, racketeering, grand theft and fraud committed in broad daylight. Where are the RICO charges?)

    7. Turn the general public against Black people even more by having a Black-looking organization or individual do something so egregious under "Black people's name" while these same Black-looking puppets and their non-Black puppeteers are the only ones that benefit from this scam. That way, all of us Black people get blamed and can be painted as "One Big Negro" as we become the scapegoat and sacrifical lamb for the anti-Black masses to lynch. It also acts as confirmation bias for the racists that were already against us.

    8. Sow seeds of distrust between Black people.

    9. Use the corruption of the selected Black-looking puppets as "proof" that "Black people have a criminal nature and cannot be trusted."

    10. Use Black-looking puppets and then break and discard them after they served their purpose or after they failed to serve their purpose.
    Well said. Unfortunately, mission accomplished.

    Deleted member 1946

    Who SHOULD get blamed are the Marxists that took it over. Don't let them fool you. The people running this organization were all trained by white professors in racist ass universities. Of course they sold out their souls and screwed over their own people. Brainwashed fools.

    We don't need some busted ass corrupt organization to acknowledge the lives of blacks folks matter. Start locally. Start with local government. Local leadership roles. Form bonds within your own family and spread this into your community. If you have to move to a safer area, do so. Don't let the thugs and ratchet hoes stop your game. Sadly, a lot of our people out there are struggling cause of the institutionalized racism that keeps us at the bottom but wanting to better yourself is a choice.

    Make a success of yourself not only in spite of this racism but because of it. Let's prove them all wrong and let's show our own to care for ourselves and empower ourselves.
    Great analysis