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Them Again! -who Else But The Roaches

B1 rebel 365

Master Sixer
Refuse to Disclose
The highlighted sentence touched a nerve. It's all about them, every nuance of life should only be about them because the world only revolves because of them -as if!

Juxtapose their 'fight' with that of black people in the entire world and there's NO contest yet this subset of miscreants are not only tolerated but given protected rights that have been denied black people for eons. They have no legitimate fight or rights on this planet compared to black people! Even aliens can reproduce -presumably😂

They want to be on the national curriculum yet white people lose their minds at the thought of black history/CRT being on the curriculum. They want their 'culture'/deviance acknowledged and celebrated yet black people/ children need a law to allow them to wear and creatively express their NATURAL hair however they want without discrimination, disparagement or physical harm! Yet hypocritically they covet our hair texture -anyone noticed the trend in Hollywood action movies, lately, of white men with their hair braided like ours?! But we're not allowed to embrace our intrinsic cultural norms without being called divisive or dangerous.

Thankfully, people are starting to push back and condemn their perverted lifestyle being foisted on them and their children in classrooms and Tennessee residents have stood up in defiance of their party in their park. Why doesn't anyone ever ask them or their leader of what benefit to society is their existence whenever they seek to impose themselves in their space or lives!



  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    "of what benefit to society is their existence"

    Damn. Tell us how you REALLY feel. So, you're indirectly saying the only benefit of a heterosexual's existence is the fact they're in a relationship that can reproduce?
    B1 rebel 365
    The biological process of reproduction is a fluke? The Creator didn't think it through? Mankind would become extinct with same sex ideology -where's the benefit in that?! Our anus was designed for ONE purpose! There's no intrinsic element of nurturing with same sex and that's why they always want to adopt someone else's child - asinine to defend that lifestyle. Defending that lifestyle is tantamount to calling the creator wrong 🙄
    I was just pointing out you believe people should justify their existence, but only if their relationship can't produce children. The logical inverse of that is a heterosexual's existence is valid by default ONLY because their relationship can produce children.

    You are insinuating something that exists in the creator's world should not exist. As if one part of creation needs to validate itself to another part of creation.

    I'm not saying that. My view is if it's here, the creator meant for it to be here or it would not be here. Essentially, I don't think ANYTHING is wrong with the creator's creation. I don't know why a lot stuff exists. None of it needs to justify its existence. Obviously to me, it's here for a reason or it wouldn't be here.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    That's the rationale used to placate that lifestyle choice and to condone it. Using your rationale, insinuates that evil exists because the creator intended it to exist which would make him a sick and twisted creator getting pleasure out of human suffering including unspeakable things done to children. If that were so, why did the creator destroy the degenerate two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and instruct the Israelites to stone to death anyone caught laying down with another man of the same sex.

    If it was soooo natural it would not go against the grain of all things natural on this planet. The mere thought of it is repulsive and as the creator's original prototype we shouldn't even be condoning it or seeking to diminish its ungodly and destructive effect on the family structure. Reproduction is INTEGRAL to life because they'd be no familial structure. Do you but stop trying to justify the unjustifiable.


  • Messages
    Fairburn, Georgia
    That's the rationale used to placate that lifestyle choice and to condone it. Using your rationale, insinuates that evil exists because the creator intended it to exist which would make him a sick and twisted creator getting pleasure out of human suffering
    It would insinuate that if evil existed. The creator did not intend for evil to be so it doesn't exist.

    Take ANY act you call "evil" you will find that the actor believed what they were doing was good. That makes "evil" a matter of perspective. Dig even deeper you find the evildoer's perspective was formed by a chain of events/factors they had no control over. Evil for the sake of evil doesn't exist, we just think it does because we are not omnipotent.
    If that were so, why did the creator destroy the degenerate two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and instruct the Israelites to stone to death anyone caught laying down with another man of the same sex.
    Did the creator tell them that's why those cities were destroyed? Did the creator did tell the Israelites to do that? I mean all of them, did the creator come and tell each 1 of them those things or must we take the word of a very few men that are subject to unconscious biases and lust for control?

    You're saying the creator would be sick and twisted for getting pleasure out of human suffering in one sentence then saying that is exactly what he does in another. Because it isn't like he did not know what these people would become. So he created them specifically so he could gruesomely kill them.
    If it was soooo natural it would not go against the grain of all things natural on this planet. The mere thought of it is repulsive and as the creator's original prototype we shouldn't even be condoning it or seeking to diminish its ungodly and destructive effect on the family structure. Reproduction is INTEGRAL to life because they'd be no familial structure. Do you but stop trying to justify the unjustifiable.
    How do you know it goes against the grain of all things natural on this planet? How do YOU know exactly how every part of the creator's design is working/should work? How do you know one part of creation negates the validity of another part? How do you know if some people reproduce, that explicitly means others that do not shouldn't exist? HOW DO YOU KNOW?
    B1 rebel 365
    Read the flippin bible -it's ALL recorded in there!

    What are you not getting?!
    A Creator with intelligence surpassing his human creation designing male AND female so that they can replicate life -totally genius! But he's going to be ecstatic about his subjects trying to procreate with the same sex -which he knows is IMPOSSIBLE and unintended -really???!
    What I'm not getting is why you are ignoring reality. Homosexuals exist, have existed for long time yet the world's population has been increasing the entire time they existed. Why is replication even in your argument? The existence of homosexuals have apparently not impeded the perpetuation of humanity at all.

    What's the problem? Not the Bible because I have shown the things you cite cannot be as you cite them/mean what you think they do because it would mean the creator isn't all knowing, isn't all-powerful or is evil.

    I think the problem actually lies in your BELIEF (because you have been told "from the horse's mouth" otherwise) that homosexuality is a choice. Since you believe it is a choice, you believe theoretically, too many people could make the same choice, ending humanity.

    It's a fantasy. We cannot actually do or create ANYTHING the creator didn't intend to be done or created.

    Sin does not exist. The creator created us sinless. We cannot modify his creation. You, I and everyone else is PERFECTLY INNOCENT because we are the creator's creation. I know the idea that you are perfectly innocent it's hard to accept, but it's true.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    OMG! Talk about cognitive dissonance! Mankind continues to reproduce the next generation because not everyone is practising homosexuality -get it?! Cite ONE case where two men have biologically reproduced a child?! and what's the flippin point if one of you still has to simulate the female role -checkmate!

    NONE of us are perfect let alone innocent because we are ALL born subject to imperfection by default. We all have intrinsic personalities making us individually unique - another genius of the Creator! We were also given free will and that's exactly what lifestyle choices are -a personal CHOICE! Being born black is involuntary and therefore natural unlike adopting an unnatural form of sexuality. I actually hate when people refer to or conflate same sex perversion, that's exactly what it is, as 'sex' anything because it has nothing to do with the biological act of sexual intercourse. The mere fact that anyone could possibly find it pleasurable is sickening and demonic. It's a scourge on society and an affront to humanity as is anyone promoting or defending it.

    Still waiting for you to cite ONE benefit to society 🤯 How would/ is it helping black society? 👍🏿
    OMG! Talk about cognitive dissonance! Mankind continues to reproduce the next generation because not everyone is practising homosexuality -get it?!
    That's what I said. I was pointing out that homosexuals have been existing so I was wondering why is this part of your argument. You're conceding the existence of homosexuals has no effect on the reproduction of future generations.

    I think the following paragraph shows what the problem actually is:
    NONE of us are perfect let alone innocent because we are ALL born subject to imperfection by default. We all have intrinsic personalities making us individually unique - another genius of the Creator! We were also given free will and that's exactly what lifestyle choices are -a personal CHOICE! Being born black is involuntary and therefore natural unlike adopting an unnatural form of sexuality. I actually hate when people refer to or conflate same sex perversion, that's exactly what it is, as 'sex' anything because it has nothing to do with the biological act of sexual intercourse. The mere fact that anyone could possibly find it pleasurable is sickening and demonic. It's a scourge on society and an affront to humanity as is anyone promoting or defending it.
    You are perfect. The creator made us PERFECT. If all of us are individually unique, who is to say what is imperfect? It is our very individual uniqueness that makes us perfect. I am perfectly me because there is no standard of me to which compare. Same goes for you.

    Your whole 2nd paragraph is packed with judgments as if you had the authority to judge another equally completely unique being as imperfect. You denounce people's first-hand experience to say it is not what they say about themselves that is true, it is what you say about them that is true. You're playing God in this way as well as declaring what is valid in his universe.

    Everyone has the free will to believe what they want to believe and that's what everyone does. If you want to believe it's a choice rather than what the people themselves actually tell you about themselves, it is your right. But it is that belief that is the source of all your angst.

    You have the CHOICE to believe what they say about themselves or you can believe mankind is under constant threat by them because if what they say about themselves is true, they're not going anywhere. Heterosexuals will continue to sometimes produce homosexuals like a curse lol.

    To your last statement: I wont try to validate a part of perfect creation to another part of perfect creation. It's futile, you will believe what you want anyway. We all do.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    Stop with the word semantics and save your pseudo philosophy for the beguiled. I see what you're trying so hard to do but the facts do not support any argument for sexual deviancy.

    It's disconcerting that there are brothers among us asserting B1 allegiance yet unabashedly defend LGBT-ism with a passion as if it should supersede being black first meanwhile our community is under attack on all fronts by WS and non black groups.

    LGBT-ism is pushed robustly as a tool to destroy our community and stymie our fight against WS. Why are YOU fervently defending it?
    What word semantics? What pseudo-philosophy? What facts?

    I am very specific in what I'm saying and can/often have logically walked you through every step. You're returning generalizations and judgments.

    I'm not really defending LGBT other than to say likely what people say about themselves is truer than what you say about them. Your response is I'm straight and I say so. I'm not making any arguments "for sexual deviancy" as you are for sexual conformity. I think either argument is irrelevant. What is, is. Neither of us has to argue for what is, although we often do anyway lol.

    What am I trying "so hard" to do?

    I believe LGBT-ism is "pushed" robustly as a tool to destroy our community, but it only works if we take sides. The fact is people are LGBT, whether you believe it's a choice or not. If the code is B1, why antagonize them about LGBT? You're giving them a reason to look away from the code. It takes the participation of BOTH sides to get off track. If you believe what people say about themselves, the attack has no effect.

    How is NOT believing what other black people say about themselves and so antagonizing them about it more B1 than believing them?

    Your ego (mine too) wants you to believe that you have figured out the universe, but ultimately we don't know anything.

    Let me put you on to this book called,

    "RA: Teaching the Law of One"​

    (yes, that RA)

    Please, try not to let your view of me color your intake of this book.

    B1 rebel 365

    Master Sixer
    Refuse to Disclose
    Thanx for the recommendation but I'll pass. I have a good selection of black authored books that I'm reading simultaneously at the moment that I'm enjoying.

    Frankly, I don't like your rationale and wily tactic and think it's dangerous. I'm done with this thread now because my views will not change and you're determined to defend the indefensible as it affects you personally -that much is apparent. Also because it's boring!
    You're welcome. It's a book about the metaphysics of reality and humanity, like the Bible.
    Just to add another 2 your book list, another book you would like is "A Course in Miracles." It more directly references the Bible and its true meanings.

    Don't pay too much attention to the authors of these books as the content within does not come from them, "RA: Teaching the Law of One" was channeled from the entity we know as RA. "A Course in Miracles" was channeled from the entity that was Jesus. The truth within both are 100% verifiable by you.

    I believe you may hear about these books again in the future. I hope you may have time then (I listened to the audibles).

    My rationale is the same metaphysics in the Bible. It isn't dangerous. It just isn't saying what tradition believes. I'm not trying to change your view, rather expand it. Apologies for boring you.

    "I leave you in the love and light of our one true creator…"
    I had to look up "wily" (LOL). You think I'm trying to deceive you, WHY? What benefit, what do I gain from deceiving you? I can't even find where the deception might be except maybe when I said "you are perfect." The ego doesn't want to believe this, because if it is true, it means everybody else is also perfect and your ego would have to give up its judgments. This is hard, I concede.

    But your judgments is EVERYTHING that ails you. I know this because my judgments is EVERYTHING that ails me.