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Do You Feel Lucky Heterosexual? Well Do Ya?


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    “It will be the last mistake you ever make”

    We know from multiple documented crime reports these evil Decepticons well force themselves on unsuspecting women/girls in bathrooms, locker rooms and nearly beat a woman to death if it "feels" disrespected and unwelcomed and NOW they want to threaten a biological female with the possibility of death if she tells it to get the hell out.

    I don't care what type of twisted reasoning, thinking or backward ass funky logic they want to use, if you're a biological male going into a biological female's bathroom while it's occupied and being used and you're told to leave and don't I'm going to suspect you of being up to no good in act accordingly. If one of my female family members ever tells me a man... you know what never mind..

    👇🏾Link to story:👇🏾



    Sixer First Class+
    It's not going to end well. Its not just Republicans, its also Blacks now. I notice you don't hear anything from Latinos about it, but eventually, I think you will. They don't play that mess in their culture either. Same with Asians.
    This whole thing is like that saying where you give a guy a string and then he want a rope, give him a rope and he wanna be a cowboy. It's demanding more and more to the point you past equal but in 'special' category.

    Well enough alone was you do you, dress up how you want. Then it became an agenda to push it in schools, etc. And pronouns this and that.

    People who were fully supportive of rainbow eventually gonna either stop supporting or back off play the back when it comes to TGs. That's my guess. We may also see some friction between the LGB and the T, because the T may be seen as tryna do too much. I've dated one or two bisexual chicks. way back in the day No complaints from ya boy on them chicks, if you getting the benefits of So, I'd be a hypocrite otherwise.

    I think women, especially black women who co-sign this and saying they are the same (and no woman I know says so in private) is selling themselves short. It's going to be like Affirmative Action but this time, its white men in a dress getting their benefits. Its tough enough being both a woman and black in society, but to willingly let others latch on to what little you have is crazy to me.

    Deleted member 191

    People who were fully supportive of rainbow eventually gonna either stop supporting or back off play the back when it comes to TGs. That's my guess. We may also see some friction between the LGB and the T, because the T may be seen as tryna do too much. I've dated one or two bisexual chicks. way back in the day No complaints from ya boy on them chicks, if you getting the benefits of So, I'd be a hypocrite otherwise.
    There's already beef with the Ls, Gs, and Bs. They even have a whole hashtag LGB No T on Elon's app because their antics are impacting the progress and goodwill Ls, Gs and Bs have made in the last 20-30yrs.

    They Ts and their pluses are already being seen as doing too much. David Chapelle had a whole ass comedy special about it and they tried to cancel him. Now as I've stated before on other threads about this topic, the Ls, Gs and Bs have no one to blame except themselves. THIS is what they get for entertaining those people's madness. THEY didn't vet these mentally ill nut-jobs, THEY rolled out the red carpet for them and now these Ls, Gs and Bs are upset about the same things straight people are upset about regarding their children's safety from these people. THEY should have maintained a Gatekeeper mentality and told those clowns that they support their right to fight for whatever freedom and/or truth they feel they're seeking, but that they won't be directly allying with them at the expense of their movement because their interests are not aligned. (and it isn't because Ls, G,s and Bs acknowledge 2 genders and always have.)

    Deleted member 191

    “It will be the last mistake you ever make”

    We know from multiple documented crime reports these evil Decepticons well force themselves on unsuspecting women/girls in bathrooms, locker rooms and nearly beat a woman to death if it "feels" disrespected and unwelcomed and NOW they want to threaten a biological female with the possibility of death if she tells it to get the hell out.

    I don't care what type of twisted reasoning, thinking or backward ass funky logic they want to use, if you're a biological male going into a biological female's bathroom while it's occupied and being used and you're told to leave and don't I'm going to suspect you of being up to no good in act accordingly. If one of my female family members ever tells me a man... you know what never mind..

    👇🏾Link to story:👇🏾

    The Ts and their friends, we'll call them "the pluses", are equivalent to non-FBA coons and other non-black minority groups who come here and undermine Black American progress. It's like a How-To manual they're following; the shit is so similar.
    1. They don't have the same struggle as the originating group.
      • The Ls and Gs couldn't get married or have their civil unions legally recognized and therefore participate in the tax breaks, inheritances and other basic entitlements like next of kin pensions and/or life insurance policies (aka family wealth building) can afford.
    2. The work, sacrifice and success of progress created by the originating group, is now an enjoyed benefit from this previously unknown/ignored "sub-group"
      • Years later, with Ls, Gs and Bs becoming more commonplace (and accepted simply as humans who are just trying to mind their business and love who they love), here come these....Ts? Sidenote: To keep it 100, Ts were always around. We just called them Drag Queens or Cross-Dressers.(i.e RuPaul, Flame Monroe, Bianca Del Rio, Shangela to name a few) Everyone saw them as adult entertainment and/or having a weird kink. But nothing dangerous like what we're facing now. These hidden agenda pervs and mentally ill people, saw how good the Ls, Gs and Bs were living and said "aye yo, we need a piece of that pie" Then auto-magically, the word "Queer," the universal term previously used only by Ls, Gs and Bs, is now being "commandeered" by this "new" group, the Ts.
    3. Sub-group doesn't appreciate the sacrifices original group made that allows them to live as freely as they do. So small inconveniences feel oppressive.
      • Now the Ts have arrived. "They're queer and they're here." or whatever. They want to bring their little weirdo ass friends along because you can't implement a hostile takeover without help, am I right? So the Qs, Is and As, who we will refer to as "The Pluses" get together to conspire and feign oppression, disrespect, discrimination and all this other exaggerated "infringement of civil liberties" bullshit narrative. Meanwhile, the Ls, Gs and Bs who cluelessly think these people are fighting for the same things as them, don't even question this behavior. No vetting, no boundary setting, no nothing. Just "come on in and lets fight these big bad, mean straight people together!" This dogmatic mentality with no nuance or discernment is what turned them into what we now refer to as the Alphabet Mafia.
    4. Sub-group undermines all the work and progress from the original group by conflating their targeted agenda with "rights and freedom to live their truth". Hostile Takeover initiated and complete
      • Here we are now in the present day. The Alphabet Mafia has been on a tear the last 8-10 years. They've all but eliminated the goodwill the Ls, Gs and Bs built up. The Ts and the pluses have now implemented "cancel culture" as their weapon of choice. The Ls, Gs and Bs begin noticing they are no longer fighting with allies, but instead find themselves cannon fodder in the crossfire of a battle they didn't realizes was happening. Now that the shit has hit the proverbial fan and the Alphabet Mafia's true schemes have been revealed, here they come, hat in hand, head down and tail between their legs, looking for Heterosexual sympathy and support.
    Alright....rant over.


  • Messages
    It's not going to end well. Its not just Republicans, its also Blacks now. I notice you don't hear anything from Latinos about it, but eventually, I think you will. They don't play that mess in their culture either. Same with Asians.
    This whole thing is like that saying where you give a guy a string and then he want a rope, give him a rope and he wanna be a cowboy. It's demanding more and more to the point you past equal but in 'special' category.

    Well enough alone was you do you, dress up how you want. Then it became an agenda to push it in schools, etc. And pronouns this and that.

    People who were fully supportive of rainbow eventually gonna either stop supporting or back off play the back when it comes to TGs. That's my guess. We may also see some friction between the LGB and the T, because the T may be seen as tryna do too much. I've dated one or two bisexual chicks. way back in the day No complaints from ya boy on them chicks, if you getting the benefits of So, I'd be a hypocrite otherwise.

    I think women, especially black women who co-sign this and saying they are the same (and no woman I know says so in private) is selling themselves short. It's going to be like Affirmative Action but this time, its white men in a dress getting their benefits. Its tough enough being both a woman and black in society, but to willingly let others latch on to what little you have is crazy to me.
    I agree with everything you said and will add that a lot of these Black women out here that will continually support, and co-sign are already having a hard time in the workplace with anti-behavior and tactics more-so now but NOW they are also dangerously close to actually being replaced by TGs, from the small leeway they've been given with small businesses incentives and extra help along with grants.

    (They're cleaver about who gets those grants now too)
    See link:

    That was/is all good but what we've seen is that gov/feminist used it for the prepose of undermining the male lead in the Black Family Structure and it has worked.
    Now that affirmative action is officially DEAD, we will start to see the shift of Black women being forced out and those "good works" giving to TGs of all shorts. We've all just heard what that TG said that pissed off Jess Hilarious also. Women and motherhood are under attack and Black women are the MAIN TARGET in that category of racial targeting.

    Some might say that Black males get grants too and yes just a few do here and there to give the illusion of equality, but as I said they are very cleaver as to who actually gets those grants now.

    See Link:

    Expect this!


    Sixer First Class+
    Of the Civil Rights generation, activists, in my favorite top 3 is James Baldwin. Obviously gay, but he was a rida. He led with his race, not his sexuality. Mad love for him. Even though the black community was far less accepting of rainbow in those days people still had love for Baldwin because he was a rida.

    My issue with gay brothers I came across with is that 90% of their conversation either started with their sexuality or eventually led back to it. One time, one of them said, 90% of my convo was about racism, etc, or led back to it at some point and I said 'Damn right it does, because it needs to be for your sake and mines living as a black man in America. Its literally a life and death issue, is yours?'

    He tried to nuance it about people who have killed gay folks, etc. Not that it doesn't happen but I told him you are more likely to be killed by a cop or white boy far more for your color than who you are smashing.

    Its also almost impossible to be cool friendship wise because they tryna 'back door' you literally and figuratively. When I was living in LA, I tried to be open-minded and 99% took it as an opportunity to holla. Only had 1 or 2 that were cool on a platonic level. I got one or two extended family members who is gay, but everyone acts like they don't As for sisters who are lesbian, 99% of the ones I met were vehemently anti black male, except one who is my cool homegirl to this day.

    One more thing, maybe there is and I don't know about it, but I've seen examples black gay men and lesbian be pro Black, B1 but I've yet to see a TG be one. I've seen them say pro black stuff but they always make sure they include their community and do the intersectionality thing. It can't just be about black people being fairly treated. And many have this 'until you accept me (including pushing for inclusion in schools, etc. the agenda) I ain't doing the pro black stuff.

    Cool. Whatever. When you get hemmed up, don't come crying why aren't black people coming to your defense.


  • Messages
    The Ts and their friends, we'll call them "the pluses", are equivalent to non-FBA coons and other non-black minority groups who come here and undermine Black American progress. It's like a How-To manual they're following; the shit is so similar.
    1. They don't have the same struggle as the originating group.
      • The Ls and Gs couldn't get married or have their civil unions legally recognized and therefore participate in the tax breaks, inheritances and other basic entitlements like next of kin pensions and/or life insurance policies (aka family wealth building) can afford.
    2. The work, sacrifice and success of progress created by the originating group, is now an enjoyed benefit from this previously unknown/ignored "sub-group"
      • Years later, with Ls, Gs and Bs becoming more commonplace (and accepted simply as humans who are just trying to mind their business and love who they love), here come these....Ts? Sidenote: To keep it 100, Ts were always around. We just called them Drag Queens or Cross-Dressers.(i.e RuPaul, Flame Monroe, Bianca Del Rio, Shangela to name a few) Everyone saw them as adult entertainment and/or having a weird kink. But nothing dangerous like what we're facing now. These hidden agenda pervs and mentally ill people, saw how good the Ls, Gs and Bs were living and said "aye yo, we need a piece of that pie" Then auto-magically, the word "Queer," the universal term previously used only by Ls, Gs and Bs, is now being "commandeered" by this "new" group, the Ts.
    3. Sub-group doesn't appreciate the sacrifices original group made that allows them to live as freely as they do. So small inconveniences feel oppressive.
      • Now the Ts have arrived. "They're queer and they're here." or whatever. They want to bring their little weirdo ass friends along because you can't implement a hostile takeover without help, am I right? So the Qs, Is and As, who we will refer to as "The Pluses" get together to conspire and feign oppression, disrespect, discrimination and all this other exaggerated "infringement of civil liberties" bullshit narrative. Meanwhile, the Ls, Gs and Bs who cluelessly think these people are fighting for the same things as them, don't even question this behavior. No vetting, no boundary setting, no nothing. Just "come on in and lets fight these big bad, mean straight people together!" This dogmatic mentality with no nuance or discernment is what turned them into what we now refer to as the Alphabet Mafia.
    4. Sub-group undermines all the work and progress from the original group by conflating their targeted agenda with "rights and freedom to live their truth". Hostile Takeover initiated and complete
      • Here we are now in the present day. The Alphabet Mafia has been on a tear the last 8-10 years. They've all but eliminated the goodwill the Ls, Gs and Bs built up. The Ts and the pluses have now implemented "cancel culture" as their weapon of choice. The Ls, Gs and Bs begin noticing they are no longer fighting with allies, but instead find themselves cannon fodder in the crossfire of a battle they didn't realizes was happening. Now that the shit has hit the proverbial fan and the Alphabet Mafia's true schemes have been revealed, here they come, hat in hand, head down and tail between their legs, looking for Heterosexual sympathy and support.
    Alright....rant over.
    A good break down for those that need the cliff notes. People need to know it.

    I knew the T's would be a major problem since the 80's. Nothing they say or do surprises me one bit. As far as LGB's I simply lump them in together along with the T's because of the long history with a LARGE portion of them going after kids plus grooming them.

    I remember watching a hearing on TV about G rights and one guy was very concerned about opening "Panduras Box" letting G's become recognized as married couples and the L's, & G's swore up and down it was only for that purpose alone. Bill passes and BOOM adoptions of babies and very young kids and grooming galore starts. Now we see the aftermath that is having on society with kid as early as 2 & 3 learning about anal sex, dildos, etc. daycares and schools. I never really cared about what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms but when babies and kids get in the mix it's FULL STOP for me, and I don't want to hear about what rights someone "feels" they want or deserve when they are using kids in any way shape or form to get "access" to what they want.


  • Messages
    Of the Civil Rights generation, activists, in my favorite top 3 is James Baldwin. Obviously gay, but he was a rida. He led with his race, not his sexuality. Mad love for him. Even though the black community was far less accepting of rainbow in those days people still had love for Baldwin because he was a rida.

    My issue with gay brothers I came across with is that 90% of their conversation either started with their sexuality or eventually led back to it. One time, one of them said, 90% of my convo was about racism, etc, or led back to it at some point and I said 'Damn right it does, because it needs to be for your sake and mines living as a black man in America. Its literally a life and death issue, is yours?'

    He tried to nuance it about people who have killed gay folks, etc. Not that it doesn't happen but I told him you are more likely to be killed by a cop or white boy far more for your color than who you are smashing.

    Its also almost impossible to be cool friendship wise because they tryna 'back door' you literally and figuratively. When I was living in LA, I tried to be open-minded and 99% took it as an opportunity to holla. Only had 1 or 2 that were cool on a platonic level. I got one or two extended family members who is gay, but everyone acts like they don't As for sisters who are lesbian, 99% of the ones I met were vehemently anti black male, except one who is my cool homegirl to this day.

    One more thing, maybe there is and I don't know about it, but I've seen examples black gay men and lesbian be pro Black, B1 but I've yet to see a TG be one. I've seen them say pro black stuff but they always make sure they include their community and do the intersectionality thing. It can't just be about black people being fairly treated. And many have this 'until you accept me (including pushing for inclusion in schools, etc. the agenda) I ain't doing the pro black stuff.

    Cool. Whatever. When you get hemmed up, don't come crying why aren't black people coming to your defense.
    I have somewhat the same experiences with 2 family members. (Ones a sad case do to grooming by a 🤬 L couple)
    Years ago, in my teens I knew this one guy who always came with his mother to the Kingdom Hall a.k.a. church for years and no one as far as I know ever had an issue or problem with him because he never pushed it or said anything about it. Everyone could all tell he had that "sugar". 😅

    We would see him at the grocery store and have a short convo and be on our way and I would be like "Mom you see the way he was holding the basket? Shut up boy. But Ma why his pants so tight? Yeah, he shouldn't wear pants that tight." We giggle a little and that's it. But just like James Baldwin he's for his people and he gets the respect he deserves to this day, and nobody knows anything about what he has going on in his personal life. (Late at night)

    I don't do the deep conversations, friendship and hanging out thing for just the reasons you mentioned. (Always goes badly) Professional settings only for me. My wife's brother is gay, and he KNOWS I don't play, and we're cool. 10 plus years so far with zero problems as he's just living his life.

    All that other mess can be ironed out later AFTER we get our peoples on the right footing Baldwin RIP overstood this.