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I am heartbroken about what happened to this brotha. I would have pulled him off that ride immediately. The father said that Tyre wasn’t allowed on the other rides. He then questioned why was he allowed on the Free Fall. The harness wasn’t clicked into place. I think his weight played a factor of why he wasn’t secured. I think the ride’s operators are responsible for it. I don’t believe they checked him and they were lazy as hell. Now they have blood on their hands. Tyre Sampson knew something wasn’t right as well as other riders, but I don’t understand why no one put their foot down and said, “ I’m getting off this ride. I don’t feel safe.” I have been thinking about this since Friday. I don’t understand why the friend(s) had to get on that particular ride and why they didn’t get off and leave. Tyre said if I don’t make it down tell my parents I love them. As chillling as this is, I feel like he knew his life was about to end. I just wish his life could have been saved.  RIP 🙏🏾