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Black people threatening to date white people exclusively


Sixer First Class+
First, this sista is all cap. She is beautiful. Is there colorism in dating? Sure. But pretty is pretty, dark or whatever. There are tons and tons of men who will date a pretty dark skin chick. My guess? She's a bedwench and using colorism as a reason. It's all cap. Just say you wanna date white boys. Will she get white boys to date her? Definitely. Can she find a white boy who will treat her well? Absolutely. I don't know how old she is but there is very, very little chance a white boy will put a ring on that. There are 50 million married white men in America. 168,000 married sisters. It seems like a lot but its small as hell. Also, of those white men, you don't know who are average income, beta ass. The narrative is sisters who marry white men are marrying producers, ballers. I said this in another thread, it takes a WHOLE lot for a white boy making over 100k to marry a sista. He is passing over Becky, Asian and other non Black women. The numbers show this. White men married to Asian women, 529,000, white men married to non Asian, non black, 487,000.

Of those marriages to sistas, 58% end in divorce. I don't trip of these sistas, good riddance. 95% at least (and I'm being kind with the numbers) end up getting ran through, hitting their 30s and even though still attractive, won't be able to find a husband. Christelyn Karazin the queen of swirlers got divorced and can only manage to get a racist white boy as her boyfriend. No white man is marrying her again. My only issue with these types of sistas is that they actively work against black people. They openly hate on black men. And truth is they don't give a sh*t about sisters. You never, ever see the women in this space on social media, youtube programs, clubhouse, etc, EVER talk about black women killed by cops or unjustly killed like Sandra Bland and Breonna Taylor...ever. There are lots of sistas who primarily date black men but will go on a date with a white boy or latino occasionally if the 'right one' comes along, meaning he's attractive, got some paper and she's in a dating slump. Not tripping on those sistas. They primarily prefer black men but for whatever reasons (like they live in Salt Lake City for example), they diversify their dating.

Now for the men. There are two types. There are the hard core bed bucks who are the black male version of swirlers. They will not date black women at all. They date white women exclusively or all non black women (white, asian, latina, arab, whatever). These brothers hate black women. I got a homie or two from back in the day like this.

There are also the other type of brothers. They will not date black American women. Ever. They date non American black women (in Brazil, DR, Africa, Caribbean). They will also date latinas or Asians. They don't really like Becky like that but may smash if the opportunity arises. These men have an issue with black American women specifically. They are still down for black folks generally. They may not join a protest march, but they sympathize with any black injustice.


Black men and women (same in ALL other races and ethnic groups) have always had internal issues. No matter what. Even in countries that are deeply patriarchal where women have next to no rights (Afghanistan, parts of India, etc), even these men complain about their women. In our great grandparents days where sisters wore white gloves, and carried themselves with grace to catch a man, the black folks complained about finding a good man or woman. Today is different. There is a visceral hatred of the other gender by a growing group of black men and women. Never, ever in the history of black people has any black women publicly called black men 'bullet bags' and meant it in the sense she likes to see us killed. Never in the history of black people in America has black women openly discuss if its best to abort black males.

Never in the history of black people in America has black men openly tell other black men to not date black American women at all or black women period. Our relationship with each other is the worse its ever been in our history.

One of the main reasons I love about this FBA, ADOS, Reparations, B1, whatever is that it isolates and ostracizes these sell outs. We are slowly seeing proof of it. Omarosa is one example. She can't get invited back to the bbq yet. Stacy Dash, still attractive, can't even smash her way Herschel Walker is done. Can't come back. Kanye better watch himself. lol

But overall, at some point, all those people on tik tok, youtube, talking anti black dating will eventually get their negro wake up call in some sense or fashion. Very, very few winners. Especially for the ladies. Men who date exclusively white but are producers (NOT saying its fair), can get a sista later. She will look at him sideways but if he makes enough, he can cop pleas. Not nearly so with sistas who swirl hard and then start hitting the wall.

The one thing with those types of brothers who try to come back is their social media history is their paperwork so they will be ostracized and as more and more brothers who are B1 start producing, he's really ass out.