This is common sense. The "wage gap" nonsense is a numbers game. Everyone earns the same amount according to skill and level. The reason women earn less overall is down to them taking jobs that pay less on average, not because they earn less. If women were paid less, why the hell would any business hire men? LOL
This is common sense. The "wage gap" nonsense is a numbers game. Everyone earns the same amount according to skill and level. The reason women earn less overall is down to them taking jobs that pay less on average, not because they earn less. If women were paid less, why the hell would any business hire men? LOL
You didn't listen to it all the way. Also there's a reason why American companies say it's taboo to discuss salary because you would see how much more White men are making than everyone else.
This is common sense. The "wage gap" nonsense is a numbers game. Everyone earns the same amount according to skill and level. The reason women earn less overall is down to them taking jobs that pay less on average, not because they earn less. If women were paid less, why the hell would any business hire men? LOL
I still stand by my statement, if women were earning less and being paid less, more business owners would be hiring mostly or all female employees. That is just my take. I never had an issue discussing salaries where I worked. It is taboo to not talk about it. Only a handful of fields actually require a degree too. If you actually have skills in something, you can go far. I feel like we have all been lied to with the college nonsense and part of the reason was likely to keep certain people out of high-wage jobs but that is changing now.