It was very disheartening to realize and find out that Franklin Roosevelt was quite a very crafty, covert racist hiding behind cowardice and "maintaining unity" of the dominant society. Like a racist Abraham Lincoln, but worse... Franklin Roosevelt is also the same President that outright refused White House entry to the Black WWII veterans while letting the white ones in.
The white media and new outlets have always mentioned how the sitting President (without mentioning the President's name) during the time of WWII wouldn't meet with and honor the Black vets and allow them in the White House. It was Franklin D. Roosevelt's racist white cripple ass. I have noticed greatly that the white media and news outlets refuse to openly admit that just like other presidents, Franklin Roosevelt was a racist POS and did not like Black people either.
And too many folks along with schools and history books have the nerve to praise this racist demon for doing great things for the USA, including signing the GI Bill, enacting the New Deal (creating programs such as Social Security), etc.
Black people were locked out of the GI Bill as well as programs from the New Deal which deliberately hurt us profoundly and economically in the long run.
All the great things Franklin Dickmeat Roosevelt did for the YS was for white America at the expense of Black America.
Utterly Unforgivable.