Yeah I can’t watch it either it hurts too much. While I appreciate all of our ancestors Malcolm X is the one I truly venerate. I aspire to be like Malcolm X and take the baton a step further than he did to honor is sacrifice. So when I see him get shot, I feel like I’m shot. They took a part of me and all of us that day.
I wish that Nigél Thatch could've kept the Malcolm role. He did such a phenomenal job playing Bro. Malcolm that he deserved the opportunity to finish the story arc, IMO.
If you watch Snowfall and Godfather of Harlem you start to connect the dots of how involved the US Government is in the drug trade and destroying the Black Community....from the Vietnam heroine trade 60's 70's to Iran contra coccaine crack 80's 90's to poppy fields and opium of Afghanistan 00's to the present you understand what the US gross national product is.....yeah I said it!
Here is Malcolm X talking about Adam Clayton Powell and it shows that there relationship in Godfather in Harlem is accurate. Malcolm X talks well of him.
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