Three thoughts. When I saw him trying tell a White woman who was out drunk, to try and carry herself like Coretta Scott King, I knew he was too far gone in the sunken place for Becky.
Second, I'm not a fan of him personally but the injustice was blatant and this precedence is bad for all Black men. So, by extension it has an extended affect on all of us. This was white supremacy saying 'Yeah, we are blatantly miscarrying justice. Deal with it'
Third, whomever is the prosecutor, the fact it even came to trial with all this video evidence and that person's name isn't widely talked about is a problem we have as a community. Gays, Jews, Latinos, etc would have had all the protagonists name on blast. We as a collective usually only do the 'Aw man, this shyt is f*cked up' and leave it that.