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PSA To Black America: Mississippi Is NOW Trying To Reinstate JIM CROW.


Royal Sixer
Community Host
Content Contributor
PSA to Black America: Mississippi is NOW trying to reinstate JIM CROW LAWS.

It might be 2023 and beyond, but anti-Black racism is alive and kicking like it's 1613.
Things (including race relations) are "shifting" into a very bad direction.

Black people must be and stay protected and make sure we can defend ourselves and our people at all times.

Black people must focus more and more on Black Empowerment in all areas of life.

Black people must continue to prepare for the worst (I know we already survived "the worst" which was chattel slavery and all the atrocities that happened in the pre-2000s era, but you know what I mean).

The closer we get to achieving our reparations, the more desperate, violent, hateful, and hostile the racist, non-Black "oppressed" oppressors will get as we demand our need for justice and positive change. (This is to be expected as the white dominant society has declared a race war against Black people ever since the moment they kidnapped and enslaved us, and no major societal transition in an oppressive society is without bloodshed.)

Keep your eyes open.

The Biden Administration and others ignoring Black Americans and subjecting us benign / malicious neglect.

All of our taxpayer money keeps going to Ukraine, illegal aliens, corporations, etc.

Black people pay the most in taxes and fees, yet receive the least in both quality and quantity of public services and goods while receiving the harshest punishment and penalties.

Black neighborhoods, cities, and areas are being poisoned via toxic water and air, food deserts, miseducation (poor schools), economic deprivation, white-controlled misleadership, presence of racists and race soldiers (even in schools and in public buildings), gentrification, etc.

Hostile and anti-Black racist politicians (such as Kevin de León, Tommy Tuberville, Lori Lightfoot, Kamala Harris, and Ron DeSatan) and political advisors / strategists (like James Carville) of all races are being more and more open with their disdain for and/or treason against Black Americans.

All these public figures like Scott Adams, Ben Stein, Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk, Nick Fuentes, Matt Walsh, Tim Poole, Marjorie Taylor Green, Christopher Rufo, Dolly Parton's sister, Mark Dice, Ron DeSantis and countless others dogwhistling and barking to their fellow anti-Black racists and riling them up to the point where they go out and attack, target, murder, and terrorize Black people (stochastic terrorism).

The non-Blacks are bolder, louder and prouder culture warriors and race soldiers as they are very desperate to stop or undo any real progress we will make.

Things are not fine.

Just because we see all these rainbow LGBT flags 🏳️‍🌈, biracial / multiracial children, support for "people of color", and all of these "diverse populations" in media and IRL doesn't automatically mean things are getting better for Black people.

And just because there are bought and paid for Black politicians, gay people can marry each other, interracial relationships and marriages are legal, transpeople have rights and privileges, we have non-Black friends or partners or co-workers, we have smartphones and Google and Internet, we have improvements with technology and science, segregation is "over" on paper, women have more rights, some Black people can become successful under the glass ceiling, and illegal aliens are getting preferential treatment over (especially Black) US Citizens doesn't mean that things are improving for Black people or that our lives, humanity, and rights are actually being honored, protected, respected and enforced.

All of this "progressive", rainbow, "Black and Brown", "we're all in this together", and "it gets better" crap they keep promoting to us is just an illusion. It's an illusion made to disarm us psychologically (psychological warfare) while giving us "comfort" to the point where we are distracted, under the influence (and not just through drugs or alcohol), infighting with each other, feeding trolls, fighting for white acceptance and integration, fighting for trivial and niche and non-Black causes, and not defending ourselves and fighting back against both covert and overt anti-Black racism in an organized manner.

We have to realize, understand, and accept the fact that we are currently prisoners of war and act accordingly.


Sixer First Class+
I feel for this sista. She spoke to my heart. A straight up ride or die sista.
Anyone know the specific new laws or whatever, she is referring to? I think TBA or PBT did spoke on the state trying to take away legal jurisdictional powers away from Jackson, MS and have the state in charge instead of the locals. The state is controlled by white Republicans. Is it that or something else?

Two letters: MJ


Master Sixer
App Beta Tester
Atlanta, GA
here's the reference: 'Only in Mississippi': White representatives vote to create white-appointed court system for Blackest city in America

that's why it's always best to research things for yourself.

my take: yeah, it's messed up and unfair. But why are you surprised? It's America. She speaks as if everything was good before this new law was introduced.

Do we still believe voters really choose the leaders of this country? The U.S. has a long history of placing its preferred leaders in other countries. Hell, America was just meddling in Nigeria's elections.

But EVEN IF we "chose" our own black leaders, most of them are allies of WS. Some of the worst hate crimes against black people took place in cities under so-called "black leadership".

Lastly.. this is what I have been saying all along about this reparations fight. America has a longgggg history of reneging on deals, smiling in our faces, and stabbing us in the back. So why do we keep thinking we can simply play by their WS rules and "vote" for our reparations? Yes, we are owned and deserve it. But when black people gonna realize it's gonna take more than a rally and a vote to make them pay us? They can't be trusted.

imo, I don't know why this lady overreacting to sh*t that's been going on here for hundreds of years.
>>imo, I don't know why this lady overreacting to sh*t that's been going on here for hundreds of years.

Because like too many Black people who were/are naive, she too likely (and foolishly) thought that society really changed for the better and that our society is "post-racial", "less racist", "more diverse", "more united", and "more advanced" than the past. Too many Black people have bought into the whitewashed MLK dream and "We are all one, we are all the same and equal, everyone can be a little racist, let's be nice, understanding, accepting and inclusive of everyone and sing kumbaya with a glass of kombucha" narrative and propaganda that the media, social media, and entertainment industry promote. (Studies show that Black people consume the most entertainment of all races, so it makes even more sense that we are being affected by this propaganda.)

Meanwhile non-Blacks, who don't actually by into that crap, pretend to believe it so they can make themselves look good (especially for job offers / opportunities) and play dumb with us to fool us as they continue to be insular (when they are not stealing our culture) and practice anti-Black racism, group exclusivity and economics, separatism, and undermining Black people and our interests.

Too many Black people fell for the "new year, new America" scam and drank the Kool-aid while others were too busy finding ways to leapfrog, target, gentrify, discriminate against, and undermine us as proven by how little our society changed both with and without diversity. The years changed, but the people have not and the system of anti-Black racism and white supremacy in this society remains and only "changed" its tactics and strategy to keep up with the times as TPTB are attempting to have a grim societal transition to a more "progressive society" with globalization, psychological enslavement and mind control, AI technology, transhumanism, the NWO, The Great Reset, and modernized fascism.