A total nothing burger. If she ain’t b1 it don’t matter if she was Black as an oil slick. She going to go in there and mammy it up. Clarence Thomas with ovaries.
It’s some dude that walks around the Las Vegas Strip and asks some tough questions. He is really good at asking questions that unravel the illogic in some people’s ideologies. He be destroying the feminist women and their double standards. Here are some episodes I like: View...
View: https://twitter.com/mynameisnojuan/status/1496571654406905857?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1496571654406905857%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url= It’s not Den-Zell, it’s actually Den-zul. it actually makes sense because you really be needing two L’s to get ELL sound.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPI80dsDp7U&feature=emb_title These Connecticut niggas ain’t no joke they got: Fat Joe Jim Jones …and a slew of other New York cats. BTW did anyone hear about paperwork coming out about Joe being a snitch?
If you've played any modern open world game you've played HZD. I don't remember since the last time I played it was years ago but I wasn't impressed. It was clinging to the conventions of open world too much for my taste but it didn't help that I had every single AC and FC up to that point and...
It felt lifeless and disconnected. It was kind of boring and everyone I was with felt the same. I think the NFL requiring the acts to lip sync makes it feel artificial.
He wrecked that lying white bitch she over there taking care of that white pookie and telling people not to do the same Then wanted to blame all the hot she was talking in the chat on drinking.
Shit is hot garbage. BTW nigga when you gonna do a Wrestling show on or bit on the site? I know you have the Dukect Lounge I saw the site tweet it out the other night and watched but man we need that over here too. Can't just be talking about niggas getting shot all the time.
We'll see. If she plays her card right I'm sure they will let her ride her horse off into the sunset with her little six figure check. Every time I see her I think of that fat nigga killer whale I mean mike. He was on TV telling us to go home like a hoe.
You from SOHH? Damn nigga I been seeing niggas here from BGOL, SOHH, AHH, and r'where small family. This MMA nigga just proved #securethetribe right. But like that nigga Jay always says the coons go both ways because you got this nigga right here cooning but J Prince and Willie D right behind...
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