So these anti-Black racist white supremacists are trying to hang Mr. Cooper now?! We went from "hanging with Mr. Cooper" to harassing Mr. Cooper in a damn hotel (managed by racists) that he paid to be in?! Notice how the white anti-Black racist was bold enough to demand an ID several times, but...
White people using this situation as a way to say, "sEe? We tOLD YoU WhItE PrIvILEgE IsN'T ReAL. ThIs iS PrOoF! wE MuSt aLL wOrK ToGeThEr tO EnD ReVeRsE RaCiSm."
Even though the polls indicate that Biden has a high chance of losing, all they're going to do is find a way to rig the election like they did with the midterms anyway. There is no way in hell he or a lot of these other politicians has this much support from general public. If that's truly the...
@bennyjohnson (Benny Bob S.O.Bbin Johnson) and his fanny belch is transcribed. "Brittney hates America Paul served America" Translation: "Brittney hates a country that actively supports and promotes white supremacy and anti-Black racism. As a white person, I have a huge problem with this and...
For the people saying "pawgs", you better hope you never link up with a certified Karen, a Susan who lies about Black men harming and sexually assaulting them, or a killer Becky (like Courtney “Tailor” Clenney who stabbed & killed Christian Tobechukwu Obumseli).
They always deeply believed they could and should never be touched because they egotistically feel themselves to be superior and the closest thing to "angelic." And since they believe doing "God's work" (which includes enslaving, exploiting, colonizing, terrorizing and brainwashing people) is a...
Since most governments are ran by white supremacists anyways, it's not really that hard to pass the key from one white supremacist to another white supremacist.
All you have to do is see how those white supremacists were chimping out and raging like fragile, disturbed demons when law enforcement had to kill that dangerous criminal Ashli Babbitt during that January 6th Insurrection and when that white thug Ethan Liming was killed by 3 teenagers who were...
I'm guessing the 16-year-old was white. This is the same Greece that beat a young Black American boy to death some years back as his white American so-called "friends" bailed on him and did absolutely nothing to stop it. This sounds like more white on white crime to me. No sympathies here.
My ancestors never consented to white slave owners getting reparations. Where is the energy for the white slaveowners and their living descendants that not only got reparations, but were also reimbursed for "losses" during the civil War and were also able to keep all of their unearned...
Also, does Larry Elder have an issue with non-Ukrainian taxpayers having to send money Ukraine with no say in the matter? How about non-Israeli and non-Jewish taxpayers having their taxpayer dollars sent to Israel? How about taxpayers having their pool of money being looted and exploited by...
Minorities > People of Color > We're all in this together > Diversity > Inclusion > Black and Brown > Underserved Communities > Rural Communities > Poor Whites > Everyone else first and Black people last > Everyone else but Black people
Racist immigrants, illegals and their bastard anchor baby spawn flooding the country and both hostilely undermining and discriminating against Black people (see the recent 2022 Tesla lawsuit and the 2022 LA City Council corruption scandal for examples). A worsening economy. More Black...
They have to be Black and on code. Jackson, Mississippi has a Black mayor yet its citizens are still facing a water crisis and still aren't being served well. You have Black mayors and politicians throughout America yet look how they continue to neglect and treat their Black constituents.
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