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  1. OG_ShakUr

    Benign Neglect is in full effect.

    The democrats under the biden administration has given BILLIONS to Ukraine, $55 billion to Africa (to atone for enslaved Foundational Black Americans 🤔), and land and resources to red natives. HOWEVER, the one group that has the democrats back, FBA, has been grossly looked over. It's time to...
  2. OG_ShakUr

    Where "Revolution" will not start.

    I used to think that the street gangs were the "Warrior Class" of Foundational Black Americans. But, when I looked back at uprising that took place where Black People played a major role, it was the working class Black Americans initiated those radical actions. In short, a "revolution" lead by...
  3. OG_ShakUr

    Dr. Francis Cress-Welsing is right...

    Under the system of global ytsupremacy, the Masculinity Black Men naturally exude is considered unacceptable and even threatening to all those who are NOT Black Men (namely ytsupremacists and their coon flunkies). Dr. Francis Cress-Welsing spoke of this back in the 70s, and it's happening before...
  4. OG_ShakUr

    Use the "hold ya vote" strategy

    The liberals and their Black cronies have hustled the Black Agrigate for over sixty years. It's time We make them EARN their check AND Our vote.
  5. OG_ShakUr

    The Loud Absence of Black Men

    You hit the nail on the head 👏🏿 We've been sleeping on the job for far too long
  6. OG_ShakUr

    What are you guys thoughts on tethers?

    They should be treated like domestic c🦝🦝nz
  7. OG_ShakUr

    The Loud Absence of Black Men

    It seem as though when the Black Man is not present, anything goes.
  8. OG_ShakUr

    Liberals saying they're in trouble without actually saying they're in trouble

    The pretty much the whole deal. We just don't understand how war works for real
  9. OG_ShakUr

    Can't Be....

    We don't marry outside Our Race because it gives the impression that We live in a "raceless" society- and that causes confusion in many ways
  10. OG_ShakUr


    Remember, the kkk AND Jim crow started off as "trolling" Foundational Black Americans before they began slaughtering Our Grandparents and burning down their towns. WE'RE BEING TROLLED AGAIN.
  11. OG_ShakUr

    Reparations Movement Is Turning Into A Soap Opera!!

    I won't say "soap opera." It's just that the closer Black Americans get to obtaining what appears to be POWER,those not accustomed to having it are going to panic and show their true intentions
  12. OG_ShakUr

    The Darkening of Will Smith

    Please watch it first, Fam.
  13. OG_ShakUr

    The Darkening of Will Smith

    I dig Tariq's content, but I disagree with Bruh on this one.