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"Going Green" is a LIE


Royal Sixer
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    Half Black
    I am sick of seeing it. I am sick of hearing about it.

    Yes, we need to be more aware of our environment. Yes, we need to do better for nature and wildlife. Yes, we need to cut down on pollution. I agree with all this.

    What I don't agree with is the complete BULL they sell us. Remember that nasty little girl with the accent, the "how dare you" girl? She wanted the US, Canada, Europe, etc. all to give up oil RIGHT NOW. This would kill millions upon millions of people. But she never touched on China or India, two of the biggest pollution drivers in the world. As we speak, China is putting up an average of one coal factory a week. Mind you, the US has dropped its pollution by over 26% in the last 10 years.

    I ain't done yet.

    Now we are being told we need to give up oil. We have a president closing pipelines. We have rising gas, food, etc. costs. He said he is doing it for the environment... Yet he goes down to Saudi and BEGS them for oil. He tells them to keep on fracking for it. So is this really about the environment? HELL NO.

    Back in the day, people used to go on and on about horse crap is everywhere. Causing disease. Causing smells. We needed to ban horse riding! But guess what happened? they were replaced by cars. Humans always find a solution to their problem but the greedy people and politicians at the top want to exploit the time between that.

    Did you know Canada PAYS China to recycle its waste? Yes, they ship them their trash and what do they do? They dump it in the ocean.

    We have been hearing the world was going to end in 10 years since the 70s. Global warming, climate change, climate crisis... They all peddle this stuff and they keep telling us WE need to change but they NEVER do.

    Obama himself peddled this nonsense while buying expensive beachfront property in a place he said would be underwater in 10 years.

    THEY ARE ALL LYING! Things are not as bad as they seem. We have time to fix things and we don't need to suffer while we do it but they want each and every one of us to suffer.