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  1. RCNAL

    Original People Columbus Met.

    This was 1915, so you can imagine the mixture with whites since the 1500s made them lighter.
  2. RCNAL

    You Ever Work In An All Black Or Almost All Black Company Or Department?

    One of the hardest things is managing black folks who think they should be able to get away with bullshyt. The 'house n*gga' thing gets thrown around behind your back. Not all but with some. No matter if they are getting more chances than they deserve and more than the white folks. As long as...
  3. RCNAL

    Was Babe Ruth For Integrating Baseball?

    No idea but this photo and comments is interesting. Found it randomly on a feed. I have heard rumors saying he had black blood. He was called racial slurs a lot because he had black features (nose, lips). No idea if true or not. If anyone knows more, please post it. “According to Buck O'Neill...
  4. RCNAL

    I Wonder Why She Disabled Her Comments

    Correction: What I expect beta white boys who are stupid enough to wifey me to do.
  5. RCNAL

    Did Jay Morrison Use TREF Funds To Buy His House?

    While I liked the idea of a new kinda Black Wall Street at the time he was pushing it. I was hoping it would go well. Sounds like there are some big issues with it. I hope its not what critics are saying. It's tough enough getting black folks to work together on any thing financial as it is...
  6. RCNAL

    Quality Brotha On Kendra G Also Offers Sistas Advice

    The brotha said some things I and probably most brothas would echo as well. He might make a good guest on Jason Black's 'The Business' program.
  7. RCNAL

    Stand With Black Floridians Fighting Anti-black Hatred

    Florida got a whole lot of different kinds of black folks from all over who are off code and/or tribal. Black latino homies, Caribbean homies, some Africans mixed in with FBAs. A lot of non Blacks like Cubans or Puerto Ricans are good friends with Blacks and lull some Florida blacks into...
  8. RCNAL

    How White Cop On White Shootings Are Different.

    What I would like to see them do is a deep dive. I would ask my lawyer to get the 911 calls for both. A common thing that white people do is lie on 911 calls. If you are randomly walking in a white neighborhood on the sidewalk, there is obviously nothing illegal about it. 'Karen' doesn't like...
  9. RCNAL

    How White Cop On White Shootings Are Different.

    Tries to mass shoot at black church, points gun at cops and lives. Privilege is a mofo
  10. RCNAL

    USA Supplies Ukraine With A $250M Military Aid Package, Should African Countries Accept A Similar Offer?

    America treated its allies and enemies from World War 2 very differently than African countries when it comes to aid. America made sure the money to Germany, Japan, Korea, was used to build their infrastructure. That helped give work to 1000s if not millions of low skilled and unskilled...
  11. RCNAL

    How White Cop On White Shootings Are Different.

    A sista would have gotten her ass beat by the same white cops and white folks would have said fully justified.
  12. RCNAL

    How White Cop On White Shootings Are Different.

    First the headline says 'allegedly' about a gun. According to the video there is a gun. Next, I've never seen white cops be so sensitive to blacks as victims or bystanders. We are treated differently obviously. It was a clean shoot. She had a gun, before that was unresponsive to commands.
  13. RCNAL

    The French Showing Their Spitefulness

    The French have been some of if not the worst in post Colonialism. They literally control and print the currency of a few different African nations that they former colonized. Essentially they control the economy. Maybe there are others but I don't know...
  14. RCNAL

    WS In A Sista's Face Till Her Man Pulls Up

    For the most part, brothers know white boys will see our women, elderly and kid as valid targets for racist abuse be it verbal or physical. A few brothers in denial but for the most part we won't put anything past a WS. Sisters often don't realize that and think being a woman in society, in...
  15. RCNAL

    Black Teen Arrested While Taking Out The Trash

    It's a whole different energy when a Black father is talking to the cops about his kids. I love that he says 'Why a black kid has to go through trauma like this?' The dad is obviously from the Caribbean from the accent and I like seeing him staying on code. and I hope he sues their ass. I...
  16. RCNAL

    Increase of black male Republicans

    ...problem with the Republican party there are too many Tim Scotts, Larry Elders, in it. Votign for a Republican who is supporting your interest is one thing. Joining a party with these types though? That's another matter....
  17. RCNAL

    Increase of black male Republicans

    Strategic voting. Who ever is supporting your agenda. If no one does in a race, no one gets my vote. I'd love to see blacks have their own B1 candidates in local elections like school board, city council, dog catcher, whatever. If we get enough B1 people in local elections in a black area, it...
  18. RCNAL

    Indian Fox News Contributor Tweets Some Super Disrespectful Ish

    I've known about this guy for years. He's a flat out racist. Always has been: Dinesh D'Souza On Obama: “You Can Take The Boy Out Of The Ghetto Also went to federal prison for illegal campaign financing and Trump pardoned him. He's a waste. Very anti Black waste of space.
  19. RCNAL

    Two White Guys Discuss The Beauty Of The N-Word

    Like any black man in America who has been around white folks, we are all asked at some point by one of them 'why can't we use the n word?' There are a few different ways to counter that effectively.