This brother was almost kidnapped and killed, left with lacerations all of his body, a broken leg & spine, and likely traumatized. But the golden question is why? I don’t mean why did this happen to him but why was he in this position to begin with? Why are so many brothas traveling to 3rd world countries at the risk death? These are all rhetorical questions because we know the answer is sex, but here’s the kicker; while I don’t agree with the Passport Bro Movement, I can tell everyone first hand that a passport is one of the most powerful tools you can have as it unlocks international banking, networking, favorable currency conversion rates, and a break from close distance white supremacy. So back to the answer of my rhetorical questions; to minimize this powerful tool to just sex is doing yourselves a grave disservice.
I am no Pan African but I did travel to Ghana then visited family in Detroit before returning home. I felt safer in Ghana than Detroit, bought African art, made African contacts, I would never travel to Colombia unless it was lucrative for me. There’s no stories of Americans getting drugged and their kidneys stolen over in Africa like Latin America. Es no bueno 4 me.