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It's Different When A Black Father Is Involved.


Sixer First Class+
With the exception of coons (Botham Jean case), the cops and the DA, and everyone are way more careful when there is a black father.

Sad truth is cops, teachers, and other jobs where white supremacists come in contact with our kids, they know that there is hardly a father in the home. I recall the matter of the school resource officer slamming that black girl on the floor with her desk. I saw a school board meeting after that and this brotha, swole too, was pissed off, and rightfully so. He told them, if he ever hears something like that happening to his child he is coming back and dealing with them personally. They knew exactly what he meant. Their faces were shook and should be shook.

Any father, black, white or whatever may snap over something happening to their son or daughter. Cops, teachers know this and act accordingly if they know that child has a father in his home. Ain't gonna be any 'forgive, forgive, forgive'. If they are lucky the courts deal with you. But usually someone is turning up. When that young brotha got hemmed up by the white men in a cul de sac in the south a couple years ago, black men turnt up, with sistas too but it was the sight of seeing all those black men that got them shook and made the community force dude out the paint.

You hear Cyn G and others talking this BS about 'black men don't protect us'. Complete BS. I had that discussion with a sista once talking that BS. I asked her 'Have you ever, ever in your life felt unsafe being with any ex black boyfriend?' crickets. You and I know there are literally 1000s of black males in jail, dead or in the hospital because some sista told her brother, cousin or homie that another dude hit her or called her out her name. But black men don't protect? It's a cliche in the hood someone getting beat down or whatever because of that. Remember that scene in Menace in Society where dude cussed out the girl who he got pregnant?