Everyone that’s popular has haters that’s why it’s not pointed out. But also anyone who says anything is called a hater which is why it’s called a cult. When people brought up that the building he bought COULD NOT house what he said he could provide people were called haters. How is it hating to...
He probably has people advising him but he doesn't listen to anyone and so now it's catching up to him. He's on video admitting to assault, he lost his tenant in his building, he is in court tomorrow for a restraining order he might lose and have to pay court costs, Taharka filed a case against...
She may not be racist but she thinks just like one and identifies with their talking points. I think you’re in denial of how your wife truly thinks. She does not want to see the world through your eyes and doesn’t even want to hear anything that can persuade her otherwise. She didn’t even love...
Exactly why I don’t have kids with someone outside of my race, even culture. They put their head in the sand and then can’t see why we can’t do the same. Granted, not everyone is like this but too many are. People don’t want to see or relate to our struggle. They want to cozy up to White daddy...
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