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  1. Kanu

    Why some people say the bible condone slavery?

    What Ephesians 6:5 have to do with "white people" slaving "negroes"? Let's take quotes from the bible then: Exodus 21:16 And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.
  2. Kanu

    Why some people say the bible condone slavery?

    I heard some black people saying white people used the bible to justify the transatlantic slave trade. That makes no sense i mean have you ever read the bible? randomdudeconfused Hope you have a nice day :)
  3. Kanu

    Most Popular Cell Phone Brands Ever 1977 - 2020

    Nokia still number 1terrancehowardshockedsnoopdisappointment
  4. Kanu

    Do You Eat Pork?

    No pork on my fork. arseniolust
  5. Kanu

    This is a two fold thread related to Gaming and TV/Movies

    Where are you, Caroline?
  6. Kanu

    Interview With An A.I. (Spoiler Alert: WE'RE DOOMED!!!)

    They will replace these clowns asking for UBI.
  7. Kanu

    Earth Is Beautiful

    CGI. mjnegroplease
  8. Kanu

    Nudity In The Family

    Is this really a trend in tiktok?
  9. Kanu

    Do you know what this is?

    They used to be really popular when i was a kid, so good and refreshing. You need to try, and there's so many flavors. snoopdisappointment
  10. Kanu

    YouTube Is Dying

    Just like music industry plants, an apparently organic growing is needed to keep the people hooked and interested. The truth is the big companies always controlled the internet including youtube.
  11. Kanu

    YouTube Is Dying

    Interesting video but perhaps youtube was created to be what it is now.
  12. Kanu

    Do you know what this is?

  13. Kanu

    Namibia Travel Vlog

    The seal colony. terrancehowardshocked
  14. Kanu

    Mental Warfare

    I like that Let's add up not subtract. mjnegroplease
  15. Kanu

    Do you think we'll be playing in VR worlds in the future?

    Yes sorry for that @Finesse i wasn't trying to insult you.
  16. Kanu

    Do you think we'll be playing in VR worlds in the future?

    Yes you dummies will be stuck in that metaverse thinking it's better than real life.
  17. Kanu

    Mental Warfare

    You sound like a militant robot.
  18. Kanu

    What are your thoughts on the things happening in Australia, Germany, Austria, etc.?

    Today i told the manager i'm not getting the vax and got informed i'm not allowed to enter the building anymore (govt job). Welcome to the new normal.