I am asking is this amazing as in science is moving forward or is this ridiculus like the loch ness monster? Last week i was talking about a spaceship flying into the suns atmosphere. What is the big deal about the sun anyway. But like i was asking do you think science is more fiction than...
I have been trolled by a chick I met by a white guy at my job. He showed me her pics at work. I ended up meeting her and I seen she was in love. Him no fronts. wit the stubs. Crack head. She in her 30's though. I noticed her following and watching my lives but not speaking or chatting back.
This is how I am no sugar coating. I was ostrisised when I was younger going to diverse elementary schools. And I was ostricised in the hood. Niether situation bothered me because of who I always figured I was. I have f da shit out of a couple of non black women. No more than I can count with 3...
Last Saturday i was on the internet looking for some stuff for me and my eight year old to watch. I started by searching for black cartoons. The proud family popped up. I didnt see any Black themed cartoons. I didnt really get into the proud family. I f wit doc mc stuffins before them.Just my...
As far as scenery Savannah is beautiful. It just seemed so slow down there. And thats coming from a guy from Ala. I can not be in the same place for 22 hours.Thats a big boy drive. That sounds like 2 or 3 rest stops a day.
Atlanta to Savannah is four hours. I drove that a couple of times but I learned to fill up in Atlanta cause stopping in between Atl and Savannah is just as dangerous as I-10.
I drove 13 hours from Birmingham to Riviera City Florida. That was the worst trip ever.I would prefer to fly than drive for that long. I drove to Detroit and it was 11 hours.It wasnt as bad as driving through Florida. I made more rest stops on the Detroit trip.
What does Revolution look like? How could reparations come without revolution? Does revolution come before reparations? Will a revolution bring reparations or should we just plan for an admittance of guilt one day? It was stated that the revolution wont be televised but cameras are everywhere...
It jus seem excessive.And girlie. But it is amazing.Alot of guys propably rockin them on da low.I seen one they were doing a womans hair. I see the purpose for that.
With that being said I respect Dr Umar to the utmost because of his intelligence and bravery. Thats just a personal arguement i have. He has been doing alot and more than the average. Just wanted to clear THAt.
I bet you thought I was gonna talk about women, huh? Around 2016 or so I remember my younger cousin asking me a hair question. I felt that the answer was self explanatory. He asked if it was cool if he reattached his locs he cut off a couple of months prior. He decribed it as a chick I guess...
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