You notice something? And I think either Tariq or TBA said this as well, but when you see the 'Yo, man I ain't do nutten' and a whole lot of arguing, even though they are right, you can tell they are just a regular brotha and not deep B1.
My guess is the cops get a more calm, but firm and on his toes, brotha when he's B1 and sees the stop for what it is: a race soldier either trying to body you or at the very least arrest you for any little thing.
Tariq said something a few times that resonated with me. You are a POW when the cops got you hemmed up. Act accordingly. Name, rank and serial number. A brotha in WW2 didn't ask the Nazi soldiers 'Yo, why you stopping me, I ain't do nothing'.
Will it save your life? Not guaranteed. If a cop is determined to take you out, he will. Some of us have seen a video of a cop in Arizona pretty much setting up a white boy to be executed. He was begging for his life and followed instructions as best he could while knowing the cop wanted to kill him.
But you can increase your chances not just of survival but a lawsuit because you know what is and you are B1.
These race soldiers have stopped 100s of us and know the various responses we will have when they try to escalate it. They look for any ol' thing. Even when you are fully compliant but you have that look on your face like 'You ain't shyt', I've had them say 'You got a problem?' and if you don't answer "You are non compliant' and if you answer with too much base, they want to get in your face more. They want you to grovel and they know some of us ain't begging or cowtowing, f*ck that. You may have the right to stop me (or not but in the moment they do), but I'm not gonna coon either.
They want the compliant field buck doing the 'Yes suh' and 'No suh', F&CK THAT. I can tell you this though, when you are calm, and don't overreact but don't cow tow either it scares them more than anything else.