Those women, all women want to say a woman is a biological woman but if you say that publicly on tv or a youtube channel you are canceled.
The trans women got so much power right now, they got everyone scared to say they aren't women. Even real women. It's crazy.
A man can wake up one morning and say he's Jesus, and he's sent to the mental ward. Same guy wakes up one morning and say he's a woman. No problem. Anything else: black, Napoleon, alien life form, Superman, Louis XIV reincarnated, mental ward. You say you're a woman? Oh, okay, that' fine, that's normal, but them other characters, you crazy.
I really don't have a problem if someone wants to live their truth. I worked with a trans once years ago. Not my department but in the same organization. Many gay guys, 1 or 2 became cool personal friends, all of us got a relative who is definitely gay, its out or gay and everyone in denial. The hair salon, choir, etc. James Baldwin is my co-favorite 60s icon (along with Malcolm X). But when its an agenda I got an issue.