Goodbye Black America


Senior Sixer
App Beta Tester
Half Black

The sad fact of the matter is, Black Americans are screwed. All of you should just cut your losses and leave. It’s completely hopeless for them; all I see is the same silliness, over and over. It’s like their minds are sick, so they can’t get themselves out of their situation. No disrespect, but it’s like dealing with a bunch of subhuman retarded people. Sad AF.

I really can’t comprehend how they’re like this—even all my Black family are. They refuse to read books or anything more than a paragraph long. Black Women are completely jaded, and suffer the same issues that WW do. Black Man is doing something big, and you want to join? Too bad, you’re not enough of a rich instagram clout-master. Black Men seem incapable of working together on anything. Constant fuckery. And whenever they seem to be doing something, it’s always some sort of get rich quick scheme, trying to game the viral clout machine.

Pay close attention to Gaza, because you’re next. You’ll think that could never happen here! and then next thing you know, it is. How come they never want to do anything, even if it’s at little to no cost? No wonder the pigs feel safe to shoot your mamas in the head. These people are looking WEAK AF all over the world stage, and yet they subjugate Black people, particularly Black Americans like they’re their pet house flies!

I get small glimmers of hope from people like Professor Black Truth or Neil deGrasse Tyson. But they’re literally ones in hundreds of thousands or even millions. I dread to even think where they will be in 5 years time… if we don’t pull through.


Community Host

The sad fact of the matter is, Black Americans are screwed. All of you should just cut your losses and leave. It’s completely hopeless for them; all I see is the same silliness, over and over. It’s like their minds are sick, so they can’t get themselves out of their situation. No disrespect, but it’s like dealing with a bunch of subhuman retarded people. Sad AF.

I really can’t comprehend how they’re like this—even all my Black family are. They refuse to read books or anything more than a paragraph long. Black Women are completely jaded, and suffer the same issues that WW do. Black Man is doing something big, and you want to join? Too bad, you’re not enough of a rich instagram clout-master. Black Men seem incapable of working together on anything. Constant fuckery. And whenever they seem to be doing something, it’s always some sort of get rich quick scheme, trying to game the viral clout machine.

Pay close attention to Gaza, because you’re next. You’ll think that could never happen here! and then next thing you know, it is. How come they never want to do anything, even if it’s at little to no cost? No wonder the pigs feel safe to shoot your mamas in the head. These people are looking WEAK AF all over the world stage, and yet they subjugate Black people, particularly Black Americans like they’re their pet house flies!

I get small glimmers of hope from people like Professor Black Truth or Neil deGrasse Tyson. But they’re literally ones in hundreds of thousands or even millions. I dread to even think where they will be in 5 years time… if we don’t pull through.
I wish more of our people were serious about empowerment. I'm not leaving the US other than to visit other countries. I do see your frustration. You seem like the only one in your family who is very successful. I am one of the very few in mine, and my family members think I'm an ATM. I see what you mean regarding "silliness." So many of our folks can't get serious beyond being entertained all the time. I love sports and make money from it, but I refuse to place entertainment over empowerment.

The Black wealth in the US will be zero by 2053 because we don't do the things we can actually do. Instead, we waste a lot of time complaining and not trying to support the things we do have without being jealous.

None of my family read books. They want the cliffs notes version for everything instead of having a detailed discussion about empowerment followed by taking concrete actions and monitoring results. My family members believe everything the mainstream media says. They definitely don't want to build something small that can be very successful over the course of 5 to 10 years. There is always the defeatist rhetoric from them about how the white man won't let us have big money despite the fact that they talk about wanting to win the lottery all the time.

Our people can only really work together consistently if we are working together against a Black person we are jealous or mad at. Otherwise, we have too many excuses. I am thankful for those groups of Black people who truly are putting in intelligent work towards our people's liberation. I understand what you mean by get rich quick. They want to go from 0 to 100 instead of over time.

I am for our people having guns. But I rarely hear our people talking about us building a small think tank/intelligence gathering/cointelpro organization which would make wealth building easier and legal. It would consistently give us the pertinent information we need. A lot of our folks are lazy, scared or not knowledgeable about certain aspects which is why we would have to fund the Black people who are not lazy, fearless and intelligent. But they must be Black first for our empowerment. I like Professor Black Truth's commentary as well since he provides a realistic view. There are dozens of others just like him online who are not with the BS the white system and the black gatekeepers are on.