I listened and what I didn‘t hear is how LGBTQIA is simply White people bullying everyone else. It’s gay White men and women who make it so obnoxious. They are the one that pull the levers of power and they are using that privilege to…no homo…throw this all in our faces. Pause.
Yep and so do those white non-binary queers, white bisexuals, and white transpeople too. They have dual privileges. They have white privilege and LGBTQIA privilege. Double combo. Although, the Black LGBTQIA people can't really maximize their honorary ineffective LGBT privilege cards due to their Blackness (unless they are using it against non-LGBT Black people, which whites love to see happen).
I clicked post too soon and didn't go indepth in her short analysis.
But Corporate Cowardice - All these companies who throw up pride flags on everything for no reason.
Insulting to Black People - The alphabets have never actually gone through legit oppression and yet they get a month. Note: She threw anti-black coon-bitch shade because she's her
Perversity dressed as diversity - These parades where you got people naked and running around debaucherously and calling it "Pride" when really it's just perversion.
Slippery Slope - first they got a day, then it turned into a week and now it's a month. They're always going to want more and they'll never be satisfied so when does all of their alphabet mafioso bullying end
Cultural Ignorance - They are clueless to their own mission anymore. They have a pride flag in one hand and a Ukrainian flag in another. Yet their organization isn't actually DOING anything to help liberate members of the LGBTQ group who ARE oppressed in those European countries.
I love the phrase "perversity dressed as diversity" which perfectly describes the BS we are seeing now. Although I do not like how she took jabs at BLM and Black History Month. Who the hell ever said that "if you don't hang up BLM flags, then you are racist?" Absurd. In fact, not only did I see non-Black racists shitting on the BLM movement, but I saw other non-Blacks racists (including fake "Anti-Racists) support BLM while also saying and doing racist shit themselves. So no, having Black friends and hashtagging #BLM does not erase one's racism either.
As for the slippery slope, let the LGBTQIA and their allies say it, "ThE SliPpErY SlOpE ThEoRY iS A LoGicAL FallAcY NoT a FacT."
Because in there "logical", "rational", totally "reasonable", open minds: "iN
InFoRmAl lOgIc,
SlIpPeRy sLoPe iS A FaLlAcY In wHiCh a cOuRsE Of aCtIoN Is oBjEcTeD To oN ThE GrOuNdS ThAt oNcE TaKeN It wIlL LeAd tO AdDiTiOnAl aCtIoNs uNtIl sOmE UnDeSiRaBlE CoNsEqUeNcE ReSuLtS. aLsO KnOwN As tHe
sLiPpErY SlOpE ArGuMeNt aNd tHe
dOmInO FaLlAcY."
I do not like her either. She is obviously a plant. She was complaining about the system and sued somebody if I am not mistaken. Then, she did a 180 degree turn and started blaming Black people.
The moment Candace Owens went on racist ass TMZ with Kanye West to coon, deny racism, make asses of themselves, and support that "slavery is a choice" statement, I knew that I would be seeing and hearing her everywhere soon after.
I mean, how was this nobody Candace Owens able to share the spotlight with a celebrity like Koonye West on national television?
You don't think this is suspect?
Tomi Lahren is a plant too.
The tea is here:
This really shouldn't be shocking.
SideNote: Allhiphop.com and its author can seriously go fuck themselves for shitting on Tariq Nasheed near the middle end of this article. How you going to call Tariq a fraud and compare Tariq to anti-Black Candace Owens and anti-Black white supremacists? Bitch what? I was not expecting to see that at all. They really can't help themselves. What a way to ruin an article.
And of course a white female named Bernadette Giacomazzo wrote this article by the way.
Yes, you have whites, white hipsters, white hypebeasts, white LGBT, non-Blacks, and everyday white females writing articles on hip hop sites and sites allegedly for Black people in order to help sow seeds of division, disorder, and confusion. Just because whites oppose the MAGA supporters and alt right doesn't mean that they support Black people and our empowerment.
We should have a straight pride flag during the same month. Of course, it would make us an enemy of the system since it would dilute what the system wants which is to push the LGBT agenda. We could push Black love between a Black man and a Black woman who are positive.
I like the Black love idea as a way to promote quality, healthy Black relationships. The LGBT do hate the idea of straight pride because "sTrAiGhT PrIdE Is eVeRyDaY. sTrAiGhT PeOpLe aRe nOt oPpReSsEd aNd wErE NeVeR KiLLEd fOr bEiNg sTrAiGhT." They are so dense. Only a few dumbass straight people believe they are oppressed for being straight, but most do not. Straight people, do, however feel they are being harassed and forced into supporting things that are inappropriate. LGBTQIA do sometimes get flack for being LGBTQIA, but to call it oppression and to compare their issues to being Black in America and elsewhere? And to claim that Dave Chapelle making LGBT jokes and us not approving outright perversion is "oppression" and "terrorism?" Man, listen the hell up. Unless you are Black and LGBTQIA, LGBTQIA people are NOT BLACK and do not compare to Black people. STOP IT.
By the way, is it homophobic if I tell you that this pornographic fifth below has absolutely no place in our children's schools?
The books, targeted at children, contain graphic gay sex scenes.
The author of this ch1ld p0rnographic groomer book disguised as a children's book:
"The New York Times in an interview with
Maia Kobabe, the author of “Gender Queer,” avoided using any pronouns to describe Kobabe, who is nonbinary and uses e, eir and em pronouns."
You. Cannot. Make. This. Up.
Dumbasses online were angry that NYT didn't use any pronouns (let alone those stupid ass pronouns above) to describe the author, but not over the fact this perverted author is marketing pornographic garbage and sexual confusion to young kids. How backwards can you be?
Story at a glance The New York Times in an interview with Maia Kobabe, the author of “Gender Queer,” avoided using any pronouns to describe Kobabe, who is nonbinary and uses e, eir and em pronouns.…
And you had motherfuckers on the Internet claiming that "But kids see worse things on the Internet and outside?" Seriously? So because one thing is fucked up, all things gotta be fucked up and perverted too along with it? And because you eat bad food and smoke, you should risk also messing up your body even more by getting an experimental vax that has not been properly tested? Make. It. Make. Sense. Isn't this kind of thinking an
actual logical fallacy?
Anytime Ro Ro.
That's exactly how she got on the scene. She sued a school or some shit and then conservatives came with a check and she shut right the hell up...
She didn't even get a good payout. She only got like $40,000 (before her lawyer probably took their portion). And unfortunately, most Black people went and still go through worse racism and we never even see a dime. It is truly a travesty. However, being a staunch coon is not a productive, safe, healthy way to respond to racial trauma at all. And honestly, I am beginning to think that her suing her school for racism lowkey might have been a set up as well as a convenient backstory to justify pushing this alt right industry plant Candace Owens into the public eye all along. They tossed Stacey Dash to the side for Candace Owens.