Naw, I saw Soylent Green. I already know their plan. I'm good. I might die, but it won't be because I'm eating their recommended bullshit. They wanna have all the good food and give us trash. They wanna leave us here and they want to go into space. Their time on this earth is almost up. I don't...
I agree, but we have another crisis in our community with folks pro-creating without the means to care for their children. There are plenty of people with criminal records who are unable to work in the legal economy to care for kids. They are having babies to survive, period. Men latch on to...
My sons didn't watch tv too much because they were outside playing or doing year round sports. We were a very pro-Black anti-White entertainment and kids shows at my house. We were Sanford and Sons, Good Times, That's My Mama all the old black shows. We watched football, basketball, track...Our...
Grooming the next generation. You recall during the Obama Administration how many young K-12 kids came out for transitioning and bathroom fights. The full-fledged degenerate generation is grown and out adulting as misfit toys. The next generation is being groomed as we speak.
I feel the same way. We should be pushing back even harder as it is directly targeting us. You can see it clearly programming our children. From school to the cartoons, to children's clothing. I have to be super careful when buying my grandkids' clothes to ensure I'm not buying anything that...
Every cartoon I've watched with my grandkids has some subliminal LGBTQ, nonbinary mess, rainbows, or demonic spirit worship by the New Age occult like Baphomet. It's so scary. I can hardly be around kids today because they are so dark. They consume this mess all day.
Jamaicans are taking a stand against the alphabet agenda. B1s need to take note and push back as well. Silence is cowardice. View:
That's what I say. Check out of their world as much as possible. Black people are gonna learn the hard way about being so co-dependent upon zaddy's goods, services, media, and entertainment for their daily bread. I try to stay my butt home and I keep something on me at all times. I wish a pink...
This is a huge victory for Black New Yorkers who were at risk of being overtaken by the POC coalition. Black folks need to learn the code and begin challenging this illegitimate system...
Every person victimized by a Ponzi scheme said the same thing until they got the letter or visit from the Feds. Just be careful is all I'd suggest. The little guy never wins unless they get out before the bottom falls out.
I have been reading about some of the crazy stuff they've been doing and for the life of me I cannot understand why they want to make robots into people when they have people. Nothing they do ever works well or for long. They waste so much time trying to out do nature F'n up the earth. They...
Some people are infants. They spend their adult lives being children. If you don't want to be challenged or criticized, don't lead. Good leaders expect challenges and try to be transparent. Definitely not combative. I'm tired of all the inner fighting myself which makes me feel a lot of this is...
The cryptocurrency was used to lure folks to adore the blockchain technology, the digital currency system the powers that be are planning to go to once the system fails. The unelected rich, the folks who really run the system, are telling you the jig is up and what their ultimate goals and...
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