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Is 'Reverse Migration' One 0f The Answers?


Sixer First Class+
This guy (Never heard of him before, came across my feed) says there are about 9 states we already have at least 20 something percent of the population. For example, George has gone from in the 20s percentage Black to over 30 percent and these are states in the south.

He is talking voting Democratic party which I don't agree with, without getting tangibles. I am looking at it as controlling the state. So, when a black person gets killed by a cop the state attorney general, the city's prosecutor is us.

It's an interesting concept. Have enough of a percentage in a state where we run the state. Thoughts?



Royal Sixer
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    Half Black
    Democrats have had decades to solve problems for us and they only made them worse.

    I been saying it for awhile, all the good black folks that want a better and safer life need to come together and form our own damn state. We don't just need black wall street, we need a black state we run and we control. The ones that want to live that hood life killing each other and voting for old demon rats over and over again can stay in these immigrant sanctuary cities.
    These are white Democrats. His view is we have the numbers to either put in a Black person who is pro Black or a White person who will do what we want.


    Senior Sixer
    If we had the collective unity of the ancestors that participated in the earlier migrations it could render almost immediate results. We can do it sure, but not with the swift confidence of our ancestors, largely due to fact that the nuclear family unit that undertook those earlier migrations is very shattered. Didn’t watch the video but the guy’s name is Charles Blow & the book is “The Devil You Know”. Grey State Migration on the “How to Fund it Soxcially” has also written about about this concept. I would venture to say many of the Black property owners in America are in that contiguous configuration extending across numerous states known politically as The Black Belt. Roughly starts in Va & extends solidly down the Easter Seaboard into Florida then continues across the states that border the Gulf of Mexico into Texas. Here is an example of the portions of Alabama that comprise its Black belt. As you can see it crosses the state & extends into the adjacent states. These are probably mostly property owners



    Sixer First Class+
    We're 37% of Mississippi and one would think its big enough percentage where we could carve out some semblance of power. The white folks must be hella on code. Usually you'll at least have 30 to 40 percent of white folks acting liberal voting wise in most states.


    The First Sixer
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    Reverse migrations means nothing if it's a bunch of Black people congregating together to beg the Democrats for reparations while doing absolutely nothing to empower ourselves. The answer is working as a collective, when we do that the rest will sort itself out.
    Yeah, that's a given. I don't know anything about Mississippi politics but with 37 percent of the population, I am very curious to know how united the black population is and if they have generally agreed on what they want. Also, are we electing the right type of people representing blacks there?
    The Jackson, MS water situation should be all you need to know. In addition, the establishment controls the government so no matter who you elect they will co-opt them or get rid of them. Black people working together has to start at the atomic level...where we say "Brother' and "Sister" and mean it. There's no way we could vote ourselves out of this...we are too far gone. They are already turning over the labor force with immigrants and putting them in positions of power over us.

    Deleted member 1946

    We're 37% of Mississippi and one would think its big enough percentage where we could carve out some semblance of power. The white folks must be hella on code. Usually you'll at least have 30 to 40 percent of white folks acting liberal voting wise in most states.
    I live in Mississippi, and there are not enough of us on code. We cannot afford to keep voting for whoever the democrat establishment puts all this money behind. There was a black man who was trying to run for the governor's race in 2019, and I heard they told him no he wasn't gonna be allowed to run although he was qualified to be on the ballot. He didn't try to challenge them in court either.

    Deleted member 1946

    Reverse migrations means nothing if it's a bunch of Black people congregating together to beg the Democrats for reparations while doing absolutely nothing to empower ourselves. The answer is working as a collective, when we do that the rest will sort itself out.
    Bingo. Look at what happened in Jackson, MS. It is an 80 percent Black population city with about 150,000 ish people. What did the powerful White folks do? They created a new court of 100 percent White people (who do not have to live in the city). H.B. 1020 will allow them to have more power in unelected judges hand. Of course, recently, this action was deemed constitutional although the NAACP and other "Black" organizations yelled against it. How come we don't get up and create the same thing (a group of unelected people who are really for us) since it is clear the people who have been voted into office, including the mayor, city council and elected judges, are sellouts even with new democratic leadership. This is why that city is constantly falling apart despite the fact that democrats control everything.

    We, overall, become jealous when a Black person makes too much money from doing something positive in the community. It seems as if we are OK with Black people making a lot of money from the White establishment. However, we tend to come up with all kind of ridiculous excuses for why we don't want to support a Black business. I'm not saying we need to accept bad treatment. What I'm saying is we accept bad treatment from other groups, but we run fast when we are inconvenienced or will complain quickly when it is our people. I'm actually working on starting a Black chamber of commerce in Mississippi because the previous one is defunct.

    Deleted member 1946

    Democrats have had decades to solve problems for us and they only made them worse.

    I been saying it for awhile, all the good black folks that want a better and safer life need to come together and form our own damn state. We don't just need black wall street, we need a black state we run and we control. The ones that want to live that hood life killing each other and voting for old demon rats over and over again can stay in these immigrant sanctuary cities.
    I am all for this but where? The biggest objection will be where. Plenty of people will not want to relocate to Mississippi although it has the biggest percent of Black population. It would be easier to get control of than a place like Georgia due to the much lower population. Of course, Georgia already has more Black dollars per person than a state like Mississippi.

    I think as time goes on, more of our people will leave places like California, Chicago and New York City for the reason you said. They are definitely sanctuary places for illegal immigrants. I agree with you. And we are supposed to give the democrats another chance in 2024 and in the upcoming house/mayor/city council races? So many of our people think this online. We need good people to run who are not controlled.

    Deleted member 1946

    If we had the collective unity of the ancestors that participated in the earlier migrations it could render almost immediate results. We can do it sure, but not with the swift confidence of our ancestors, largely due to fact that the nuclear family unit that undertook those earlier migrations is very shattered. Didn’t watch the video but the guy’s name is Charles Blow & the book is “The Devil You Know”. Grey State Migration on the “How to Fund it Soxcially” has also written about about this concept. I would venture to say many of the Black property owners in America are in that contiguous configuration extending across numerous states known politically as The Black Belt. Roughly starts in Va & extends solidly down the Easter Seaboard into Florida then continues across the states that border the Gulf of Mexico into Texas. Here is an example of the portions of Alabama that comprise its Black belt. As you can see it crosses the state & extends into the adjacent states. These are probably mostly property owners

    View attachment 8848
    Thanks for sharing this. I have never heard of this contiguous configuration before. I did read Charles Blow book. My public library had it in there for people to check out.

    Deleted member 1946

    This guy (Never heard of him before, came across my feed) says there are about 9 states we already have at least 20 something percent of the population. For example, George has gone from in the 20s percentage Black to over 30 percent and these are states in the south.

    He is talking voting Democratic party which I don't agree with, without getting tangibles. I am looking at it as controlling the state. So, when a black person gets killed by a cop the state attorney general, the city's prosecutor is us.

    It's an interesting concept. Have enough of a percentage in a state where we run the state. Thoughts?

    I agree. And it has to be non-sellouts. Charles Blow appears to be talking like he is on our side, but if he is pegging us to the democrat party, then that is a non-starter for those of our people who have awakened to the truth. There are cities in the USA where our people are most of the elected leaders. Jackson, MS is an example, They are just as bad, if not worse, than the White ones. Our leaders are picked well in advance behind closed doors.

    Deleted member 1946

    Democrats have had decades to solve problems for us and they only made them worse.

    I been saying it for awhile, all the good black folks that want a better and safer life need to come together and form our own damn state. We don't just need black wall street, we need a black state we run and we control. The ones that want to live that hood life killing each other and voting for old demon rats over and over again can stay in these immigrant sanctuary cities.
    I don't think they will ever fix the problem. Why should they? When our people keep perpetually voting for them? When our people do get up and do something, we need to protect whoever is putting the money up, including their family and businesses. We need media platforms like this to help spread the truth faster to our people. The false propaganda and threats are coming. We can have big success with a well thought out strategy.

    I think we need to revisit Dr. Claud Anderson's 5 story building...
    1st is money through high paying jobs and then businesses
    2nd is politics through mayor/city council and then governor, lieutenant governor, house of representatives and senators
    3rd is police/court system
    4th is media
    5th is education

    I love what you said in your post because if we follow this 5 story building he made so famous, then we can do what you said regarding having our own state that works in our interest.


    Royal Sixer
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    Half Black
    I don't think they will ever fix the problem. Why should they? When our people keep perpetually voting for them? When our people do get up and do something, we need to protect whoever is putting the money up, including their family and businesses. We need media platforms like this to help spread the truth faster to our people. The false propaganda and threats are coming. We can have big success with a well thought out strategy.

    I think we need to revisit Dr. Claud Anderson's 5 story building...
    1st is money through high paying jobs and then businesses
    2nd is politics through mayor/city council and then governor, lieutenant governor, house of representatives and senators
    3rd is police/court system
    4th is media
    5th is education

    I love what you said in your post because if we follow this 5 story building he made so famous, then we can do what you said regarding having our own state that works in our interest.
    It just bothers me that our people keep voting for the iron. Like how many times are we just going to keep letting them lie to us? More and more are waking up though which is why they have illegals flooding the country. The whites cry "white replacement" when it isn't even about them. They are trying to replace us and our vote. This is why we need to start organizing and acting!


    Senior Sixer
    We're 37% of Mississippi and one would think it’s big enough percentage where we could carve out some semblance of power. The white folks must be hella on code. Usually you'll at least have 30 to 40 percent of white folks acting liberal voting wise in most states.
    “On code” is the key phrase. The Communist spearheaded a massive organizing campaign of Independent black farmers & semi independent sharecroppers and formed the 8,000 member Alabama Sharecroppers Union in the 1930’s. The entity in our community that has the infrastructure to mount such an effort today is the black church & sadly they have failed the community. Which is why I feel that a great many of them, with some exceptions, should be reduced to Rubble. Alabama Sharecroppers' Union |

    Deleted member 1946

    It just bothers me that our people keep voting for the iron. Like how many times are we just going to keep letting them lie to us? More and more are waking up though which is why they have illegals flooding the country. The whites cry "white replacement" when it isn't even about them. They are trying to replace us and our vote. This is why we need to start organizing and acting!
    I know one thing... As a group, we don't have a long term plan. When I listen to our people, it is a magic potion of a plan. We need a long term plan that can be achieved in stages. Since they are bringing them to places like Texas, California, Chicago and New York City, we need to go to places where we have a chance to take over.


    Royal Sixer
  • Messages
    Half Black
    I know one thing... As a group, we don't have a long term plan. When I listen to our people, it is a magic potion of a plan. We need a long term plan that can be achieved in stages. Since they are bringing them to places like Texas, California, Chicago and New York City, we need to go to places where we have a chance to take over.
    They are ruining places around the country with their policies and allowing this mob of immigration take over cities, especially black spaces, should be viewed as hate crime.

    Deleted member 1946

    “On code” is the key phrase. The Communist spearheaded a massive organizing campaign of Independent black farmers & semi independent sharecroppers and formed the 8,000 member Alabama Sharecroppers Union in the 1930’s. The entity in our community that has the infrastructure to mount such an effort today is the black church & sadly they have failed the community. Which is why I feel that a great many of them, with some exceptions, should be reduced to Rubble. Alabama Sharecroppers' Union |
    Yep. Didn't President Bush sign the faith based initiative or something like that which basically forced pastors into silence?


    Senior Sixer
    Thanks for sharing this. I have never heard of this contiguous configuration before. I did read Charles Blow book. My public library had it in there for people to check out.
    Strangely enough I only heard about it a number of years ago while eavesdropping on some hardcore Dems discussing political strategy. Sitting in the dining area of a local CoOp Grocery in liberal Chapel Hill I got an earful. It was a stereotypical informal meeting of 2 Democrat Operatves; young white guy confirming and underscoring his marching orders to a mid-upper class boomer black woman. Another term they used to describe the educated black property owners outside of the Raleigh/Durham-Greensboro & Winston-Salem, Charlotte areas is “Countrypolitan”😂


    Royal Sixer
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    Half Black
    It should be. I don't think it will ever change though since there are not enough of us on code. And there are not enough of us who are powerful either.
    This is what bothers me. Like a lot of our people in America will just take comfortable handouts to accept this crap and the cycle just keeps running on repeat. They do something to ruin our lives, we get mad, they give us bread crumbs, we shut up for a few years, then they do something else to ruin our lives. Far too many black Americans are comfortable to being at the bottom and that has to change and it won't change until enough of us can get on the same page.

    Deleted member 1946

    This is what bothers me. Like a lot of our people in America will just take comfortable handouts to accept this crap and the cycle just keeps running on repeat. They do something to ruin our lives, we get mad, they give us bread crumbs, we shut up for a few years, then they do something else to ruin our lives. Far too many black Americans are comfortable to being at the bottom and that has to change and it won't change until enough of us can get on the same page.
    Agree. The handouts are just an appeasement tool. Almost like giving a pacifier to a baby. We make an inch of progress and then stop. Mostly just hope. Other people are always watching us because they don't want us to catch up with them.

    Regarding the topic of reverse migration, I know this system has eyes and ears everywhere keeping tabs on what we are doing so they can stay multiple steps ahead. I do know that we tend to use our eyes and ears to be entertained and not for empowerment. Our survival is at stake.

    Deleted member 1946

    Strangely enough I only heard about it a number of years ago while eavesdropping on some hardcore Dems discussing political strategy. Sitting in the dining area of a local CoOp Grocery in liberal Chapel Hill I got an earful. It was a stereotypical informal meeting of 2 Democrat Operatves; young white guy confirming and underscoring his marching orders to a mid-upper class boomer black woman. Another term they used to describe the educated black property owners outside of the Raleigh/Durham-Greensboro & Winston-Salem, Charlotte areas is “Countrypolitan”😂
    You wanna know why this post irritates me? I don't disagree not one bit. I'm sick of others scheming and plotting against us while using our own people against us. I believe you when you say this because this kind of crap goes on in Mississippi. A small, medium or large group of White folks will get together (depending on where it is and what level of politics it is). They will discuss how things have gone recently and where they want them to go. Black people do not do this unless it is apart of the bootlick Black organizations approved of by the White power structure (such as the NAACP). It is almost impossible to get together with most Black folks in Mississippi of financial means to discuss politics behind closed doors so we can gain some power. Why? Because most are Boule.

    Countrypolitan??? That is indeed funny. We need to come up with a name for them.