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Being co-dependent on the white state has done NOTHING for us!


Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    I have to rant a bit after seeing so much nonsense in the streets and on social media....

    Welfare, benefits, all that... It has done nothing but hurt the black community.

    Our women have been tricked into allowing white daddy state to be the provider and throw the black man out the window. I am sick of seeing it. They are out there saying "miss independent" while they are still sucking the white teet of the state and hurting the community as a whole.

    I get it that a lot of people can't afford to support their kids without help but this dependence, this state of "needing" the government has done nothing but keep our people in a constant state of poverty. The only ones who get out are the ones who are willing to dance for the white man.

    We need to encourage the youth and our communities to support each other and pull away from this state dependency or they will continue to use and abuse us. They tell us to vote for change but people are out there voting for MORE state control over their lives, and I have to ask WHY!?

    We need to lift up our men and appreciate them, and encourage them to be better but these women need to be willing to step away from this stuff, and sadly, too many of them refuse to do it. We have a lot working against us but if we continue, nothing will change. Things will only get worse. There are no politicians in power who truly have our backs. Corporations play pretend like they give a shit about us, they don't. We need to start giving a shit about each other.

    The black family unit in America has been hijacked. The black culture in America has been hijacked. They did this on purpose. I feel like this was all in the making. We at one point had better marriage rates and family rates than whites in this country. In spite of everything, our people had a growing economy of black people supporting black businesses, black churches supporting black youth... Now, look at everything. These white people gave us the illusion of freedom. They said we were made free only for them to stop us when we were succeeding.

    I can't see anything changing until enough of us be the change we need to see. If nothing is done, white America will continue to use, abuse, and destroy us.


    Senior Sixer
    App Beta Tester
    Half Black
    Well starting with family, (if I may) people should stay out of the large cities (unless that city happens to be dirt cheap to live in). Go rural. Go out to the smaller places where it often will be less expense. We must build our own. There's a friend I know, Pastor Dowell (Hebrew Israelite). He's building up his own communities. What he does is superb. He does mingle with white folk though... I highly recommend FBA move to locations you hadn't thought of... New Mexico for example. Here we are vastly outnumbered. But there are some... Perks. Just get out of those cities. They are a trap in EVERY way.


    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    Well starting with family, (if I may) people should stay out of the large cities (unless that city happens to be dirt cheap to live in). Go rural. Go out to the smaller places where it often will be less expense. We must build our own. There's a friend I know, Pastor Dowell (Hebrew Israelite). He's building up his own communities. What he does is superb. He does mingle with white folk though... I highly recommend FBA move to locations you hadn't thought of... New Mexico for example. Here we are vastly outnumbered. But there are some... Perks. Just get out of those cities. They are a trap in EVERY way.
    Great points! There are areas that are cheaper and safer than the city if you go out enough and they tend to have lower populations so you can raise a family and have them grow the area. Get enough black families doing this in the same area, we can have our own community to build up and protect. Cities do nothing for us. They trap us. We end up stuck in a system that hates us.


    Royal Sixer
    Community Host
    Content Contributor
    These white people gave us the illusion of freedom. They said we were made free only for them to stop us when we were succeeding.
    *Whites and non-Blacks put up glass doors, glass ceilings, a broken elevator that works 2% of the time with a capacity of 10 people with many buttons that don't work, stairs with missing staircases, invisible lines and glass ceilings.*

    Black person: Why can't I climb ladder and reach the next level? Something has to be wrong here. It feels like I'm trapped. Someone definitely needs to fix this broken elevator and put up some staircases.

    Whites and non-Blacks: Stop complaining and making excuses. You're not working hard enough. Stop being lazy and lay off the welfare and street crime. You want more free shit and handouts? Go buy your bootstraps and get a job like everybody else. You freeloader.


    Master Sixer
    Florida, USA
    I have to rant a bit after seeing so much nonsense in the streets and on social media....

    Welfare, benefits, all that... It has done nothing but hurt the black community.

    Our women have been tricked into allowing white daddy state to be the provider and throw the black man out the window. I am sick of seeing it. They are out there saying "miss independent" while they are still sucking the white teet of the state and hurting the community as a whole.

    I get it that a lot of people can't afford to support their kids without help but this dependence, this state of "needing" the government has done nothing but keep our people in a constant state of poverty. The only ones who get out are the ones who are willing to dance for the white man.

    We need to encourage the youth and our communities to support each other and pull away from this state dependency or they will continue to use and abuse us. They tell us to vote for change but people are out there voting for MORE state control over their lives, and I have to ask WHY!?

    We need to lift up our men and appreciate them, and encourage them to be better but these women need to be willing to step away from this stuff, and sadly, too many of them refuse to do it. We have a lot working against us but if we continue, nothing will change. Things will only get worse. There are no politicians in power who truly have our backs. Corporations play pretend like they give a shit about us, they don't. We need to start giving a shit about each other.

    The black family unit in America has been hijacked. The black culture in America has been hijacked. They did this on purpose. I feel like this was all in the making. We at one point had better marriage rates and family rates than whites in this country. In spite of everything, our people had a growing economy of black people supporting black businesses, black churches supporting black youth... Now, look at everything. These white people gave us the illusion of freedom. They said we were made free only for them to stop us when we were succeeding.

    I can't see anything changing until enough of us be the change we need to see. If nothing is done, white America will continue to use, abuse, and destroy us.
    I agree, but we have another crisis in our community with folks pro-creating without the means to care for their children. There are plenty of people with criminal records who are unable to work in the legal economy to care for kids. They are having babies to survive, period. Men latch on to these women with all these kids because it's food and shelter. They can't work and there is no expectations for them to work. A lot of people can't afford to have children but have them anyway. Also problematic is the fact we've gotten away from abstaining until marriage, treating our cookies as a prize instead of snacks. If people would have children with a sane husband that a provider and a sane wife that capable of being a mother, nurturer, teacher, etc.

    These non-traditional roles ain't working for our community.

    We need to have codes and rules for our community. Don't have children until you have the means and time to care for them. Abstain. It should not be so fashionable or cool to be a single parent.


    Senior Sixer
    We are enslaved & many of us don’t fully recognize this reality. Extreme amount of Single parents being pimped by the Welfare State(Modern day plantation) this Blk bodies support a vast State & Federal Bureaucracy. The other extreme is the Prison Industrial Complex that is populated with overwhelming numbers of Black Men. So when you consider the 2 extremes & how we are over represented in each, one could easilt conclude that at worst we are re enslaved & practicing some type of weird socialism/communism. 1 must remember that during the era of Slavery in America there were free Blacks watching, & seeing, the horrendous circumstances much as those of us today look upon our present circumstances.

    Red Velvet

    Master Sixer
  • Messages
    New York
    Well starting with family, (if I may) people should stay out of the large cities (unless that city happens to be dirt cheap to live in). Go rural. Go out to the smaller places where it often will be less expense. We must build our own. There's a friend I know, Pastor Dowell (Hebrew Israelite). He's building up his own communities. What he does is superb. He does mingle with white folk though... I highly recommend FBA move to locations you hadn't thought of... New Mexico for example. Here we are vastly outnumbered. But there are some... Perks. Just get out of those cities. They are a trap in EVERY way.
    We need to all be ready to die too. If we as a Black race are not willing to die for our freedom we will never get it. We will keep reliving Tulsa over and over just with the invaders being Asian, Hispanics and other immigrants.


    Senior Sixer
    We need to all be ready to die too. If we as a Black race are not willing to die for our freedom we will never get it. We will keep reliving Tulsa over and over just with the invaders being Asian, Hispanics and other immigrants.
    We need to all be ready to die too. If we as a Black race are not willing to die for our freedom we will never get it. We will keep reliving Tulsa over and over just with the invaders being Asian, Hispanics and other immigrants.
    “The Cost of Freedom is Death”…Malcom X
    “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” Patrick Henry

    2 Men, opposite ends of the spectrum, different eras, but the same understanding.


    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    I agree, but we have another crisis in our community with folks pro-creating without the means to care for their children. There are plenty of people with criminal records who are unable to work in the legal economy to care for kids. They are having babies to survive, period. Men latch on to these women with all these kids because it's food and shelter. They can't work and there is no expectations for them to work. A lot of people can't afford to have children but have them anyway. Also problematic is the fact we've gotten away from abstaining until marriage, treating our cookies as a prize instead of snacks. If people would have children with a sane husband that a provider and a sane wife that capable of being a mother, nurturer, teacher, etc.

    These non-traditional roles ain't working for our community.

    We need to have codes and rules for our community. Don't have children until you have the means and time to care for them. Abstain. It should not be so fashionable or cool to be a single parent.
    This is a message that is easier said than done. A lot of young people just don't care. They get trapped in the system this way. I remember reading an article a few years ago written by a black woman which talked about this in detail from her own perspective and experiences. Saying how this system is not designed to help people get back on their feet but rather keep a net around you for life to keep them from achieving anything more. It is about power, money, and votes. The government doesn't look at us as people, they still look at us as objects, and nothing changed. They just tricked so many of our people into objectifying themselves.