I was even wrong about how many years Will Smith was banned from Oscar Award and it's for 10 years. My mentor always says that the biggest harm can come from the best intention.
I believe that most people have already answered the wake up call already and it's why a big number of them are strongly against it and how it's meant to be used.
Having just one girlfriend was a huge pain in the ass for me back then, and someone is talking about having multiple girlfriends. Do you want to kill me with elevated stress?
If you're a professional, you already know the kind of combat attack that's allowed to be used, if you get yourself DQ for mixing it up, you shouldn't blame anyone in my opinion.
Exactly, failed relationships is something that ego problems have a sway in because when you know exactly what you need to do in order to make peace and live together in harmony with respect for each other, the ego problem wouldn't let it.
Once we come together with one voice, it's definitely something that's going to bear good fruit for all of our sakes. But on the other hands, there will always be saboteurs amongst us.
I'm considering jumping into investing in shares as well but for not truly understanding it very well, I have been drawing back on it. I'm going to look for more info on it before getting in on it.
Seriously, this is why it's very difficult for me to trust women that easily. Yeah, I know there are good one's out there but to me everything with them is a big gamble.
I just read a report that he's been banned from Oscar award for 7 years. Isn't that too much of a punishment? Just like you said, it's now a thing of cause and effect. He's going to bleed hard for it.
There is always an edge over big budget smartphone over the low budget ones. Yes, some of them might have good camera picture quality but it's definitely not going to have everything.
It's a sorry thing to for a dude to sell his dignity and personality for a few minutes of pleasure in which in the end, he ends up being thrown out as a used garbage.
It's shocking what these guys put their fellow human being through without a moment of pause and conscience. Some people(victim) will never recover from this kind of acts.
It's really sad that we even allow them to use us in such manner, it's just like using us as slaves that doesn't matter. I think we are part of our own problems.
It's really a shame that all these are happening at once over a slap. Yes, I admit that the timing and location where it happened is not a good one but they are taking it too far.
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