I know exactly what to believe and it's that I'm not exposed to all their rubbish and agenda. They can take their vaccines for whatever reason they cooked it up and inject their entire family. I'm not interested.
It's how silly some people can be. In the end when you look at it very closely, you will definitely see that it's probably linked to money and luxury life that's influenced their decisions.
They will always tell you that knowledge is power and you can't argue it because that's 100% true. The only thing that you're going to put up for argument at what expense is the knowledge being acquired?
Staying out of crime is very important but we should also take into consideration that there are lot of Black people who are wrongly accused and put in jail. We even get killed in the streets like wild animals.
I have been seeing a lot of young guys getting married to older ladies that are old enough to be their mother on social media platforms lately but I know for sure that it's all about the money.
Politics have always been a dirty game and mostly to the benefit of the cabal in control of power. It's why some Black's don't like getting involved with them because they already know that it's always going to end in the favor of those damn politicians.
I hated watching the Eternals. I thought that it was only me who was pissed about the nonsense they did with it. It's just like what Marvel did with Thor Love and Thunder. It's total crap.
Yeah, that's true. What I have come to understand over the last couple of years is that the government only gets deeply involved in cases they have something big to benefit from.
Yeah, he's waned from how good he used to be. You can't beat age and that's what's dealing with him now. No matter how good you are, once you're getting old, your skill efficiency will drop. Just like what happened to The Undertaker, he had to retire.
I fear and worry for what the next generation is going to be like because with how everything is going as of late, even the devil would be shocked at what human beings are capable of.
Yeah, you're right about how those White's owned social media sites treat us. We gave them too much freedom and power because we have depended on their stuffs for a long time. We need some of our own to rival them very well.
I never really liked any smartphone that's a flip or slide up deigned. It's why too much stress for me to use them. If it's not flat designed, I'm not interested.
Manchester United was a team of mockery in the Derby. The result of the match showed how better their neighbours have progressed better than them. Every United fan must be ashamed of the match.
I don't even care if they regret it or not, they should live with their crazy decision with their lives ruined for the rest of their days. Is it possible for them to Trans Gender back to their original sex?
It's part of the reason why I had to decline getting the new release of the game. They didn't do well with its development and the beat about the bush you have to worry when playing the game.
We already know the agenda they have been trying to set up in most of their new movies for a while. I'm not surprised at all and it's why the movie doesn't interest me that much now.
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