If I was a multi billionaire, I'd be a producer. So many stories I want to be made. I would love to have a series of high quality, similar to Vikings and Rome and have based on the Moor invasion and take over of Spain, Sicily, etc.
Its a great story and Hollywood will never, ever, ever make it for obvious reasons. Black people defeating white folks.
There are other stories as well. I want successful slave revolts told. One is the slave ship The Creole that was traveling along the east coast towards New Orleans and they revolted and took the ship to British Virgin Islands I think which was free and got their freedom. Shockingly, 5 of them chose to stay on the ship and not go to freedom and went eventually into slavery in New Orleans. I'd love that story to be told.
I would also like to do a story on the Maroon rebellion in Jamaica as well. As well as other successful rebellions in Brazil.
I want an alternate universe tv series. Hannibal won and took over the Roman Empire and Africa are the subjugators of Europe and we do all the gully ish to them...haha
I have some racial/religious themed alien movie idea as well. If I had Elon Musk type of money, I'd buy back BET and make it woke AF.