MrBeast's Chris Tyson Went On Hormones. Then Came Transphobic Conspiracy Theories
Transphobic MrBeast fans are going after Chris Tyson with transphobic memes, saying he's a victim of the made-up 'Karl Effect.'
So this Christ dude decided he is going to tap out and quit being a man, he wants to be a woman now! This is AFTER marrying a woman and having a child with her. That is the part I think is messed up. I don't care if this dude decided to cut all ties with manhood but holy ish, the dude straight up destroyed that woman's life.
Now imagine you married someone and had a baby with them. Then 6 months later, they decided to switch it up on you and tell you they are trans. Like to me, this is some form of cheating. I mean she filed for divorce and they have been separated for over a year but he only recently started transitioning with hormone therapy.
He gave up life with a woman that loved him and a growing family to be trans which is not a fun life. Your dating pool shrinks to the point where you are lucky to find someone who wants to mess around much less commit to you. You end up only being able to date other trans people 95% of the time.
I don't think this dude has gender dysphoria. I think it has become trendy for people to be trans and because some people are attention whores and see other people becoming famous or rich from it, they want that too.
All that to say... What would you do if someone did this to you? Like how f'd up would that make you? I don't know what I would do if I committed my life to a man and had his baby and he did this to me.